03.06.17 DMC Packet DOWNTOWN MANAGEMENT COMMISSION March 6, 2017 5:30 pm Regular Meeting Council Chambers, 1777 Broadway Agenda 1. Roll Call 2. Approval of the February 6, 2017 Meeting Minutes 3. Public Participation 4. Police Update 5. Parks Update 6. Update on Downtown Garage Access and Revenue Control System PARCS - Yates • Impact of Gates Down 24/7 in Downtown Parking Garages on Lower-W age Workers - Jobert/Yates 7. Discussion of Next Steps re: Ordinance Prohibiting Financial Institutions on the First Floor on Pearl Street between 9th Street and 18th Street - Connelly 8. Matters from Commissioners 9. Matters from Staff • Update on Homelessness Task Force - Riley • HOP Refresh Recommendations - Stiffler • Update on Height Moratorium - Connelly 10. Action Summary Attachments • February 6, 2017 Draft Meeting Minutes • Sales and Use Tax Revenue Report – December 2016 • Police Stats • Open/Close List Upcoming Meetings/Topics Development of Key Monthly Stats Commissioner Terms DMC 2017 Priorities: Scott Crabtree: 2012-2017 Citizen at Large -Work with the community and downtown stakeholders to develop a downtown Eli Feldman: 2015-2020 Property Rep master plan to ensure the ongoing success of downtown into the future. The plan Adam Knoff 2016-2018 Property Rep would include an urban design framework to establish concepts, programs and Sue Deans 2014-2019 Property Rep implementation steps for sustainable transportation and mobility systems, parks Jerry Shapins 2016-2021 Citizen at Large and open spaces, and urban land uses, as well as policies, programs and recommendations in the area of economic vitality and social sustainability. - Work with City Council and other boards and commissions, the public and other stakeholders to educate and increase understanding of downtown parking supply/demand and future needs; increase awareness and understanding of all modes of transportation used by residents and visitors to access downtown, and the need to increase downtown’s accessibility. -Increase discourse and understanding of impacts the homeless population on downtown Boulder and opportunities for long-term solutions. 1 CITY OF BOULDER, COLORADO BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS MEETING MINUTES NAME OF BOARD/COMMISSION: DOWNTOWN MANAGEMENT COMMISSION NAME/TELEPHONE OF PERSON PREPARING SUMMARY: Ruth Weiss – 303-413- 7318 NAMES OF MEMBERS, STAFF, AND INVITED GUESTS PRESENT: BOARD MEMBERS: CRABTREE, DEANS, FELDMAN, KNOFF, SHAPINS STAFF: WINTER, LANDRITH, JOBERT, WEISS, CONNELLY, McELDOWNEY, HAYDEN GUESTS: Sean Maher, Andy Niemeyer TYPE OF MEETING: Regular Meeting February 6, 2017 AGENDA ITEM 1 – Meeting/Roll Call: Called to order at 5:35 p.m. AGENDA ITEM 2 - Approval of the January 9, 2017 Meeting Minutes (See Action Item Below): AGENDA ITEM 3 – Public Participation: None AGENDA ITEM 4 – Police Update: McEldowney said the January stats were uneventful. Mall officer hours have been changed with one officer position to be filled and an injury to another. Some officers are coming in early to hit the campers on the mall. Mall area is being hit hard and looking for assistance with the 13th Street bathroom complaints. Abel and Riley put out an internal note on the cases they are working - 8 chronic users of the system. McEldowney said from the 700 block west, residents are seeing a lot of campers. Crabtree asked how other cities deal with it. McEldowney has reached out to regional cities for their solutions and no one has found one. McEldowney said there are 10 vacancies in the department. AGENDA ITEM 5 – Parks Update: Hayden said the Parks crew is being impacted by the transients on the mall. Mall plants ordered, working with DBP to create a better planting schedule and looking at bollard replacement. Civic Area construction is underway. Lighting will come down this month and trees will go dark. AGENDA ITEM 6 – Civic Area Construction Update: Nothing new since update given last month. AGENDA ITEM 7– BID Update: Maher said January was busy, seasonal banners are down and student banners are up until April. January was a bad graffiti month. Holiday lights are down, marketing published the 2017 Visitor’s Guide and distributed. Tulip Fairy and Elf Festival is April 2, and Boulder Arts Week - March 31 to April 8th. AGENDA ITEM 8 - Matters from the Commissioners: Shapins attended the Canyon 2 Complete Streets meeting and bikes were a puzzle, three options were presented and some people are questioning the need to accommodate bikes. Shapins continued that there will be a lot of amenities. The scope is 17th Street to 9th Street with no money dedicated, working on the concept and then funding. Crabtree questioned if it was still the four options presented earlier. Shapins said yes. Shapins voted for the buffered bike lane that is somewhat protected and flexible for future changes. Timing was questioned. Landrith mentioned that two lanes of traffic be maintained east and west bound, trees and band shell would remain intact. Shapins said that with mobility changes there may not need such a wide roadway. Landrith said the Farmers’ Market will expand to host additional vendors use the ice rink area at One Boulder Plaza. AGENDA ITEM 9 – Matters from the Staff: Connelly said that 2d2, as of today, had 5005 people registered, with 1.79 rides taken per registrant. People are registering and not using it. Pilot will go through 2/14/17 and will have a full report for the commission in April with what was learned from the pilot and what are the opportunities ahead. The goal of reducing parking demand is being met. Deans questioned if there would be funding to do it again in the summer. Winter said they will be exploring various possibilities. Winter said staff is working with Library and Arts to incorporate arts in the parking garages and looking at an RFP soon for both permanent and temporary art. Winter said that starting today the PARCs system is being replaced in the 15th and Pearl Street garage and will take two weeks. The gate access system will be installed in each garage. The gates will be down all the time and will require payment during operating hours from 7am to 2 am. Free parking in garages will continue on Saturdays. Validation system will change and will work with permit holders and will use a license plate tracking system. Winter said that Pollard Motors has left the 30th and Pearl site and there is an opportunity to do remote parking there for about two years before the Pollard site is developed. Connelly said that the Head Tax will not be pursued by council this year. Recruitment: Crabtree said he would reapply and Andy Niemeyer is looking to apply. Connelly said the ordinance prohibiting financial institutions on first floor uses on the Pearl Street between 9th and 18th Streets will be presented to council tomorrow. Knoff said he sees a big backlash on this ordinance. Knoff continued that the mall needs a plan for the mall businesses and would like to see a more comprehensive plan. Deans hopes to see a planning and discussion process to bring more vibrancy to the mall. Feldman was concerned that banks would push out retail and mentioned it’s a character of rent increases. Maher said that the new Capital One site is more of a coffee shop with Capital One monitors but no bankers and no cash. Maher said he would recommend that the Downtown Boulder Partnership board recommend that Council table this item and develop a collaborative plan and work together to come up with an alternative and for now, this is premature. Winter recommended for the commission to provide a motion to council. The Downtown Management Commission (DMC) reviewed and discussed the proposed ordinance regarding restricting first floor uses along Pearl Street in downtown Boulder, and unanimously passed (5-0) the following motion for Council consideration. The Downtown Management Commission recommends that City Council table consideration of the ordinance prohibiting financial institutions on the ground floor along Pearl Street between 9th and 18th Streets in the downtown pending further involvement with the downtown community to better understand and define the problem in order to consider possible 3 solutions. AGENDA ITEM 10 – Action Items: * Mall officers attend March meeting * Send council packet regarding Complete Streets to commissioners when available. MOTION: Crabtree moved to approve the January 9, 2017 meeting minutes. Deans motioned to approve the January 9, 2017 meeting minutes. All commissioners approved and the motion passed 5 - 0. Meeting adjourned at 6:52 p.m. NEXT MEETING: March 6, 2017 - Council Chambers - Regular Meeting APPROVED BY: DOWNTOWN MANAGEMENT COMMISSION Attest: Ruth Weiss, Secretary Scott Crabtree, Chair