00 - Transportation - Cover Sheet - 12/9/2002 7 TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY BOARD MEETING Monday, December 9,2002,6:00 p.m. Grace Lutheran Church The Fellowship Hall 100113`s St. Agenda: I. Call to Order. H. *General citizen participation and TAB comment period. III. Staff briefing and TAB input on Transportation Master Plan Update - Phase 3 (Randall Rutsch). IV. Matters from Staff/Non-Agenda Items A. Matters from Staff B. Matters from the Board V. Discussion of future agenda and schedule. VI. Adjournment. *Public Comment Item Information: call the TAB secretary at (303) 441-4073. Packets are available in the reference section of the Main Library and can be accessed on-line at http://www.ci.boulder.co.us/nublicworks/depts/transportationtboards rgoups/tab/tab.html Central Records Municipal Building