Non-Agenda Item - Update on the Goose Creek Underpass at Foothills Parkway Project CITY OF BOULDER TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY BOARD NON-AGENDA ITEM MEETING DATE: December 9, 2002 SUBJECT: Update on the Goose Creek Underpass at Foothills Parkway Project TO: TAB Members FROM: Public Works Department Tracy Winfree, Assistant Dir. Of Public Works for Transportation Stephany Westhusin, Transportation Projects Coordinator Debbie Ritter, Project Manager Noreen Walsh, Transportation Planner PURPOSE: This item provides the Transportation Advisory Board (TAB) with an update on the Goose Creek Underpass at Foothills Parkway project, including a revised design and schedule. BACKGROUND: The Goose Creek Bicycle/Pedestrian Underpass at Foothills Parkway project was identified in both the City of Boulder Transportation Master Plan (TMP) and the Greenways Master Plan. Currently, the connection between the two portions of the Goose Creek Greenway path is separated by Foothills Parkway, forcing the use of alternative routes. This project will improve safety by providing a grade-separated crossing of Foothills Parkway and will complete a missing link in the Goose Creek Greenway trail and the city of Boulder bicycle/pedestrian path system. Planning and design of the Goose Creek Underpass project began in early 2002. The project was reviewed through the Community Environmental Assessment Process and presented to the TAB for their consideration. At the March 11, 2002 meeting the TAB made a motion to recommend to City Council approval of the Goose Creek project CEAP, making every effort possible to avoid simultaneous disruptions on both 28th Street and Foothills Parkway corridors and keeping the TAB and public well-informed about project implementation. The TAB also included in this recommendation a request to staff that special attention be given to the safety aspects and better connections to local businesses on 47 h Street. PROJECT UPDATE Project Design - Originally the project was to build a 215-foot long grade separated crossing underneath Foothills Parkway and the North Boulder Farmers Ditch. As final designs and cost estimates were being completed, staff learned that the original project design would cost more than $300,000 over the project budget. The project has now been designed in two phases. Phase NON-AGENDA ITEM Page 1 I includes construction of a 113-foot long grade separated crossing underneath Foothills Parkway and over the ditch, with connections to Goose Creek, 47`h Street and businesses. See Attachment A for a Plan View of this revised design. This design will meet the project goals as well as the project budget of $1.462 million. This design will also allow for a Phase II project construction with little reconstruction of Phase I improvements. It should be noted that currently there is no funding for the Phase II project. The final design includes the underpass, multi-use path connections to Goose Creek path, Foothills Path and the businesses on 47`h Street, site landscaping and removal of non-native plant species. Staff considered installing a skylight but chose not to, due to maintenance and overall functionality concerns. However, the lighting plan for the underpass includes lights every 16 feet. The underpass also includes public art. See Attachment B for details of the railing. Schedule - Staff plans to put this project out for contractor bids in January 2003. Construction is expected to begin this Winter 2003. Staff is aware of the other projects being constructed on parallel roadways and will coordinate information and schedules with these projects. However, there will be sometime when construction is taking place on these 3 corridors (Broadway, 28`h Street, Foothills Parkway) at the same time. However, during construction of the Goose Creek Underpass project there will be a shift in the Foothills Parkway roadway alignment but not a reduction in the number of travel lanes. Construction is anticipated to take approximately seven months concluding in the late summer/early fall 2003. If there are further questions or comments on this item, please contact Debbie Ritter at ext. 3253 or Noreen Walsh at ext. 4301. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A - Plan View of Revised Goose Creek Underpass Project Design Attachment B - Hand Rail Details NON-AGENDA ITEM Page 2 Attachment A o I~ Foothills Parkway (SH-157) I w N I, o _ _ aI °1 of ZI 1 JL C2> Begin Concrete Pavement C7 01 o Match Existing 0 z,f N '52268.1381 Begin Type 2 (18) 13Q~ R = 101 u b and Gutter 52268.0717 2G 2D 40 a tch Existing N y E 714 I Nc . 4 I E 71473.9368 pQ \ !y Original Scale: 111 = 20' R,5' l2, \ - C) C6 1 11 C3 R = 10 00 14+OD S 89° 44'0 - 41' E - - - - - - 6 , 05 A : I't f R 10, ;t Z Path 'A , z R 50' Q 52224 9876._; i _ Erd Tyre 2 '(1B) E 79474.0041 C5 10 N. 52225.0528 Guru and Gutter E'71459.9195 Match Existing A End Ci;o t he Existing_ 1 ; I 'VI o I { 1 Path B -Elev. 5250.88 I i -2.417. { V ° _ -2.00 tT~ - - v. Elev. 5243.16 ° 0 NOTE: -2.417• See Sheet 1Q 'for horizontal control information. { g 5.011 61.0 64Y4" 5 Treads 5' 011 L1, Treads 6' 4" 6 Risers Risers ~ ~a @ L4 11 @ 6Y4" o { ~ STAIR ELEVATION ~ r" I I w E Computer File Information Sheet Revisions ~ j3F B004 aF Creation FINAL GOOSE CREEK PEDESTRIAN BOX Project No./Code Date 9/19102 Initials: JRM Last Modification Date 11/11/02 Initials JRM O Centennial No Revisions SITE AND GEOMETRY PLAN FOOTHILLS Full Path: O Engineering, Inc. " z Drawing File Name 01SIT01- Revised: Issued by: 12645 Suss cola ei~a. f Revised: O coin n24co eaaot ~w QP2 9-1912 : ID 80 ARKS OE Void Sheet Subset: Subset Sheets Sheet Number 11 Acad Ver. Scale: Units: !3031 27C Attachment B 0 2w a ~ N N I I 0 l~ /e (typ.) 29 ,ti 0 5 Deco"native shapes to s4o be provided by the Centered 4on x 3/16" wall 5 City of Boulder. 0 0 D D • D > D D D V~ N / U U HANDRAIL ELEVATION R /gx 6" x 0'-10° o, CL 5'-10" HAND RAIL DETAIL 00 i/a (typ.) %a (typ.) Decurative shapes to be provided by the - C} 0 City of Boulder. CL 0 0 a ILIR3/a"x6"x0'-10'1 n TYPICAL HAND RAIL LAYOUT 1 e u° 4 G a 0 0 daG'4 G'a' a'e a'a G'G GG' G'G e I 0 0 BASE PLATE DETAIL HANDRAIL ELEVATION a t D-16- t minor Q Computer File Information Sheet Revisions alF 60U(o FINAL GOOSE CREEK PEDESTRIAN BOX Project No./Code LL Creation Date 10/09/02 Initials: JRM ~P Last Modification Dote 11/10/02 Initials: JRM o Centennial No Revisions HAND RAIL DETAILS FOOTHILLS Full Path Engineering, Inc. Revised: Issued by: 12645 Drawing File Name 01HRD01 0 726 cola Blvd. , coin o 9aa e0401 ck qp~ Revised Acad Ver. Scale Units 0 (703) 279-1972 URkS 0 Void Sheet Subset 87 Subset Sheets 67 Sheet Number 25