02.06.17 DMC Packet DOWNTOWN MANAGEMENT COMMISSION February 6, 2017 5:30 pm Regular Meeting Council Chambers, 1777 Broadway Agenda 1. Roll Call 2. Approval of the January 6, 2017 Meeting Minutes 3. Public Participation 4. Police Update 5. Parks Update 6. Civic Area Construction Update 7. BID Update 8. Matters from Commissioners • Canyon Complete Streets Options Update 9. Matters from Staff • d2d Update • Downtown Garage Art Plan • Head Tax Update • Commissioner Opening • Ordinance - Changes to First Floor Uses in Downtown Boulder 10. Action Summary Attachments • January 6, 2017 Draft Meeting Minutes • Sales and Use Tax Revenue Report – November 2016 • Police Stats • Open/Close List • Proposed Ordinance - Changes First Floor Uses in Downtown Boulder Upcoming Meetings/Topics DMC Meeting March 6 - Presentation of Garage Capital Maintenance and Replacement Plan - Yates Development of Key Monthly Stats Commissioner Terms DMC 2017 Priorities: Scott Crabtree: 2012-2017 Citizen at Large -Work with the community and downtown stakeholders to develop a downtown Eli Feldman: 2015-2020 Property Rep master plan to ensure the ongoing success of downtown into the future. The plan Adam Knoff 2016-2018 Property Rep would include an urban design framework to establish concepts, programs and Sue Deans 2014-2019 Property Rep implementation steps for sustainable transportation and mobility systems, parks Jerry Shapins 2016-2021 Citizen at Large and open spaces, and urban land uses, as well as policies, programs and recommendations in the area of economic vitality and social sustainability. - Work with City Council and other boards and commissions, the public and other stakeholders to educate and increase understanding of downtown parking supply/demand and future needs; increase awareness and understanding of all modes of transportation used by residents and visitors to access downtown, and the need to increase downtown’s accessibility. -Increase discourse and understanding of impacts the homeless population on downtown Boulder and opportunities for long-term solutions. 1 CITY OF BOULDER, COLORADO BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS MEETING MINUTES NAME OF BOARD/COMMISSION: DOWNTOWN MANAGEMENT COMMISSION NAME/TELEPHONE OF PERSON PREPARING SUMMARY: Ruth Weiss – 303-413-7318 NAMES OF MEMBERS, STAFF, AND INVITED GUESTS PRESENT: BOARD MEMBERS: CRABTREE, DEANS, FELDMAN (absent), KNOFF, SHAPINS STAFF: WINTER, LANDRITH, JOBERT, SMITH, WEISS, CONNELLY, HAYDEN, HALEY GUESTS: Sean Maher TYPE OF MEETING: Regular Meeting January 9, 2017 AGENDA ITEM 1 – Meeting/Roll Call: Called to order at 5:33 p.m. AGENDA ITEM 2 - Approval of the October 3, November 7 and December 5, 2016 Meeting Minutes (See Action Item Below): AGENDA ITEM 3 – Public Participation: None AGENDA ITEM 4 – Police Update: None AGENDA ITEM 5 – Parks Update: Hayden said has been tackling snow and different installation options for the bollards. Jeff Haley gave a Civic Area construction update: construction is working from Broadway west to the library. The 11th Street corridor is the focus; there will be a new bridge from downtown to Arapahoe. The nature play area by the library is underway. Impacts include the parking lot on Canyon by Municipal Building until March then moving south in the main library lot. Information is updated weekly on the Boulder Civic Area webpage, including re: future planning projects. The project is scheduled for basic completion by late summer, finalized by November with punch list. Knoff asked about creek access and Haley replied it would probably be closed this summer. Shapins asked about a performance pads and pedestrian lighting and Haley replied that events are anticipated to occur by the library on “Performance Hill” along with other small spaces for gatherings. Haley said safety and security is focused for night use. Crabtree questioned the small gathering pockets and their security and Haley said these areas will be open and visible with appropriate lighting. Winter said that the creek has been opened up with a step down landscape to remove understory. Deans questioned the number of trees removed and Haley replied that the 40 trees removed were volunteer species, non-native and in poor condition. Flood plain issues were discussed. Shapins said he is looking for more vibrancy for the whole of downtown and the Civic Area is the beginning. AGENDA ITEM 6– BID Update: Maher said the holiday lightening ceremony was a big success and offered appreciation to Parking Services regarding towing. Maher said the next event is an original art project for mall banners by local students to be unveiled on 1/24 at 4 pm at West Flanders Brewery. The annual luncheon is Friday, February 3rd at the St. Julien with three speakers Sylvia Pettem, Bobby Stuckey /Frasca, and Seth Levine/Foundry Group. Marketing plan is being finalized with print ads regarding d2d. Holiday lighting was the biggest display to date. Lights come down next week. Banners will be switched out next week. Vacancies on the Mall were discussed. It is anticipated that more vacancies will occur with rents and property taxes increasing. Shapins asked if there is a vision for the future of the mall. Knoff questioned what changed in the mall world to have businesses move out of the downtown. Maher said that some businesses were not a right fit and not based on market demand. He noted that unique national brands would be beneficial. Crabtree asked if this has happened before and Maher replied that it had in the late 90’s. Changes in retail were discussed. Maher mentioned a downtown movie theatre concept, the expense to construct and the financial burden to operate. Crabtree suggested getting leaving, potentially leaving and successful retailers together to discuss the mall issues. AGENDA ITEM 7 – Update on Downtown Garage Access and Revenue Control System PARCS - Yates: Yates said the current system is 15 years old and antiquated. Gates up from malfunctions is data and revenue lost. In the 2 beginning of February, the 15th and Pearl garage will be installed. The first part of the project is the civil side to accept the equipment and will take a week to 10 days. The system will go live in the second week. During the gates up timing, there will be a flat fee for parking in the garage. Yates described the procedure for the new system. Gates will be down 24/7. Validations, permits, bar codes, QR codes and chaser tickets were discussed. Customer service and creating access will be focused. AGENDA ITEM 8 - Matters from the Commissioners: Shapins mentioned the BCH Balsam Alpine Workshop on January 19th at First Presbyterian Church at 5:30 pm. It will be a creative interactive workshop to look at how to merge housing and city offices and other services. Shapins will represent DMC at the workshp. AGENDA ITEM 9 – Matters from the Staff: Regarding d2d – Door to Downtown Pilot, Connelly reported that 4,500 people were registered and the pilot will be extended through Valentine’s Day. Crabtree asked if it is viewed as a success and Connelly replied yes. Knoff asked about ages registering and Connelly replied that the younger demographic is on board and marketing efforts were focused on change behavior with the older set. Next steps were discussed, including possible applications to downtown employees. Winter spoke about the garage art plan that will be both visual and performing. An RFP is going out and looking to use the garages as an urban palette. A long-term plan is sought as part of the Capital Improvement Plan. February meeting – Winter said that staff will report on the capital assessment of all the garages for development of a long-term funding for garage maintenance. Winter reported that parking pricing, including possible performance-based pricing, would be pushed back into later this year and into next year. The new garage system will provide needed data to help inform those efforts. Crabtree’s term on DMC as a resident at large in the city of Boulder will end in March. Jobert said that marijuana is now providing 10% of sales taxes generated downtown. Trinity Church construction is underway, with Yates as the contact. This will be a gateless system with cameras and LPR. AGENDA ITEM 10 – Action Items: * RMI at March meeting to give d2d update. MOTION: Crabtree moved to approve the October 3, November 7 and December 5, 2016 meeting minutes. Deans seconded the motion. All commissioners approved 4-0 with Feldman absent. Meeting adjourned at 7:04 p.m. NEXT MEETING: February 6, 2017 Council Chambers Regular Meeting APPROVED BY: DOWNTOWN MANAGEMENT COMMISSION Attest: Ruth Weiss, Secretary Scott Crabtree, Chair COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL MALL POLICE CALL STATISTICS MONTH 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 January 1 1 4 4 2 1 24 23 1 2 10 11 3 1 February 2 4 1 19 1 9 3 March 5 1 6 1 30 3 5 April 2 4 15 1 11 May 5 3 1 20 3 8 3 June 3 7 2 22 3 12 3 July August 3 9 2 25 2 5 2 September 8 6 36 2 4 October 2 9 3 30 3 12 2 November 4 1 6 21 3 10 4 December 2 6 1 30 1 13 3 MONTH 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 January 1 4 3 6 7 5 6 9 February 7 9 5 3 2 March 7 4 2 12 10 1 April 5 6 1 1 10 7 1 May 9 11 1 2 15 3 1 June 11 4 2 10 4 3 July August 5 8 3 12 13 September 1 6 1 13 3 1 October 9 3 1 7 2 1 November 3 9 1 2 5 4 December 6 5 1 6 8 4 MONTH 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 January 2 2 19 22 February 5 9 March 1 1 13 April 4 25 May 1 2 6 19 June 1 5 37 July August 1 2 4 30 September 3 28 October 7 35 November 1 18 December 1 19 WeaponTrespass Party Felony Menacing Fight Suicide Suspicious Theft Open DoorNoiseNarcotics Shots Stabbing Hang Ups Sex Assault Shoplifting Assault Auto Theft Burglary Crim. Mis. RobberyProwler Fireworks DUICrim. Tres.Disturbance Domestic Harassment Indec. Exp. Drunk Liq. Law Vio.Littering Loitering Opened in 2017 Business Open Date Notes Capital One 1247 Pearl St January-17 replaces Boulder Café Ku Cha House of Tea 1211 Pearl St January-17 new space; replaces Pitaya and Firefly Garden Fior Gelato 1021 Pearl St January-17 replaces Two Spoons Reality Garage 1320 Pearl St January-17 Virtual Reality Studio Closed in 2017 Business Close Date Notes Bayleaf 1222a Pearl St January-17 Smoke Time 1640 Pearl St January-17 Future Business Open Date Notes Le Pops Pearl West Late 2016 Bartaco Pearl West Rapha 1815 Pearl replacing Vilona Gallery Vinca 1141 Pearl Spring 2017 replacing Ku Cha's old space Odd Molly 1048 Pearl February-17