Action Minutes Water Resources 06/25/2001
NAME OF BOARD/COMMISSION: Water Resources and Transportation Advisory Boards (Joint Meeting)
• DATE OF MEETING: June 25, 2001
BOARD MEMBERS - WRAB: Robert Fiehweg, Jeannette Hillery, Cal Youngberg, Gil Barth; Vicki
Naber was absent
TAB: Jim Rettew - chair, Alison Richards, Jerry Wyss, John Tayer; Brant Liebmann was absent
STAFF - Ned Williams, Annie Noble, Nancy Steinberger, Dick Brasher and Robin Madel, secretary
Agenda Item 1 - Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:37 p.m.
Agenda Item 2 - General Citizen Participation
There was none.
General Citizen Participation was closed.
Agenda Item 3 - Public hearing, consideration and recommendation on the Greenways Program 2002-
2007 Capital Improvement Program (Staff - Annie Noble and Nancy Steinberger).
Annie Noble gave a presentation about the purpose of the Greenways Program; she reviewed the objectives, and
explained the process for choosing Greenways projects. She discussed the historical sources of funding for the
program. The $450K has traditionally come equally from transportation, utilities and the Lottery Fund. She
reviewed the projects list in Attachment B. She said the main criticism about the program is weed control.
Nancy Steinberger discussed the proposed weed control program and the budget request to institute the program.
• She said the program would be modeled after the Open Space program. A weed inventory has already been
completed. She reviewed the details of the $150K request.
WRAB/TAB Questions
The questions covered the following:
■ The new hospital's contribution to flood mitigation of Bear Canyon Creek
■ Flood control and Greenways improvements along 4-Mile Canyon Creek
■ The riparian habitat along South Goose Creek
■ The details of the weed control program
■ Specifics about the capital/operations portions of the budget
■ Creation of an operations budget
■ More specifics of the weed control program
■ "Imbalances" in the needs of the program versus available budget
Citizen Participation and WRAB Comment
John Hanckel, 2576 Mapleton Ave., Boulder, 80302, spoke about developing a transportation system that
would work on the Greenways trail system. He said there is one in Adelaide (where he is from) that works well.
He asked if the mission statement for Greenways could be expanded to accommodate minibuses. He said that
grade separation is so difficult to attain that it seems beneficial to use it for other forms of transportation.
Water Resources Advisory Board
Summary Minutes
June 18, 2001
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Alison Richards said that they had never considered that option before and that that was a larger transportation
issue. She said that motorized vehicles have been prohibited on the Greenways system.
• Jim Rettew said that motorized vehicles along the trail system might hurt other elements of the Greenways
system, such as habitat.
John Tayer arrived at this point.
WRAB/TAB Discussion
The discussion focussed mainly on the $150K request for the proposed weed control program. They discussed
whether the program should be funded at a lower level, then ramped up in ensuing years or fully funded, then
ramped down in ensuing years. They discussed the shortfall in the budget and how starting out with differing
amounts would impact the program. Jerry Wyss suggested fully funding the budget and applying it to one section
as a demonstration section. Bob Fiehweg said that he supported the budget in full and did not want to see the
project done as a demonstration because weed control is the city's responsibility. Alison Richards recommended
starting small and ramping up the dollar amount. John Tayer advocated for full funding but wanted to make
future funding contingent on a review after two years.
After debate about whether or not to approve this particular part of the budget they decided to make a motion
about the weed control portion.
Alison Richards moved that the TAB and WRAB approve the maintenance budget as presented.
Jim Rettew amended the motion by adding "for the next two years with a review after two years."
Bob Fiehwe2 seconded.
The vote was 8-0 in favor of the motion.
They quickly discussed the rest of the budget and had no issues with it.
. Jerry Wyss motioned to approve all other packages within the budget request.
Gil Barth seconded.
The vote was 8-0 in favor of the motion.
Agenda Item 4 - Discussion of Future Meeting Dates and Agenda
No dates have been set yet for the Greenways Advisory Committee.
Agenda Item 5 - Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 9:16 p.m.
Date, Time, and Location of Next Meeting:
• July 9, 2001, 6:00 p.m., Transportation Advisory Board, regular meeting, at the Council Chambers of the
Municipal Building.
■ July 16, 2001, 7:00 p.m., Water Resources Advisory Board, regular meeting, at the City Yards in the
Water Resources Advisory Board
Summary Minutes
June 18, 2001
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