6B - Transportation Advisory Board (TAB) To Do List - Matters from the Board Transportation Advisory Board - "To Dos" Matters from the Board and/or Based on Board Motion 1. 2. Bike on sidewalks in commercial areas - (Board, November 26, 2001)(Staff will formulate a supporting work plan and timeline for effort. Staff anticipates initiating and completing the effort in the 3rd Quarter of 2002. Objective is to complete the discussion in 2002)(Mami Ratzel) 3. multi ase paths, better whaelogy, araj other- issues. Reeensider- in appFOXiffla*15' ®a"1y to late 2001 ( iiarni Ratzel) 4. Discuss pros and cons of Boulder contracting with RTD to run local transit services - (B. Liebman) As Boulder has had difficulties with RTD in the provision of quality transit service, what are the pros and cons related to Boulder contracting with RTD to provide local transit service. (Micki Kaplan) 5. Pearl Parkway Off -Street Path Connection - (A. Richards) Involve board in designation of an off-street path solution in the area of what used to be referred to as the Pearl Parkway. The "Gunbarrel Connection" is a key regional connection for bicyclists. The process is being guided by the city's Planning Department. Approximately early 2003. (Debbie Ritter / Mami Ratzel) 6. Send Non-Agenda Memorandum once Goose Creek Underpass Design is finalized - (Board request) Spring 2002 (Noreen Walsh) 7. Incorporate regional analysis for the Transportation Budget. (J. Rettew) Late 2002 (Michael Gardner-Sweeney) 8. Multiuse path conflicts (cross-departmental coordination) (J. Wyss) Underway and report TAB after group develops work program including potential reconsideration of an electric-assist bicycle ordinance. Ongoing - Report to TAB 3`d Quarter 2002 (Marni Ratzel) 9. Greenways maintenance shift non-agenda information item. (J. Wyss) In 2003 for 2004 budget process (Annie Noble) 10. Subsidies / Incentives for transit fares / passes - (B. Liebman) Consider the best approach to establish and prioritize subsidies/incentive programs for transit fares/passes to achieve the objectives of the TMP, including the accommodating the transportation disadvantaged. This issue could be addressed within the overall context the evolving TDM program. (Bob Whitson/Andrea Robbins) 11. Sprinkler operations - (K. Holland) Consideration of new guidelines and/or rules that would encourage property owners, including the City of Boulder, to not sprinkle sidewalks, bike lanes and multi-use paths. In addition water conservation benefits, changes in sprinkler operation could improve conditions for pedestrians and bicyclists. (Marni Ratzel - Cross-departmental team working on shared multi-use path issues and Referral to Utilities to address in code if feasible) 12. Update on Forest Glen GID - (J. Tayer) Information item regarding results of the Forest Glen GID for the ECO Pass program. Non-agenda item. (Micki Kaplan) 13. aRetFeat Summary Rei4em, (Board Reqijest) Pfavid@ meeting sufamary to the TdkB. Review nd ::i.2.r a TAR . °t'...t .........nFy: rur~ 1 , Q,7nn7 /T« A fr-e + Notes: (Staff action and anticipated return to Board)(Staff contact person) TABToDo.doc Upcoming Items 1. Follow-up Before/After Studies - for CIP and NTMP Projects (Staff - Cowem) (Ongoing) 2. CIP Project CEAPs (Staff - Westhusin) (Ongoing) 3. 17th Street (University to Walnut) bicycle lanes (so that it can be resolved prior to the overlay)(Staff - Ratzel) (2"d Quarter 02) 4. Arapahoe Avenue (Cherryvale east) CDOT Project (Staff - Cowers) (ls` Quarter 02) 5. Bike Accident Analysis Summary (Information Item only) (Staff - Cowem)(2"d Quarter 02) 6. Broadway & Grinnell Safety Study (Staff - Cowern)(3 d Quarter 02) 7. Recommended 30th Street bicycle facilities plan (Staff - Cowem)(3rd Quarter 02) 8. Whittier NTMP Area Plan (Staff - Cowern/Spears) • Delay Inducing Device Determination (Complete) • Area Plan Review and Recommendation (3`d Quarter 02) 9. Balsam/Edgewood NTMP Area Plan (Staff - Cowem/Spears) • Delay Inducing Device Determination (Complete) • Area Plan Review and Recommendation (3`d Quarter 02) 10. Lehigh/TMesa (improvements/remove crossing guard) (Staff - Cowern)(3`d Quarter 02) 11. Recommended improvements to Broadway & Dartmouth (Staff - Cowern)(4d' Quarter 02) TAB Planning Calendar JULY 8, 2002 A enda ■ Transportation Master Plan Update - Phase 2: Policy Refinement Open House ■ * TAB review and input on the Transportation Master Plan Update - Phase 2: Policy Refinement phase completion (Rutsch) ■ Public hearing and consideration of a recommendation to City Council on the Boulder Valley Regional Center (BVRC) Connections Plan (Whitson) Matters from Staff/Non-Agenda • Staff briefing and board input on the public process for the consideration of sunsetting of the Neighborhood Permit Parking (NPP) Commuter Permits. (Patterson) • Staff briefing and TAB input on the Whittier and Balsam/Edgewood Neighborhood Traffic Mitigation Program (NTMP) process (Sweeney, Spears) AUGUST 2002 - Recess SEPTEMBER 9, 2002 Agenda • Regional Partner Outreach - Louisville, Heather Balser (tentative) • Public hearing and consideration of a recommendation on the sidewalk missing link criteria and prioritization method. (Walsh) ■ Public hearing and consideration of a recommendation to City Council on the Whittier and Balsam/Edgewood Neighborhood Traffic Mitigation Program (NTMP) process (Cowern, Spears) ■ Public hearing and consideration of a recommendation to City Council on the Neighborhood Traffic Mitigation Program (NTMP) terminology related to traffic mitigation devices.(Cowem, Spears) Matters from Staff/Non-Agenda • Staff briefing and board input on Transportation Master Plan Update - Phase 3: Plan Development Element Bundle 1 • Staff briefing and board input on the Boulder Transit Village site design public involvement process (Kaplan) OCTOBER 14, 2002 A enda ■ Public hearing and consideration of a recommendation to City Council on sunsetting of the Neighborhood Permit Parking (NPP) Commuter Permits. (Patterson) Matters from Staff/Non-A eg nda • Staff briefing and board input on Transportation Master Plan Update- Phase 3: Plan Development Element Bundle 2 NOVEMBER 2002 Agenda • Staff briefing and board input on Transportation Master Plan Update - Phase 3: Plan Development Element Bundle 3 • DECEMBER 2002 Agenda • Public hearing and consideration of a recommendation to City Council on the Transportation Master Plan Update - Phase 3: Plan Development 2003 Agenda • February 2003 -Joint TAB/City Council Study Session on the Transportation Master Plan -Phase 4: Plan Adoption Preliminary Draft Review • March 2003 - Public hearing and consideration of a recommendation to City Council on the Transportation Master Plan Update - Phase 4: Plan Adoption