00 - Transportation - Cover Sheet - 9/9/2002 TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY BOARD MEETING Monday, September 9,2002,6:00 p.m. City Council Chambers The Municipal Building 1777 Broadway, 2°d Floor Agenda: 1. Call to Order. II. Approval of May 13, 2002, June 3, 2002, June 10, 2002 (retreat) and July 15, 2002 meeting minutes. M. *General citizen participation and TAB comment period. IV. *Public hearing and consideration of a recommendation to City Council on the Neighborhood Traffic Mitigation Program (NTMP) terminology related to traffic mitigation devices.(Cowem, Spears). Staff presentation • TAB discussion • Formal recommendation requested V. *Public hearing and recommendation regarding the 2003-2008 Supplemental Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) submittals to Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG) (Rutsch). Staff presentation • TAB discussion • Formal recommendation requested VI. Matters from Staff/Non-Agenda Items A. Matters From Staff Staff briefing on the Jobs-to-Population Balance Study (Rutsch) Staff briefing on the DASH/STAMPEDE (Handlos, Kaplan) Staff briefing on the idea of contracting for local transit service with RTD (No packet materials). (Kaplan) Staff briefing on Forest Glen GID (Kaplan) • Staff briefing on the pedestrian and bicycle education/outreach effort (Ratzel) B. Matters from the Board VII. Discussion of future agenda and schedule. Central Records VIII. Adjournment. Municipal Building *Public Comment Item Information: call Robin Madel at (303) 441-4073. Packets can be accessed on-line at http://www.ei.boulder.co.us/publicworks/depts/transportationtboards groups/tab.html