Summary Minutes - Water Resources - 4/16/2001 CITY OF BOULDER, COLORADO BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS MEETING SUMMARY FORM NAME OF BOARD/COMMISSION: Water Resources Advisory Board DATE OF MEETING: April 16, 2001 NAME/TELEPHONE OF PERSON PREPARING SUMMARY: Robin Madel, 303-441-4073 NAMES OF MEMBERS, COUNCIL, STAFF AND INVITED GUESTS PRESENT: BOARD MEMBERS - Robert Fiehweg, Jeannette Hillery, Cal Youngberg, Vicki Naber; Gil Barth was absent STAFF - Ned Williams, Carol Linn, Brad Segal and Robin Madel, secretary WHAT TYPE OF MEETING (BOLD ONE) [REGULAR] [SPECIAL] [QUASI-JUDICIAL] Agenda Item 1 - Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m. Agenda Item 2 - Approval of March 26, 2001 Meeting Minutes Jeannette Hillery motioned to approve the minutes. Cal Younabem seconded. The motion passed unanimously, 3-0. Vicki Naber was not there et. Agenda Item 3 - General Citizen Participation There was none. Agenda Item 4 - Election of WRAB officers (Staff - Ned Williams). Bob Fiehweg was elected chair. Jeannette Hillery was elected vice-chair. Cal Youngberg was elected secretary. Agenda Item5 - Staff presentation and discussion of the 2002 Utilities (Water, Wastewater and Flood Control) Budget including the 2002-2007 Capital Improvement Program and Monthly User Rates (Staff - Ned Williams and Carol Linn). Ned Williams presented a preliminary draft of the budget items. He gave the highlights of the 3 utilities. He said that the budget would be presented again in May or June for acceptance of staff recommendations. The budgets are due to the city manager's office by 6/8/01. The city manager will present the budgets to the City Council in August or September. On 518101 there will be a study session with the City Council where the city budget will be discussed. Ned discussed the budget in four sections. Each section was followed by questions from the WRAB. The Water Utility Fund: the fund financials and the CIP were reviewed. Specifics of the CIP for 2002 and 2003 were discussed. The Windy Gap fund financials were also reviewed. WRAB Ouestions covered inflation, carryover, revenue projections, impacts from the AMR program, and cost increases for the WTP calculated in the TWMP. The Wastewater Utility Fund: the fund financials and the CIP were reviewed. Specifics of the CEP for 2002 and 2003 were discussed. WRAB Questions covered the integrity of the collection system and what changes will be made at the WTP. The Flood Control Utility Fund: the fund financials and CIP were reviewed. Specifics of the CIP through 2004 were discussed. Water Resources Advisory Board Summary Minutes April 16, 2001 Page 1 WRAB Questions covered operating reserves and completion of Goose Creek. The Greenways Program: the specifics of where the funding comes from and how the funding will be spent were discussed. Citizen Participation and WRAB Comment Alison Richards, 470 University, Boulder, is a TAB member and said that the TAB did not get to see the Greenways budget information. She asked about the budget for Skunk Creek and why it is not budgeted after 2000. She said that the $236K shown to construct an underpass doesn't seem adequate. She asked about the current Greenways maintenance budget and how the future budget will impact construction. She asked about the cost of acquiring 299 Arapahoe and if the whole cost was shown on the budget sheet. WRAB and Staff Comment Alison's questions were answered and the Greenways Program goals were discussed. Carol Linn discussed the utilities rate study being conducted by Integrated Utilities Group. She said the last study was done in 1995. The goals of the study are to update the rate model, update the plant investment fees and survey the communities. She said the results would be presented with the budget at the May or June WRAB meeting. She said major changes in the rate structure are not expected. WRAB Questions covered the rate structure, promoting and enforcing water conservation, education about rate increases and their causes and the schedule for making plant improvements. Agenda Item 6 - A. Matters from the Board ■ Jeannette Hillery talked about the South Boulder Creek Floodplain Meetings. She said the tone of the meetings has calmed down since the county announced that they wouldn't take away any mobile homes. She said there has been good participation in the reach meetings and Alan Taylor deserves accolades. She passed on information that FEMA is going to conduct a workshop about getting flood insurance. She said that ditch maintenance has been a big concern for people at the reach meetings. ■ Bob Fiehweg said that the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment sponsored Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) meeting would be held on Monday April 23, 2001 to discuss the 2002 303D list. ■ Vicki Naber asked if the Calpine Corporation had signed an agreement with Aurora yet. Ned said that they hadn't. B. Matters from the Staff ■ The first Barker Reservoir meeting held at Boulder High School was successful. There were about 35-45 residents there from both Boulder and Nederland. They discussed the typical issues: water quality, recreation, energy, history, and stream flow. Nederland is most interested in stream flow and redevelopment of the west end of the reservoir. ■ Design for Lakewood Pipeline is continuing. Staff is waiting until 5/7/01 when the appeal period is over to finalize the designs. The 80-90% complete designs will be submitted to the US Forest Service in the next week or two. ■ The orientation for new board members was held on April 3. Bob Fiehweg and Gil Barth were both there. ■ A meeting to discuss improvements to the mid to upper reaches of Bear Canyon Creek and floodplain mapping will be held on April 23 at St. Andrews Church on Baseline at 5 pm. ■ The staff would like to schedule a joint TAB and WRAB public hearing to review the Greenways Program. There has been some disagreement over the staff recommendation about which board is appropriate to use for a single point of contact. There will be a meeting with Lisa Morzel on Tuesday April 17 to discuss the arrangement. Water Resources Advisory Board Summary Minutes April 16, 2001 Page 2 ■ The staff is working with Lafayette on an Inter-Governmental Agreement to take water from Boulder Creek upstream of the WWTP outfall. The agreement will go through a public process and will be presented at a future TAB meeting if the scheduling works out. Agenda Item 7 - Discussion of Future Meeting Dates and Agenda The meeting date will stay the same (third Monday of the month) until there is a full board present to discuss changing the date. Agenda Item 8 -Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 8:52 p.m. Date, Time, and Location of Next Meeting: May 21, 2001, 7:00 .m., at the City Yards in the Cafeteria. Water Resources Advisory Board Summary Minutes April 16, 2001 Page 3