Non-Agenda Item - Update on Boulder Creek and South Boulder Creek Confluence Plan Project CITY OF BOULDER NON-AGENDA ITEM TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY BOARD MEETING DATE: November 25, 2002 SUBJECT: Update on the Boulder Creek and South Boulder Creek Confluence Plan Project REQUESTING DEPARTMENT: Bev Johnson, Planning and Development Services BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: None FISCAL IMPACT: The Transportation Division will contribute approximately $4,000 or 1/3 of the cost of developing the plan. PURPOSE The purpose of this memo is to update the board on the planning process for the Boulder Creek and South Boulder Creek Confluence Plan. The purpose of the project is to develop a concept plan for improvements to the Boulder Creek and South Boulder Creek floodplain area from Valmont Rd. to 61" St. (See map below.) The project is coordinated through the Planning Department and includes staff from the Open Space and Mountain Parks Department, Parks and Recreation Department, Public Works Department (Transportation and Utilities) and Boulder County Transportation. The proposed process for developing the plan will begin in the winter of 2002 and be completed in the spring of 2004. AGENDA ITEM Page Boulder Creek/South Boulder Creek Confluence Plan cry it ei~er,c. Map Key A cu~em €x.~. !~ti a+nOme.ma NUxaamPxks _ , , ruw{ia~pi tz ee ~e ' Nfi!NiWIN.F M ~ Boulder Murtlelpal Airpork' 3 k 1, _61 V81~i°n Rd v t s ttf , s I - i~ 3'N 2iY'~' 9r t # x ( ?yC BACKGROUND Historically, a transportation project was managed by the Boulder County Department of Transportation with the primary goal of providing a road linkage between the Pearl St./55`x' St. intersection and 61s` St. in the vicinity of Jay Rd. (Pearl Parkway extension). With the abandonment of the original Pearl Parkway project, the focus of the project was on providing a safe, off-road pedestrian and bicycle connection between the Valmont Connector (Valmont and South Boulder Creek) to the newly constructed bike path on the west side of 61" St. No decisions were made regarding those earlier proposed alternatives. This new phase of the project will broaden the scope of the previous planning efforts by developing a long-term plan or vision for achieving multiple city objectives in this portion of the Boulder Creek floodplain. The concept plan will depict the location and general strategies for the following improvements: habitat protection and restoration, bicycle and pedestrian connections, floodplain improvements, historic and cultural resource protection, water quality improvements, passive recreation, and water utility protection and enhancement. AGENDA ITEM I Page The following list describes the objectives of the planning project: 1. Plan for the environmental protection, restoration and enhancement of Boulder Creek and South Boulder Creek habitat and floodplain between Valmont Rd. and 61" St. (See attached map) including the following: • Stream and floodplain improvements for enhancement of wildlife, fish and plant habitat, removal of rubble and waste in floodplain; • Weed control and management; • Environmental restoration and enhancement of Pit C and Pit D area; • Terrestrial, wetland and aquatic habitat and protection, enhancement, and restoration; and • Potential property acquisition for habitat preservation or flood mitigation. 2. Provide functional multi-use transportation connections between Valmont Rd. and 63`a St. 3. Protect and plan for utility infrastructure needs (sewer trunk line). 4. Provide opportunities for environmental education. 5. Provide opportunities for passive recreational activities (e.g. fishing, bird and wildlife observation). 6. Preserve and enhance cultural and historic resources. 7. Reduce impacts from adjacent industrial and residential uses. 8. Enhance water quality and flood mitigation through stream and floodplain modifications. 9. Identify properties for potential acquisition to reduce flood risk and enhance environmental values of the planning area. Staff Work Groun: Planning and Development Services: Bev Johnson - project coordinator Sean Metrick - GIS Open Space and Mountain Parks: Don D'Amico Mark Gershman City Transportation Division: Mike Sweeney Marni Ratzel City Utilities Division: Bob Harberg Annie Noble Alan Taylor Chris Rudkin Donna Scott Parks and Recreation: Kate Bernhardt Boulder County Transportation: Clark Misner Scott Robson AGENDA ITEM # Page INFORMATION GAPS AND DATA NEEDS The following information gaps have been identified by the staff work group. This information will be collected through the winter and spring of 2003. Information needed Who will manage Resource Needs Timeline the work? Property ownership and land Bev Johnson Sean Staff time Winter 2002-2003 uses (including BVCP designations Metrick and surrounding land uses) Wetland mapping DonD'Amico $3000 May-June 2003 Plant communities inventory Bev Johnson (lead) $1000 May -June 2003 (include weed inventory and Don D'Amico S iranthes diluvialis mapping) Wildlife habitat assessment Mark Gershman $1000 April - June 2003 • Avian Inventory-PIF score analysis Wildlife habitat assessment Mark Gershman Up to $2000 June-September 2003 • Preble's habitat evaluation (Cary Richardson) Habitat assessment - vegetation Mark Gershman Staff time May - June 2003 (using methodology developed for Greenways assessment) Transportation connection Mike Sweeney (lead) Staff time Winter 2002.2003 needs assessment Annie Noble • include assessments of Marni Ratzel connection to Valmont City Park, County trails plans, County road improvements, other connection needs. Water resources assessment Donna Scott Temp. time and May - July 2003 (using EPA Rapid Water Quality Bioassessment methodology) • Channel/bank quality • Aquatic habitat • Water quality impacts from San Lazaro, well and septic in area, and water quality ponds Utility/flood needs assessment Bob Harberg (lead) Staff time Winter 2002-2003 • Structural risk assessment of Randy Earley existing infrastructure (sewer Alan Taylor line, ROW berm) • Utility infrastructure needs assessment and conceptual plan • Flood lain/land use issue- Ditch/water augmentation issues Don D'Amico Staff time Winter 2002-2003 • Assessment of ditch rights, (Bob Crifasi) locations, etc. • Assessment of water augmentation requirements for AGENDA ITEM I Page Pit D and implications on annin . Historic and archaeological Bev Johnson $1500 Winter 2002-2003 resource assessment Soils assessment Bev Johnson $2000 Winter 2002-2003 (include mapping of old landfill areas) Visitor needs assessment Mark Gershman Staff time Winter 2002.2003 Other resource information Bev Johnson (lead) Staff time Winter 2002.2003 Historic location of creek and Sean Metrick flood plain Alan Taylor Out of city utility issues Bev Johnson (lead) Staff time W inter 2002-2003 • Well and septic issues at San Donna Scott Lazaro and Old Valmont Town site County plans and projects Bev Johnson Staff time Winter 2002-2003 • South Boulder Creek overpass and relocation • Valmont Rd. improvements • 63rd St. extension • Union Pacific trail Valmont Butte annexation Bev Johnson will Staff time Winter 2002-2003 implications coordinate with Fire Training Utilities and Fire Biosolid transport • Out of city utilities Prairie dog issues Adjacent land uses Bev Johnson Staff time Winter 2002-2003 • Western Disposal annexation and development 7 7 ng Sean Metrick (lead) Staff time on-going OSMP for back-up PROCESS AND TIMELINE 1. Inventory and assessment. October 2002- July 2003 2. Non-agenda memo to boards and Council to update on November 2002 process and schedule. 3. Begin work group meetings to review of assessment May - July 2003 information. 4. Inventory and assessment complete. July 2003 AGENDA ITEM # Page 5. Work Group meetings to identify issues and opportunities July 2003 .and prepare for stakeholder meetings. 6. Preliminary meetings with stakeholders to solicit input on August 2003 project goals and objectives, inventory information, and issues, opportunities and constraints. (landowners, user groups, city boards, County Commissioners) 7. Work Group meetings to: August - September 2003 - Develop framework plan alternatives - Evaluate alternatives 8. Public open house to review and comment on alternatives. October 2003 9. Work Group meetings to finalize alternatives and develop October - November 2003 staff recommendation. 10. Meeting with Environmental Services directors to review December 2003 alternatives and to determine staff recommendation (if needed). 11. Board review and comment on staff recommendation. December 2003 - TAB February 2004 WRAB OSBT PRAB Planning Board GAC 12. Staff meetings to finalize framework plan and March - April 2004 develop implementation plan. 13. City Council review and approval of selected alternative. May 2004 BUDGET The estimated cost of the data collection for the project is $9,000 - $12,000. The cost will be shared equally among the following city programs: 1) Open Space and Mountain Parks, 2) Utilities Division, and 3) Transportation Division. AGENDA ITEM # Page