06.05.17 DMC Minutes 1 CITY OF BOULDER, COLORADO BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS MEETING MINUTES NAME OF BOARD/COMMISSION: DOWNTOWN MANAGEMENT COMMISSION NAME/TELEPHONE OF PERSON PREPARING SUMMARY: Ruth Weiss – 303-413- 7318 NAMES OF MEMBERS, STAFF, AND INVITED GUESTS PRESENT: BOARD MEMBERS: DEANS, FELDMAN, KNOFF (absent), NIEMEYER, SHAPINS SHAPINS STAFF: WINTER, LANDRITH, JOBERT, HAYDEN, McELDOWNEY GUESTS: TYPE OF MEETING: Regular Meeting June 5, 2017 AGENDA ITEM 1 – Roll Call: Called to order at 5:31 p.m. AGENDA ITEM 2 - Approval of the May 1, 2017 Meeting Minutes (See Action Item Below): Shapins moved approval of the May 1st meeting minutes. Deans seconded the motion. The motion passed 4 – 0 with Knoff absent. AGENDA ITEM 3 – Public Participation: None AGENDA ITEM 4 – Police Update: McEldowney said it has been a slow couple of weeks. Stats are comparable to last year. Stats for mall overtime assignment has written 60 tickets with lots of warnings to dogs and smoking on the mall. McEldowney sought input as to issuing tickets. McEldowney said that so many dogs are seen on the mall that the perception shows allowance. Signs discussed and the overwhelming number of signs that not all being viewed. Shapins said current efforts are keeping numbers down and the approach is good. Deans questioned the restrooms. McEldowney said it seems to be a bit better. Hayden said that cleaning times have been adjusted. AGENDA ITEM 5 – Parks Update - Callie Hayden: Hayden said planting done, added tropical this year for variety. Feldman questioned xeriscaping on the mall. Playground slated to open late summer or early fall. Heavy-duty utility work now in Civic Area. Iron Man this weekend along with Dead concert. AGENDA ITEM 6 – DBP Update: Maher unable to attend. Report distributed to commissioners. AGENDA ITEM 7 - Matters from the Commissioners: Deans requested an update on the Civic Use Pad and questioned the Lutheran Church parking. Winter said the parking construction is proceeding on schedule and no problems encountered to date. Niemeyer mentioned the Free Speech on the courthouse lawn and the shooting that was political. Niemeyer continued that left leaning cities targeted.