04.03.17 DMC Minutes CITY OF BOULDER, COLORADOPM 4; 4 3
GUESTS: Adam Kulikowski, Scott Kulikowski,Matthew Aulton
TYPE OF MEETING: Regular Meeting April 3,2017
AGENDA ITEM 1 — Roll Call: Called to order at 5:32 p.m.
AGENDA ITEM 2 -Appreciation of Scott Crabtree: Winter presented Crabtree with a
memento of appreciation from the board and staff for his years of service on the commission.
AGENDA ITEM 3 -Swearing in of New Commissioner: Andrew Niemeyer: Completed
AGENDA ITEM 4-Election of Officers: Deans nominated Feldman for Chair. Knoff
seconded. The motion passed 5—0. Shapins nominated Knoff for Vice Chair. Deans seconded
the nominations. The motion passed 5 —0.
AGENDA ITEM 5 -Approval of the February 6 and March 6,2017 Meeting Minutes (See
Action Item Below): Deans moved approval of the February 6th and March 6th meeting
minutes. Knoff seconded the motion. The motion passed 5 - 0.
AGENDA ITEM 6—Public Participation: None
AGENDA ITEM 7—Police Update: McEldowney said HOT team members Paddock and Ramos
have helped some individuals with housing outside of Boulder.McEldowney mentioned that stats
are similar to last year,there have been several arrests in the Circle K area, staffing has increased,
and working daily on the mall, next week will begin bicycle patrol on the bike paths. There is an
increase in police presence on the muni campus and civic area patrols will begin in a few weeks.
Deans queried the mall bathroom patrol. McEldowney said there is increased surveillance of the
mall bathrooms and looking to change some ordinances to assist officers with enforcement.
AGENDA ITEM 8—Parks Update:Landrith said that Parks and Rec staff met with Facilities and
looking to have Top Gun to power wash the mall. An increased ventilation system and change in
urinals is being reviewed for the mall restrooms.Tulip Fairy celebration was yesterday and tulips are
looking beautiful.Forestry has ordered new trees for the mall with an install in the coming months.
AGENDA ITEM 9—Prohibition of Financial Institutions on the First-Floor Ordinance-
Connelly: Connelly said council passed on first reading in February a prohibition of first-floor
banking institutions on Pearl Street between 9th and 18th Streets. The topic is due back to council
on May 2❑d. Winter said that Downtown Boulder Partnership would like it tabled and have a
retail study done. Winter said that council is concerned with more banks coming on the mall.
Winter continued that a retail strategy study may result in changes. Knoff mentioned that
perhaps a temporary ordinance would suffice while completing the retail study. Knoff asked how
the commission could be more effective. Shapins questioned what is the commissions role?
Feldman suggested finding a middle ground. Feldman motioned for a temporary ordinance on
financial institution on first floor pending completion of a retail study in the interim. Winter said
the retail analysis/strategy is a separate track and could be done relatively quickly. Knoff asked
who is paying for the study and Winter replied the expense would be shared with Downtown
Boulder Partnership.Niemeyer brought up the legality of banning banks. Deans would support
the temporary compromise to move forward. Connelly said this topic goes to Planning Board on
April 6. The Downtown Management Commission recommends that City Council enact a
temporary limitation on financial institutions on the first floor of Pearl Street between 9th and
18th Streets to expire at the end of 2017 to allow for completion of a retail study to be completed
by end of 2017. Deans seconded the motion. The motion passed 5 -0.
AGENDA ITEM 10—Update on Downtown Garage Access and Revenue Controls System-
PARCS -Yates: Connelly read a note from Yates: The PARCS project equipment is being
installed at the final location at our 11th and Spruce garage. If all items go smoothly this week
on the project, we will perform a "soft open"of the new system at 11th and Spruce during the
week of Monday April 10. Work in support of the project, such as the call service and in lane
cameras are being installed simultaneously with the equipment when possible. Once we move to
the soft open at I1 th and Spruce, the project is in effect complete.
Deans asked if there was push back from the public. Connelly replied that she didn't think so
and public alternatives for late night parking is under review.
AGENDA ITEM 11 -Pearl Street Grill Mobile Vending Cart—Request to operate before
10 pm, eliminating a condition in their present permit based upon an issue 12 years ago
with Old Chicago-Landrith: Landrith said that there is an ordinance for 13 mobile food carts,
and gave details. The Pearl Street Grill reps are here to discuss their service and their cart located
on 11th by the taxi stand.
Scott Kulikowski asked the board to revisit his permit and its limitations of selling before 10 pm.
They serve 10 pm to 3 am and sell during the day on the 1200 block of the mall. They have been
asked to pay multiple fees since they have multiple locations. They started in 2005 and had
permission to sell by Old Chicago. Winter said there is a mall ordinance regarding vending carts,
there had been a lot of turnover, but there hasn't been a new cart application in years.
Winter asked for the board's advice on the changes being proposed. Adam suggested the Pearl
Street Pub provide a letter that this proposal is not an issue for them. Knoff liked the idea of
more activity on that corner and noted who knows who the new ground floor tenant would be in
the Old Chicago space. Discussion continued around menu, where they are located, prior
business plans, and what is timing requested. Shapins mentioned that there is a need to have
affordable food downtown. Winter summarized: location stays the same, hours could be
modified, any cart can stay into the evening, expanding to daytime hours and the serving of like
food needs to be resolved, and it's a great idea to have another food option but need to consider
the other restaurants in the area. Knoff said it's a different dining experience from a cart to a
restaurant. Feldman said that permits should not be automatically renewed. Winter mentioned it
could be a yearly competition in the future.
AGENDA ITEM 12 -Capital Improvements Sales Tax Extension—Input Sought-
Connelly: Connelly said there is consideration of an extension on capital improvements sales
tax like Ballot Issue 2A in 2014. Boards are being asked to give feedback to the community
working group, re: possible allocations among categories: unfunded needs: essential deficiencies,
high priority actions items, vision projects, and community-based projects. Knoff asked about
the financial breakdown of funds and the breakdown of revenue from tax. Feldman wanted to
know what the will of the voter was previously. Connelly replied that there were specific
projects on the ballot approved by voters and they have been constructed. Knoff said a tax like
this revenue should be prioritized for projects that don't have another avenue for funds. Knoff
continued that community-based projects have grant capabilities. Feldman said that visions
projects should be first, second high priority and deficiencies would be last.
AGENDA ITEM 13 -Matters from the Commissioners:
AGENDA ITEM 14—Matters from the Staff:
Connelly—d2d debrief will be on the May agenda.
Retreat Dates—7/27/17 from 8 am— 1 pm. August meeting will be cancelled.
Infographic—Lisa Smith distributed the draft to the commissioners and described the content.
Deans said it is attractive but needs to examine it more deeply. Feldman offered that biking and
walking are not called out. Smith said that it is located on the other side and bike rack data would be
relevant. Winter suggested Bcycle data. Shapins said it's a collection of imagery and texts, the
graphics should be more sophisticated with image/map as the centerpiece, then wrap around the
different input being managed. Smith said this piece was an existing piece, its comfortable and
relatable. Shapins would like it to be story to engage the reader that peaks curiosity.
Winter asked what are the facts you wish to convey? Niemeyer asked how the data is collected.
Winter replied that its downtown Boulder survey that is done every two years via an intercept
survey,the back side has facts and the downtown employee survey. Jobert said the data is currently
being verified and not for the media yet.Feldman suggested including what is being done to improve
the status quo.
Jobert said that sales tax reports for 2017 are being generated and will bring the CIP plan for the
investment in the garages.
AGENDA ITEM 10—Action Items:
• Mall vending cart permit renewal process and mobile vending cart process.
• d2d debrief on the May agenda
MOTION: Deans moved to approve the February 611 and March 6' meeting minutes.
Knoff seconded the motion. The motion passed S - 0.
MOTION: The Downtown Management Commission recommends that City Council
enact a temporary limitation on financial institutions on the first floor of
Pearl Street between 91h and 18th Streets to expire at the end of 2017 to allow
for completion of a retail study to be completed by end of 2017.
Meeting Adjourned: 7:29 p.m.
NEXT MEETING: May 1, 2017- Council Chambers - Regular Meeting
Ruth Weiss, Secretary €1i-Eeldma�C