6A - Update on Forrest Glen General Improvement District (GID) CITY OF BOULDER TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY BOARD MEETING DATE: September 9, 2002 SUBJECT: Update on Forest Glen GID REQUESTING DEPARTMENT: Public Works Department Tracy Winfree, Director of Public Works for Transportation Mike Gardner-Sweeney, Transportation Operations and Planning Coordinator Micki Kaplan, Senior Transportation Planner BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: None FISCAL IMPACT: None PURPOSE Status report on the Forest Glen General Improvement District (GID). BACKGROUND The Forest Glen General Improvement District (GID) was established by Forest Glen residents voting in November, 2000 to assess a property tax increase to fund Eco passes. The program was implemented January 1, 2001. Prior to 2001, Forest Glen residents participated in the voluntary Neighborhood Eco Pass Program. ANALYSIS The data below illustrates that the GID has had a significant positive impact on pass distribution in the Forest Glen neighborhood. GID Eco Pass distribution increased 61 percent compared to the voluntary Eco Pass programs in 2000. Though ridership data is unavailable without doing extensive market research, prior GO oulder research indicates a high propensity towards increased transit use when a citizen has access to an Eco Pass. One can infer that transit ridership among Forest Glen Residents increased when the voluntary NECO pass program was implemented, and that ridership is again on an increased trend due to implementation of the GID program. AGENDA ITEM # Page 1 FOREST GLEN GID Percent Year 2000 2001 2002 Difference Change #Households 150 160 160 # Decals Issued 221 263 356 135 61% Note: Neco Pass Program 2000 GID began in 2001. Remarks from residents indicate support for the program and the convenience of obtaining passes from the Transportation Resource Center. Few complaints were received in 2001 and no complaints were received in 2002 about the program. Comments from representatives from the neighborhood indicate that the program is functioning smoothly. AGENDA ITEM # Page 2