6B - Transportation Advisory Board (TAB) To Do List - Matters from the Board
Transportation Advisory Board - ` ro Dos"
Matters from the Board and/or Based on Board Motion
1. Bike on sidewalks in commercial areas - (Board, November 26, 2001)(Staff will formulate a
supporting work plan and timeline for effort. Staff anticipates initiating and completing the effort
in the 1 st Quarter of 2003. Objective is to complete the discussion in time for Broadway
project)(Marni Ratzel)
2. Discuss pros and eons of Boulder contraeting with RT-D to run loeal tvansitser-viees .
O the PfOS ..d ORAS «..144091 t0 D....id,,.. .,t.-.,,,N.,,. with DTP t.....-...dde 188al rro..oa
(Oetebef 2002)(Mic*: Kaplan)
3. Pearl Parkway Off - Street Path Connection - (A. Richards) Involve board in designation of an
off-street path solution in the area of what used to be referred to as the Pearl Parkway. The
"Gunbarrel Connection" is a key regional connection for bicyclists. The process is being guided by
the city's Planning Department. Approximately early 2003. (Debbie Ritter / Mami Ratzel)
4. Send Non-Agenda Memorandum once Goose Creek Underpass Design is finalized - (Board
request) Fall 2002 (Noreen Walsh)
5. Incorporate regional analysis for the Transportation Budget. (J. Rettew) February 2003
(Michael Gardner-Sweeney)
6. Multiuse path conflicts (cross-departmental coordination) (J. Wyss) Underway and report TAB
after group develops work program including potential reconsideration of an electric-assist bicycle
ordinance. Ongoing - Report to TAB 4th Quarter 2002 (Mari Ratzel)
7. Greenways maintenance shift non-agenda information item. (J. Wyss) In 2003 for 2004 budget
process (Annie Noble)
8. Subsidies / Incentives for transit fares / passes - (B. Liebman) Consider the best approach to
establish and prioritize subsidies/incentive programs for transit fares/passes to achieve the
objectives of the TMP, including the accommodating the transportation disadvantaged. This issue
could be addressed within the overall context the evolving TDM program. (Bob Whitson/Andrea
9. SpFiflkleF open-ations (rr v^11and) Consideration of new g+iidelineN and ar i-ales that would
wer4ing an shafed mu!6 use path issues and Refeff A to Utilities to addfess iii eade if feasible)
10. Update .
(4p fRr flip, PCO Pass pf:ogmm. Non agenda item. (Oewber -2002)(Mield Kaplan)
(Staff action and anticipated return to Board)(Staff contact person)