Minutes - Transportation 12/09/2002TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY BOARD FINAL MINUTES 9, 2002 BOARD MEMBERS PR~SENT John Tayer, Jim Rettew, Brant Liebmann, Jerry Wyss, Krista Holland STArF MEMBERS PR~S~NT Tracy Winfree, Mike Sweeney, Randall Rutsch, Ray Moe (LSA and Associates) and Robin Madel, secretary AGENDA ITEM 1 Call to Order John Taver, chair, called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. AGENDA ITEM 2 General Citizen Participation Lvnn SeEal, Boulder, said that she would like to see Canyon, Walnut, Pearl and 29~h St. at Crossroads Mall added to the grid in the TMP as through streets. She said thaC it would change the dynamics of the Crossroads Meetings to make those changes. General Citizen Participation was closed. AGENDA IT~M 3 Staff briefing and TAB input on the Transportation Master Plan Update - Phase 3. Randall Rutsch gave a presentation on fhe TMP update. Rutsch introduced Ray Moe, of LSA Assoc., the lead consultant working on the TMP who is also working with the city on the Jobs and Housing Project which influenced the TMP. Rutsch presented three specific items: 7obs-Housing project scenario results, ideas from the Study Committee on TMP goals and objectives, and the iterative approach to Phase 3 of the TMP Update. Transportation Advisory Board Final Minutes December 9, 2002 Page 1 Randall Rutsch said that the two big items that bad changed recently are that Che Jobs-to Population project is now called the Jobs/Housing project and RTD funding to the Community Transit Network has decreased drastically. Rutsch discussed the transporCation analysis with respect to tbe Jobs and Housing Project. Several scenarios were evaluated using current funding amounts and full funding of the 1996 Transportation Master Plan. He showed a graphical representation of the options in terms of funding requirements. The scenarios include the existing situation, current trends, alternatives one, two and three and current trends at capacity. Rutsch said that in evaluating the alternatives the staff used known information - current funding versus full funding. Full funding for the 1996 TMP would require $200M more than current funding. TAB questions: Krista Aolland asked about the accuracy of the model. Ray Moe said Yhat the model is a great planning tool and the data is a good indicator. Holland asked if the uncertainty in the results of the different scenarios would cause an option to miss the goal. Moe said that the model can be calibrated with real world data. Jim Rettew asked if the goals and strategies to meet the goals are reasonable. Rutsch said that Yhings have definitely changed but and the rest of the TMP Update process will entail considering what it will take to achieve current goals and if those goals/objectives need to be adjusted. Jim Rettew asked what funding will be needed if RTD drasCically reduces its funding to the Community Transit Network. Rutsch said it would be $lOM per year for 20 years. Tracy Winfree said that the goal for the Boulder County communities is to pool current funding resources to continue existing and soon-to-be-in-place transit services. . Brant Liebmann asked if Jobs-Housing Scenario 3 is the most radical option. Rutsch said that the Jobs/Housing project considered it the most radical option and it is based on such items as Urban Design, Alternative Modes, floor density, etc. John Tayer asked if the increased funding associated with community growth was included in the funding calculations. Mike Sweeney said that it had not been factored in. Rutsch asked if any board members feel that the criteria used to evaluate meeting goals should be changed. Brant Liebmann said that the goal is to reduce Vehicle Miles Traveled and the other goals are secondary, Jim Rettew said that the criteria used to evaluate the goals should be linked to Che goals. Jerry Wyss added that the goals should be reachable but he also said Yhat we should keep the same goals going for continuity and he urged caution in establishing new criteria and goals. The board decided to put off the discussion for a future TAB meefing about specific criteria. Transportation Advisary Baard F[nal Minutes December 9, 2002 Page 2 Jim RetCew asked if tbe iterations will include iCems that are more in Che city's control or those things that are out of our control like RTD funding for the CTN. Rutsch said that the staff will do both. Moe said that how funds are used in the city is an importanC part of the evaluation. John Tayer recommended that the iterations are presented to the TAB for review before going to the general public. TAB Discussion Krista Holland recommended taking a step back and looking at bigger picture options than have been presented in the TMP such as adding perimeter parking and shuttle buses around Boulder and creating a car free Boulder or creating rail links to Boulder County towns. Staff and other board members reminded Holland that the first phase of the TMP Update determined that we will "Stay the Course" from an overall policy perspecCive. At the same time, we are looking for policy refinements particularly in the four focus areas: Regional, TDM, Multi-modal Corridors and Funding. John Tayer said that he has heard from some people that we should build interchanges on Foothills Parkway. He said that the extremes exist but the Phase 1 evaluation has already looked at those extremes and we are trying to create the right balance. Krista Holland said that she worked on the bike portion of the update. She said it seemed like a lot of busy work. Jerry Wyss said that committees have no power because they are not policy making, they are more for gaining public input. Tracy Winfree said that we are working on portions of the plan for which we will "stay the course" versus those thaf will be refined, such as the four policy focus areas. The system plan components of the TMP need to be updated to make sure we are recording what we have learned since 1996 and the sysYem plans include the most up-to-date desired connections. AGENDA ITEM 4 Matters from Staff: There were none. Matters from the Board: Brant Liebmann asked whether or not the city would leave the HOP route as it is when the Broadway construction is completed. Mike Sweeney said that the city would be looking at the service very critically for changes. Jim Rettew suggested having a half-hour brainstorming session regarding goals, measures and evaluation criteria for the TMP Update at the January meeting. Krista Holland had some questions about the Goose Creek Underpass at Foothills information item that was attached to tbe paeket. Tracy Winfree suggested that Tran.rportation. Advtsory Board Fin.al Minutes December 9, 2002 Page 3 Holland contact Noreen Walsh or the project manager, Debbie Ritter, so that she can more fully undersCand the scope of the project and potentially go on a site tour. • Jeriy W~Lss said that he attended a Landmarks Board meeting and it was clear to him, after watching the staff from the oYher department, that the Transportation Deparcment staff does a wonderful job with their public outreach efforts. • John Taver received a memo from a citizen that he asked to have distributed to the other board members. • John Taver asked the staff to keep the TAB updated on the decision by RTD to charge for parking at Park and Ride lots and the impact it could have on Boulder. AGENDA ITEM 5 Next meeting agenda The Jan. 13, 2003 meeting will contain a half-hour brainstorming session on evaluation criteria for the TMP. AG~NDA ITEM 6 Adjournment .Terrv Wvss motioned to adjourn the meeting. .iim Rettew seconded. The vote was 5-0 in favor of the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 8:47 p.m. Next Meeting Jan. 13, 2002, 6:00 p.m., Transportation Advisory Board regular meeting, at The Municipal Building Council Chambers. Minutes approved on f/~~ ~'S ~Y c Transpartation Advisory Baard Final Mtnutes December 9, 2002 Page 4