Summary Minutes - Water Resources - 10/15/2001
NAME OF BOARD/COMMISSION: Water Resources Advisory Board
DATE OF MEETING: October 15, 2001
BOARD MEMBERS - Robert Fiehweg, Jeannette Hillery, Vicki Nabm Cal Youngberg. Gil Barth
STAFF - Ned Williams, Robin Madel, secretary
Agenda Item 1 - Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:13 .m.
Agenda Item 2 -Approval of August 20, 2001 Meeting Minutes
Jeannette Hillery motioned to approve the minutes from August 20, 2001.
Vicki Naber seconded.
The motion passed unanimously, 3-0. Cal Youngberg and Gil Barth abstained because they were
absent from that meeting.
Agenda Item 3 - General Citizen Participation
There was none.
General Citizen Participation was closed.
Agenda Item 4 -
A. Matters from the Board
• The Board discussed the Greenways Master Plan and Skunk Creek CEAP and provided Gil Barth, the
IATRAB Greenways representative with some comments and questions to take to the Greenways Advisory
Committee (GAC) meeting on Wednesday October 17. The GAC members are as follows:
WRAB - Gil Barth
TAB - Alison Richards
OSAB - Linda Jourgensen
PB - Tina Nielsen
PRAB - Ed von Bleichert
The majority of the comments were about the Skunk Creek LEAP. Jeannette Hillery made the suggestion to
incorporate Phase II Stormwater Quality Management principles into the Skunk Creek design. Gil Barth
asked about re-channeling and the new stream profile given the preferred alternative for Skunk Creek. Cal
Youngberg asked about getting the property owners involved in maintenance. All the board members agreed
that the Greenways Master Plan was an excellent report and was very informative.
■ Gil Barth announced that he had changed employment and gave his new employment info.
■ Jeannette Hillery announced meetings being held by the Colorado Water Quality Control Division to learn
more about water quality issues facing downstream users, like concerns expressed by farmers about the
proposed Lafayette-Boulder pipelines.
■ Vicky Naber asked if there would be more water in Boulder Creek this winter now that the city owns Barker
Reservoir. Ned Williams said that the stream flow would be consistent with the in-stream flow program
flows that have been maintained over the last few years.
■ Jeannette Hiller distributed brochures and calendars dealing with watershed protection from the League of
Water Resources Advisory Board
Summary Minutes
October 15, 2001
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Women voters.
B. Matters from the Staff
• Ned Williams discussed the second reading of the proposed 2002 budget at the City Council meeting on
October 16, 2001.
• Ned Williams discussed the City Council's first action for proceeding with the bond for Lakewood Pipeline.
• Ned Williams discussed the Bear Canyon Creek Floodplain re-mapping study. The Planning Board and the
City Council approved the study. The city has determined an action that will remove the property at Gilpin
from the High Hazard Zone, at a cost of $18,000-$20,000.
• Gil Barth asked about a property on Sumac that is in the floodplain of 4-Mile Creek. Ned Williams explained
what is going on with the city and that property.
• Ned Williams gave an update on Eben Fine Apartments, which are now in deconstruction.
• Ned Williams gave an update on the fluoride in drinking water issue. The issue has taken a back seat to water
quality safety since the September 11 attacks.
• Ned Williams announced a study session with the City Council on January 29, 2002. The session will cover
the city's loodplain regulations and will provide an update on the South Boulder Creek Floodplain study.
• Robin Madel asked about setting up a tour. The board decided that they would like to visit Sombrero Marsh
on October 31 at 8 am.
Agenda Item 5 - Discussion of Future Meeting Dates and Agenda
For the regular meeting on November 19, 2001 there are no agenda items at this time.
Agenda Item 6 -Adjournment
Gil Barth motioned to adjourn the meeting.
Cal Younsber seconded.
The vote was 5-0 in favor of the motion.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Date, Time, and Location of Next Meeting:
November 19, 2001, 7:00 .m., re ular meeting, at the City Yards in the Cafeteria.
Water Resources Advisory Board
Summary Minutes
October 15, 2001
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