09.11.17 DMC Minutes 1 CITY OF BOULDER, COLORADO BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS MEETING MINUTES NAME OF BOARD/COMMISSION: DOWNTOWN MANAGEMENT COMMISSION NAME/TELEPHONE OF PERSON PREPARING SUMMARY: Ruth Weiss – 303-413-7318 NAMES OF MEMBERS, STAFF, AND INVITED GUESTS PRESENT: BOARD MEMBERS: DEANS, FELDMAN, KNOFF(absent), NIEMEYER, SHAPINS (absent) STAFF: WINTER, LANDRITH, YATES, CONNELLY, HAYDEN, MCELDOWNEY, WEISS GUESTS: Sean Maher TYPE OF MEETING: Regular September 11, 2017 AGENDA ITEM 1 – Roll Call: Called to order at 5:26 p.m. AGENDA ITEM 2 - Approval of the June 5 and July 27, 2017 Meeting Minutes: Niemeyer motioned to approve the minutes and Deans seconded. All commissioners approved. AGENDA ITEM 3 – Public Participation: none AGENDA ITEM 4 – Police Update: McEldowney said that administrative issues occurred with transition to a new records management system, so no recent statistics available to share but stats haven’t changed much from same period last year. The Pearl Street Mall coverage continues to be supplemented with overtime officers. Bike patrols have been cancelled. Body cameras have been distributed to officers and are activated on most calls, with cloud-based storage. BPD currently is down 10 officers, which is typical across the U.S. right now. McEldowney is moving into personnel and training position in January. AGENDA ITEM 5 – Parks Update: Hayden said the Mall will remove old plantings and plant tulip bulbs after CU Family Weekend, around Oct. 9. Shade structures also will be removed in early October. Most zero waste cans have been installed. The Civic Area is slightly ahead of schedule, with larger areas expected to be open by the end of October. The transient issue has somewhat dispersed from downtown but the contractor handling the regular cleanup of encampments has been called to hurricane clean-up in TX and FL. Deans asked about pressure washing the bricks and commented that the sidewalks downtown are disgusting. Hayden replied that there are storm water reclamation mandates associated with power washing and few contractors able to comply. Maher said a great washing rain storm is needed to cleanse the sidewalks and there is no budget for power washing. Maher suggested that Parks, BID and CV meet to discuss this issue. Deans mentioned that there is a trash issue at Eben Fine Park. Niemeyer said the mall landscaping this year was amazing. Feldman questioned composting container labeling and their locations. AGENDA ITEM 6 – Downtown Boulder Partnership Update: Maher said that rats are 2 reported in the alley ways by restaurants in the east end following changes in how restaurants traditionally handled their own refuse. Hayden said the city has an integrated pest manager along with a rat trapper. Maher reported that graffiti is at an all-time low. He said the Craft Beer Festival was a huge success at North Boulder Park, Fall Festival is the weekend of Sept. 23 and Girls Night Out is Sept. 28. AGENDA ITEM 7 - Public Hearing and Consideration of a Motion to Recommend to City Council the Community Vitality 2018 Budget: Winter said there is a public hearing every year on the budget. Winter reviewed what is different in the budget from last year, including: the ongoing operating cost of the new garage system and the call system associated with the gates-down 24/7 approach; annual expenses of the new Trinity Commons garage following completion anticipated by end of 2017; Farnsworth capital assets inventory program that will aid staying on top of capital maintenance; Smarking parking utilization data tracking to support data-driven decisions such as parking pricing; long- term permit rate increase revenue boost; capital funding for stair replacement at 15th and Pearl and 11th and Spruce garages. Feldman mentioned that innovative strategies are warranted. Winter mentioned that some big debts will be eliminated soon and there will be opportunity for new investments. Niemeyer moved to recommend that Council approve the CAGID budget for 2018 as presented in the Community Vitality budget and Deans seconded. All voted in favor. Winter noted that over a million dollars is spent on downtown EcoPassses each year.   AGENDA ITEM 8 - Matters from Commissioners:  Seeking HOP Stakeholder Group Representative - Downtown/Boulder Junction Route: Feldman offered to represent DMC on this stakeholders group.  Niemeyer mentioned the Doctors Without Borders exhibit in front of the courthouse recently was interesting and educational. AGENDA ITEM 9 - Matters from Staff:  Neighborhood Parking Permit (NPP) Program Update: Yates presented an overview of the proposed program update process and schedule, including the current 12 NPP zones, zone expansion issues, number and price of NPP permits, and administrative processes. She noted that city-wide projects open house is planned for Oct. 11. Feldman: ◦Pricing should pay for enforcement and the balance in TDM options. ◦Two sides to access preference: visitors/commuters and residents. ◦Take access and livability very seriously! Make the number of permits allocated and price a good balance. Deans: there are issues with the NPP and its most relevant to neighborhoods close to downtown and Chautauqua, places where a lot of visitors come to park. Homeowners pay taxes to maintain streets and their neighborhoods. In the evolvement of Boulder, her neighborhood will get worse with upcoming development at Alpine and Balsam. There are options that people need to be aware of in the future governance of neighborhoods.  Downtown Retail Strategy Update: Connelly reported that nine proposals were received by today’s deadline and staff will check references and confirm respondents’ ability to meet the tight project timeline of Oct. 1 start and year-end completion. Feldman said the recommended strategies must be actionable and staff concurred. Retail store hours were discussed.  Nighttime garage permit discussed.  CU Homecoming Weekend is Oct. 27-29 with football game on Oct. 28, 2017 is the 50th