07.27.17 DMC Retreat Packet
Thursday, July 27, 2016
8 am to 1 pm
Conscience Bay Company, 929 Pearl Street, Suite 300
8:00 am Continental Breakfast
8:30 CAGID Art in Parking Garages Program – Mandy Vink, Public Art Coordinator, L&A
9:15 d2d Phase II (“d2d2”) Concept – Joel Christensen/Commutifi
10:00 Farnsworth Garage Assessment Report – Mitch Gordon, Farnsworth
10:30 BREAK
10:45 Downtown Retail Strategy Scope of Work – Susan Connelly
11:15 NPP Refresh – Melissa Yates, Access and Parking Manager
11:30 Review Commission Priorities
Noon Lunch Service
Invited guests: Mary Ann Weideman, Sean Maher
1:00 pm Adjourn
NPP Refresh: Scope/Approach/Outline Draft July 17, 2017
Downtown Boulder Retail/Vibrancy Study Scope of Work Draft July 14, 2017
Next Meeting: Monday, September 11
Commissioner Terms DMC 2016 Priorities:
Andrew Niemeyer: 2017-2022 Citizen at Large -Work with City Council and other boards and commissions, and RTD
Eli Feldman: 2015-2020 Property Rep to educate and increase understanding of current downtown parking
Adam Knoff 2016-2018 Property Rep supply /demand and future needs.
Sue Deans 2014-2019 Property Rep - Work with the City Council, other boards and commissions, and RTD
Jerry Shapins 2016-2021 Citizen at Large to increase awareness and understanding of all modes of transportation
used by residents and visitors to access downtown, and the need to
increase downtown’s accessibility.
- Increase discourse and understanding of impacts the homeless
population on downtown Boulder and opportunities for long-term
NPP Refresh: Scope/Approach/Outline
DRAFT July17, 2017
VISION for the Refreshed NPP Program – A refreshed NPP program will: reaffirm the
balance between preserving neighborhood character and livability while providing public access
to community facilities; integrate AMPS and SUMP principles; explore options to enhance
neighborhood mobility; and otherwise supports the city’s Sustainability Goals.
Project Purpose Statement - The purpose of the NPP Refresh project is to [focus on continuous
improvement and] update policy and operational areas as necessary in order to ensure the NPP
program continues to meet current community and business needs and anticipates future needs
and opportunities.
Project Goal Statements: [DESIRED OUTCOMES]
1. Improve the satisfaction survey results in each category in 2018 in order to ensure the
administration of a program that meets community needs.
2. Revise the business process to be customer-centered and efficient as measured by
customer satisfaction survey and elimination of xx business steps in order to ensure
current community and business needs are met.
3. Improve service excellence policies to support best practices and reduce the processing
time from submission of an application to the [issuance of permits?]
4. Improve data collection methodology in order to drive a quality product and improve
confidence in the results. [What to measure?]
5. Ensure a cost-recovered program that accounts for all programmatic aspects, including
education, informational materials, technology, etc.
What has changed since creation of NPP program in 1994…
AMPS, SUMP, growth in transit and other mobility options, technological advances,
commitment to data-driven decision-making…
Access and parking vision today
Proposed NPP Refresh Project Process/Schedule, including communications and
community engagement plan –
The Public Participation Working Group (PPWG) recommended the following approach to
creating and utilizing a comprehensive decision-making process:
Phase 1: Planning to Plan
Step #1: Define the Work Before Embarking
Step #2: Determine Who Is Affected
Step #3: Create a Public Engagement Plan, including a Communications Plan
Phase 2: Start the Process
Step #4: Share a Foundation of Information and Inquiry
Phase 3: Develop and Evaluate Options
Step #5: Identify Options
Step #6: Evaluate Ideas
Phase 4: Make the Decision
Step #7: Make a Decision
Step #8: Communicate the Decision and Rationale
Phase 5: Evaluate the Process
Step #9: Reflect and Evaluate
The following proposed schedule incorporates the community engagement approach
recommended by the PPWG and tools recommended by IAP2. Because this is a program refresh
and not a new program, policy or project starting from scratch, the proposed process and schedule
combines the community engagement process for PPWG’s Steps 4, 5 and 6.
Phase 1: Planning to Plan - Step #1: Define the Work Before Embarking, Step #2: Determine
Who Is Affected and Step #3: Create a Public Engagement Plan, including a Communications
Plan -
Affected parties include:
Residents of existing NPP zones (whether or not they currently use NPP permits) and of
areas that have sought expansion of NPP zones
Zone businesses
Adjacent-to-zone businesses
Phase 2: Start the Process/ Step #4: Share a Foundation of Information and Inquiry AND
Phase 3: Develop and Evaluate Options/ Step #5: Identify Options and Step #6: Evaluate Ideas
The proposed process and schedule includes:
August 2017 Staff develops NPP Refresh webpage and online questionnaire and prepares
postcard mailing to notify affected parties of the NPP Refresh process, the
webpage address, availability of an online questionnaire, open house to be held on
September 20th and opportunity to get on a project e-mail list
Sept Webpage operational 9/1
Questionnaire goes live 9/1– seeking input re: experiences with NPP, what works
well, what needs work, which initial options appeal and which do not, what else
needs to be addressed, additional options to pursue
Postcard notification mailed 9/1
Press release re: NPP Refresh project, webpage, questionnaire and open house
Next Door utilized to get word out about webpage, questionnaire and upcoming
open house
Research and Benchmarking – to understand what peer communities are doing to
address the same challenges and opportunities
Open House on September 20th at _______________ sharing initial problem
statement, initial identification of opportunities/options and questionnaire results
and seeking input: Are these the right issues and goals? Are these the right
options to consider?
Oct Questionnaire closes after four weeks 10/1
Staff analyzes questionnaire results and open house inputs
Staff considers all community input to date and prepares preliminary memo
Nov Boards and commissions – Are these the right issues and goals? Are these the
right options to consider?
BJAD – Oct. 18 or Nov. __
UHCAMC – Oct. 25
DMC – Nov 6
Downtown Boulder Partnership – Nov 8
Downtown Business Improvement District – Nov 9
TAB – Nov. 13 [memo due Nov. 3]
November 28 City Council Study Session – Are these the right issues and goals?
Are these the right options to consider?
Staff communicates Council direction and next steps to project e-mail list and on
Staff pursues options per Council direction
December Staff prepares memorandum re: initial recommendations for actions and proposed
next steps
Staff communicates its memorandum and next steps to project e-mail list and on webpage
Boards and commissions – input re: staff’s initial recommendations for actions
and proposed next steps
DMC – Nov. 6 or Dec. 4
Downtown Boulder Partnership – Nov. 8 or Dec. 13
Downtown Business Improvement District – Nov. 9 or Dec 14
BJAD – Nov. ???
TAB – Dec. 11 [memo due Friday Dec.1]
Phase 4: Make the Decision/ Step #7: Make a Decision and Step #8: Communicate the
Decision and Rationale
January 30? City Council– Council decisions/direction on staff’s initial
recommendations for actions and proposed next steps
Staff communicates Council direction/decision via e-mail and on project webpage
Phase 5: Evaluate the Process/ Step #9: Reflect and Evaluate
Questions for Council:
1. Are these the right preliminary issues and goals?
2. Are these the right preliminary options to consider?
3. Given that this project is a refresh as opposed to a new program, is the project
process/schedule and proposed communications and community engagement plan the
right approach to achieve the project goals?
Downtown Boulder Retail/Vibrancy Study Scope of Work
Draft 7/14/17
Evaluation of Downtown Boulder (observed and analysis of existing data)
o Vibrancy (activity, mix of users, etc.)
o Current tenant mix (retail, dining, arts/entertainment, services, office, etc.)
o Current retail mix (merchandise categories, price ranges, local/national, etc.)
o Retail sales, visitor survey and real estate data
o Relationship/connection to Civic Area, Conference Center Site, Broadway
Corridor/Alpine-Balsam, Boulder Junction and other attractions
Trends analysis
o Retail industry trends
o Consumer purchasing behavior and other emerging trends affecting retail sales
o Best practices in comparable market areas
Market potential
o Trade area definition
o Resident spending patterns and estimated “leakage”
Stakeholder input
o Qualities that contribute to area’s success
o Barriers and challenges, i.e., cost of retail space, regulations, perceptions, etc.
o Opportunities for improvement
o Willingness of property owners to partner on optimal tenant mix (rather than leasing
to whoever will pay the highest rent)
Analysis and recommendations
o Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats
o Review of affordable retail options and potential programs
o Recommendations actions/enhancements including specific retailers to pursue
o Input/recommendations for addressing difference in size of available retail spaces
(3,000+ SF) vs. retailer demand for smaller spaces (1,000 – 1,500 SF)
o Input/recommendations on developing a retail incubator
o Meetings with city staff and DBP to set scope and review progress
o Presentation and discussion of results with city staff and DBP
o Written report
o Presentation(s) to DMC, DBP, BID (joint meeting?) and possibly City Council
o Presentation to DMC for comments – late July
o IP to City Council – early August
o RFP – mid August
o Select consultant – September
o Project work – October
o Final report ‐ December
Estimated Budget
o $50,000 from COB to fund study + TBD contribution from DBP to support study and
fund implementation