5 - Recommendation on the Boulder Valley Regional Center (BVRC) Traffic Connections Plan (TCP) CITY OF BOULDER TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY BOARD MEETING DATE: July 8, 2002 SUBJECT: Public hearing and consideration of a recommendation to City Council on the Boulder Valley Regional Center Transportation Connections Plan (BVRC TCP REQUESTING DEPARTMENT: Public Works Department Tracy Winfree, Director of Public Works for Transportation Michael Gardner-Sweeney, Transportation Planning and Operations Coordinator Bob Whitson, Transportation Planner Ste hanWesthusin, Transportation Project Management Coordinator BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Consideration of a recommendation to City Council on the Boulder Valley Regional Center Transportation Connections Plan VRC TCP). FISCAL IMPACT: Some of the Plan's recommended improvements will be implemented by developers as properties redevelop while other improvements will be constructed by the city using city funds. The BVRC TCP does not include cost estimates for any of the recommended improvements. Rather, it is intended as a planning tool to be used to refine future updates to the Transportation Master Plan, and to help planning and fiscal impacts identification for the Transportation Capital Improvement Program. PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to allow TAB to: • Review the BVRC TCP, • Hear a presentation from staff on the BVRC TCP's content and the process in which it was developed, • Hear public comment on the BVRC TCP, and • Provide comments on the BVRC TCP BACKGROUND: The Boulder Valley Regional Center Transportation Connections Plan (BVRC TCP) is a map- based multi-modal transportation plan that defines the desired future transportation system in the BVRC and surrounding area. The study area includes the Future Boulder Transit Village site northeast of 30`h and Pearl streets. The BVRC TCP document is centered on a detailed map-based network plan and includes goals, objectives, policies, design parameters, and implementation guidelines, including an Action Plan. Draft - Boulder Valley Regional Center Transportation Connections Plan 1 The detailed Action Plan attached to the BVRC TCP defines specific steps for implementation and will be updated periodically by Transportation and BURA staff. This approach to planning the future transportation system needs in the BVRC area is modeled after the North 28`h Street Transportation Network Plan, approved by City Council on December 11, 2001. The BVRC TCP incorporates recommended improvements made in the recent version of the BVRC Transportation Connections Plan, dated December 1998. DESCRIPTION OF COMPONENTS OF THE PLAN: A COMPREHENSIVE MAP is included as Figure 1 for the entire area. It is supported by Figure 2 which provides a key to the superblock division and delineates the BVRC boundary. Figures 3 through 14 show a more detailed view of each "superblock" within the area. These maps detail the existing and proposed transportation network facilities for the BVRC TCP area for all modes of travel. Transit, pedestrian, bicycle, and roadway connections are all illustrated, as is the need for future connections to the Future Boulder Transit Village. The map and/or the associated text in the TCP document specify the intended flexibility when making the recommended connections. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES of the BVRC TCP are geared toward implementation and detail the ultimate target of the Plan as well as the capital improvements, policies, regulation changes, development review guidance and planning activities that will be necessary. The goals and objectives are included on pages 2 and 3 of the BVRC TCP. POLICIES to support the BVRC TCP are included in Section 4 of the document. These policies specify the importance of making the recommended connections, detail the specific flexibility intended when making a specific connection and require the coordination with other plans and programs in Boulder, including the Boulder Valley Transportation Master Plan, the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan, the Crossroads Mall Redevelopment Framework and the Greenways Program and Master Plan. (See pages 5 through 9) DESIGN PARAMETERS TO SUPPORT THE BVRC TCP have been included in Section 5 of the document (page 10). They address minimum transportation facility cross-sections and reference the BVRC streetscape guidelines. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE TRANSPORTATION CONNECTIONS PLAN is discussed in more detail in Section 6 of the document (pages 11 through 13) with topics including development or redevelopment triggers, near-terra projects the city is undertaking in the BVRC area, the Action Plan (included with the document as Attachment A and containing a detailed "To Do" list to aid in Plan implementation), and the Plan Amendment Process. PLAN DEVELOPMENT AND REVIEW PROCESS: The development of the BVRC TCP originated with the BVRC Transportation Connections Plan adopted by BURA board on March 19, 1997, with revisions adopted on December 9, 1998. The current update to the BVRC TCP was reviewed as part of a larger, ongoing planning process, the Arapahoe Transportation Network Plan (ATNP), by a Task Force created to review staff's Draft - Boulder Valley Regional Center Transportation Connections Plan 2 proposal for multi-modal improvements in the Arapahoe Avenue corridor. The ATNP Task Force includes business owners, property owners, and residents of the area; a representative from the Boulder Bicycle Commuters, CU, Boulder County, and CDOT; and Planning, BURR and Transportation staff and consultants. The Task Force has 23 members, and is supported by a project team consisting of consultants and city staff. Two Task Force meetings have been held to date. At both of these meetings, the BVRC TCP map was reviewed and comments were taken from the Task Force. . In addition to the Task Force review of the map, the BVRC TCP was also the focal point of an "open hours" session held in the lobby of the Municipal Building on April 2, 2002. The map was posted and comment sheets were available for two weeks in the Municipal Building lobby and in Crossroads Mall. Staff provided informational updates to the Transportation Advisory Board on May 13, 2002 and monthly to the BURA board for the six-month duration of the project. The document also received numerous staff reviews by members of BURR, Planning Department, the City Attorney's Office, Development Review and the Transportation Division. The formal review process of the BVRC TCP includes the following steps: • On June 19, 2002, BURA Board unanimously adopted and recommended that City Council adopt the BVRC TCP. • On July 8, 2002, staff to present the document to TAB for public hearing and consideration of a recommendation to City Council on the Boulder Valley Regional Center Transportation Connections Plan (BVRC TCP). • On July 18, 2002, staff to present the document to Planning Board for public hearing and consideration of a recommendation to City Council on the Boulder Valley Regional Center Transportation Connections Plan (BVRC TCP). • On July 23, 2002, staff to present the document to City Council for review and consideration for adoption. ANALYSIS: TAB should consider these key, flexible improvements detailed in the BVRC TCP: • Alternatives for transit, bike, pedestrian and vehicular connections between the major development areas of the Future Boulder Transit Village and the Crossroads Mall site. • A finer roadway, pedestrian and bicycle network through the Crossroads Mall site. Specific alignments remain to be defined and are subject to negotiation with the developer of the Crossroads site. • Coordination with CU's east campus redevelopment provides additional roadway, bike/pedestrian and transit access through the site, in accordance with the CU Master Plan • Transit "Super Stops" along 28"' and 3o`h streets are placed in accordance to the South 28`" Street CEAP • Options for the Arapahoe Avenue cross-section, to be considered upon corridor-wide evaluation with the Arapahoe Transportation Network Plan study. • Policies to support the plan: o Redevelopment must connect to the surrounding transportation network. Draft - Boulder Valley Regional Center Transportation Connections Plan 3 o The actual location of each connection is flexible based on parcel size. o Consolidation, coordination and sharing of driveways along arterial roadways should be achieved upon redevelopment. o Right-of-way dedication and acquisition shall occur as needed. o A minimum of one pedestrian link (in addition to the public sidewalk) between buildings should be provided. o Coordination among other policies and plans shall occur. BURA BOARD ADOPTION: On June 19, 2002 BURA Board unanimously adopted and recommended for adoption to City Council the BVRC TCP with the following revisions: add a grade separated pedestrian crossing at 291h/Arapahoe, eliminate the mid-block crossing on 3e Street between Arapahoe and CompUSA as well as the adjoining multi-use path to King Soopers. Provide a multi-use connection to the north of King Soopers, just south of CompUSA, along the secondary vehicular connection. Add a multi-use path along the east-west secondary vehicular connection south of the Marriott. One of the Board members noted that the diagonal multi-use paths in the southern portion of the Crossroad Redevelopment Site are intended to be conceptual alignments only. Staff stated that this is noted on a map in the document on Superblock 6 Detail, Figure 10, page 23. Another board member stated that he does not support mid-block crossings on busy streets, such as 30`h, as it is not safe and can impede traffic. He recommended that barriers be constructed to prevent pedestrians from crossing in non-designated areas. Some members concurred that the cast-west grade separated crossings at Wendy's and 32nd Street may be relatively easy to construct, but they are not high priority. Perhaps the money to construct those underpasses could be diverted elsewhere, such as to the potentially expensive grade separated crossing at 29`h and Arapahoe. Finally, the board discussed the question of whether the City or the developer pays for each of the connections. They requested that staff provide further detail to the Board regarding funding mechanisms, past successes in funding similar projects, ways of ensuring equitability and the possibility of utilizing a transportation impact fee. PUBLIC COMMENT AND PROCESS: As noted above, the public process for the review of the BVRC TCP was linked to the public process incorporated into the Arapahoe Transportation Network Plan. The public comments received throughout the development and review of the BVRC TCP have been overwhelmingly in favor of the BVRC TCP. The review comments from various departments and boards have been extremely positive as well. There are no unresolved issues related to the public comment received, and there is no pending public review process except for that held in front of Planning Board, TAB and Council. This BVRC TCP, once adopted by City Council, will have immediate utility by developers, Development Review staff and by the staff and consultants who are in the process of updating the Transportation Master Plan. The fiscal implications of this Plan to the city will be detailed and Draft - Boulder Valley Regional Center Transportation Connections Plan 4 refined as part of future updates to the Transportation Master Plan and the development of future Capital Improvement Programs which may reflect the recommendations of the BVRC TCP. This, and all Transportation Connections/Network Plans, shall serve as implementation tools for the Transportation Master Plan. Transportation Division and BURR staffs will be charged with periodic updates to the Action Plan component of the BVRC TCP as necessary. TAB ACTION REQUESTED: Staff is requesting a public hearing and consideration of a recommendation to City Council on the Boulder Valley Regional Center Transportation Connections Plan (BVRC TCP). ATTACHMENT: Boulder Valley Regional Center Transportation Connections Plan, Updated June 25, 2002 Draft - Boulder Valley Regional Center Transportation Connections Plan 5 r~ arty a, bi, ow- ~ 4y'`Y~„ ' _ ~ ~ ~"A ,mot'` ~ ~ ~ • ~ 1 w sr ~ ' . ~ sa r , Ae- > 1 } 40 s ~ • ,Y.ala' Lek ~ L y ..y,., A J ~ ® -rte' :ter ~ r uu.. slow - p~ r } nal C exit alley RegIL plan ions .on O xis t`dtiQCn 0 f Bou1Dr f rupdated June 25, 2002 o Tr or i Draft Boulder Valley Regional Center Transportation Connections Plan Anticipated Plan Review and Adoption Schedule ► June 19, 2002 Adopted by the Boulder Urban Renewal Authority Board and Recommended for Adoption by City Council ► July 8, 2002 Review by the Transportation Advisory Board ► July 11, 2002 Review by the Planning Board ► July 23, 2002 Review and Adoption by the City Council Plan Development Acknowledgments ► The Arapahoe Transportation Network Plan Task Force ► City of Boulder Transportation Division Staff ► City of Boulder Planning Department Staff ► BURA Staff CITY DF BDULDEP ~f ► Consultants: The Osprey Group, Fox Higgins Transportation Group and Carter & Burgess >tie o.p.y eo.F rox Carter Burgess TABLE OF CONTENTS I` 1.0 Summary of this Boulder Valley Regional Center Transportation Connections Plan 1 2.0 Goals and Objectives of the BVRC TCP 2 2.1 Goals ..........................................................2 2.2 Objectives .......................................................2 3.0 The Map-Based Transportation Connections Plan 3 3.1 TCP Super Block Maps .............................................4 3.2 Transit in the BVRC Area 4 4.0 Policies Needed to Support the BVRC TCP 6 4.1 Connectivity to the City-wide Multi-Modal Transportation System 6 4.2 Flexibility of Connection Location Regarding Development or Redevelopment ................................................................6 4.3 Transportation Connections in the Crossroads Area 7 4.4 Coordination of Access to Arterial Roadways with Arterial Roadway Frontage ................................................................7 4.5 Right-Of-Way Dedication and Acquisition . . 8 4.6 Pedestrian Connections Between Buildings 8 4.7 Coordination with the Boulder Valley Transportation Master Plan 8 4.8 Coordination with Boulder's Greenways Program 8 4.9 Consistency with the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan 9 I 4.10 Coordination of the TCP area improvements with the South 281h Street CEAP 9 4.11 Consistency and Coordination with the North 28`h Street Transportation Network Plan ............................................................9 4.12 Incorporation of the BVRC TCP into the Arapahoe Transportation Network Plan ................................................................9 4.13 Development or Redevelopment Compliance with Boulder's City-wide Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Program 9 5.0 TCP Design Parameters 10 5.1 Minimum Cross-Sections for Roadways, Sidewalks, Multi-use Pathways, and Bicycle Lanes ....................................................10 6.0 Implementation of the BVRC Transportation Connections Plan 11 6.1 Ordinances to Support TCP Implementation 11 6.2 Development or Redevelopment Triggers for TCP Compliance 11 63 Near Term Projects by the City of Boulder 11 6.4 Projects that will be Implemented with Development or Redevelopment 12 6.5 The Boulder Valley Regional Center TCP Action Plan 12 6.6 Transportation Connections Plan Amendment Process 12 Draft - Boulder Valley Regional Center Transportation Connections Plan Page! LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 BVRC Transportation Connections Plan Comprehensive Map 14 Figure 2 BVRC TCP Superblock Key 15 Figure 3 Superblock 1 Alternative 1 Detail 16 Figure 4 Superblock I Alternative 2 Detail 17 Figure 5 Superblock I Alternative 3 Detail 18 Figure 6 Superblock 2 Detail ...............................................19 Figure 7 Superblock 3 Detail 20 Figure 8 Superblock 4 Detail 21 Figure 9 Superblock 5 Detail 22 Figure 10 Superblock 6 Detail ...............................................23 Figure I 1 Superblock 7 Detail 24 Figure 12 Superblock 8 Detail ...............................................25 Figure 13 Superblock 9 Detail 26 Figure 14 Superblock 10 Detail 27 Figure 15 North 28" Street Superblock Map 28 Figure 16 Future Transit Map 29 Figure 17 Existing / Proposed Property Access Pattern 30 Figure 18 Plan Amendment Process 31 ATTACHMENTS A. BVRC Transportation Connections Plan - ACTION PLAN B. TCP Development and Approval Process Draft - Boulder Valley Regional Center Transportation Connections Plan Page ii 1.0 Summary of this Boulder Valley Regional Center Transportation Connections Plan This Boulder Valley Regional Center (BVRC) Transportation Connections Plan (TCP) addresses the multi-modal transportation system needs for moving to and through the area located between Folsom and the approximate 35' Street alignment, and from Boulder Creek to the north side of Pearl Street. This TCP also extends north of Pearl Street to Mapleton Avenue to include the Boulder Transit Village which is under development northeast of the intersection of 301h/pearl. This TCP builds upon the original Transportation Connections Plan for the Boulder Valley Regional Center which was adopted by the Boulder Urban Renewal Authority in 1997 and revised in 1998. The Boulder Valley Regional Center Transportation Connections Plan defines the desired future transportation network in the area for all modes of travel. The TCP will help land owners, developers, and the City plan for the connections needed in this area. Over time, the plan and the proposed improvements will be integrated into the Boulder Valley Transportation Master Plan and the Transportation Capital Improvement Programs (CIP). The recommendations and requirements of the TCP will be implemented through: e the adoption of appropriate ordinances construction of capital improvements as part of Boulder's Capital Improvement Program (CIP), including but not limited to construction of the improvements within the 28`h Street right-of-way identified in the 28`" Street South Segment Community and Environmental Assessment Process (CEAP) • construction of capital improvements associated with the future Boulder Transit • Village dedication and acquisition of right-of-way • construction of on-site improvements by property owners as appropriate when parcels develop or redevelop, including but not limited to the redevelopment of the Crossroads Mall area • transportation system expansions and improvements in the CU Campus east of 30`h Street and south of Arapahoe Avenue. The major components of this BVRC Transportation Connections Plan include: - Map Based Transportation Connections Plan, illustrated on Figure 1 including recommended multi-modal facilities and connections. Note that this is a right-of- way plan based on Section 9-3.3-14 of the 1981 Boulder Revised Code (BRC). - South 28th Street Corridor CEAP Recommendations including 28`h Street cross- section improvements, multi-modal facilities in the right-of-way, improvements to enhance safety, recommended access configuration, landscape improvements and public art opportunities - BVRC TCP Document (this document) including goals, objectives, policies, plan amendment procedures, standards and implementation guidance Draft - Boulder Valley Regional Center Transportation Connections Plan Page 1 BVRC TCP Action Plan which is a "to do" list of steps necessary to implement this Transportation Connections Plan (in this document as Attachment A). Some action items are one time events; some have specific target dates attached; and some describe on-going activity needed. The TCP Action Plan will be updated periodically by Transportation Division and BURA staff. Attachment B is a summary of the BVRC TCP development and public review and adoption process. 2.0 Goals and Objectives of the BVRC TCP 2.1 Goals The goals listed below represent the ultimate targets for the BVRC TCP: • Improve access and mobility to, through, and within the BVRC area for all modes of travel by developing a multi-modal transportation grid where possible. • Improve transportation safety for all modes and reduce traffic accidents. • Provide visual continuity within transportation corridors. • Reduce vehicular congestion on arterial roadways in the area and minimize the need for traffic within the area to circulate on arterial roadways. • Provide a transportation network that improves access to businesses in the area. • Provide a transportation network that supports and encourages land development and/or redevelopment that is consistent with the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan. 2.2 Objectives The objectives listed below are divided by categories relating to general issues, capital improvements, programs, regulation changes, development review guidance, and planning activities that will be used to implement the goals of the TCP: General Objectives: • Develop a map-based plan for a multi-modal transportation network in the area that defines the needed transportation connections (roadways, paths, routes etc.) for pedestrian, bicycle, automobile, and transit travel. This map based plan is illustrated in Figure 1. • Develop regulations and ordinances specific to this TCP that can be used to evaluate and direct development and redevelopment applications. • Provide efficient multi-modal connections to the future Boulder Transit Village to facilitate planned regional transit service and potential passenger rail travel in the future. • Evaluate the potential to locate a bicycle and pedestrian trail along the railroad right-of-way where no efficient parallel trails or pathways exist Draft - Boulder Valley Regional Center Transportation Connections Plan Page 2 Objectives geared toward capital project construction by the City (may also have application to development review): • Define short-term improvements and connections from the TCP map for inclusion in the Transportation CIP. • Evaluate the potential for innovative transit improvements in the arterial roadway rights-of-way, such as bus queue jump lanes, bus-bike-right turn lanes, etc. • Include the BVRC TCP recommendations in the Boulder Valley Transportation Master Plan update as appropriate. • Identify and complete missing sidewalk links in the area. Objectives geared toward development review regulations: • Implement the map-based plan in a way that ensures the planned connections are made while maintaining as much flexibility for land development options as possible for property owners developing or redeveloping individual sites. • Require the provision of internal pedestrian connections or removal of barriers to interior pedestrian travel between adjacent properties, in addition to public sidewalks. • Accommodate cross-site automobile access between parking lots where practical when properties develop or redevelop to minimize travel on arterial roadways. • When parcels develop or redevelop, require that "back door" or "cross site"automobile connections between commercial sites be provided where practical, often along the back of the property along both sides of arterial roadways to enhance access and minimize the need for automobile turns to and from the arterials. • Where practical, require driveways on developing or redeveloping parcels to be located at the edge of the property such that they can be shared with adjacent properties (either in the near-term or when the adjacent parcel develops or redevelops). 3.0 The Map-Based Transportation Connections Plan The Transportation Connections Plan Map for the BVRC area (see Figure 1) illustrates the following existing and proposed transportation facilities: roadways or automobile connections of one of the following types: • primary roadways secondary roadways (Note that all roadways are assumed to have sidewalks on both sides unless modified for a specific roadway segment as part of a site review process) on-street bike lanes off-street bike / pedestrian multi-use pathways grade separated path crossings Draft - Boulder Valley Regional Center Transportation Connections Plan Page 3 - transit routes - combination bus / bike / right-turn lanes transit super stops (typically at places where transit routes cross) - traffic signals at-grade pedestrian crossings, either at an intersection or mid-block Existing facilities are represented by solid lines and recommended future facilities are illustrated with dashed lines. Existing facilities that are in need of upgrade are illustrated with dotted lines. The right-of-way for all future transportation facilities should be dedicated or reserved. Existing transportation facilities that are not in the public right-of-way will need to have their right-of-way dedicated or reserved at the time of redevelopment (see Section 4.5 of this TCP). 3.1 TCP Super Block Maps The TCP area has been divided into 10 super blocks (see Figure 2 for a superblock key) to allow a more detailed view of the recommended transportation connections. The super blocks are illustrated in Figures 3 - 14 (including alternatives for Superblock 1), which include written descriptions of the intended connections where appropriate. The Target and Crossroads Mall areas (Superblocks 3 and 6), have an additional shading on the Comprehensive Map (Figure 1) to illustrate that additional internal vehicular connections (not specifically shown) are anticipated in these areas when redevelopment occurs. The alignments of these internal vehicular connections have not been determined in order to maximize the flexibility for redevelopment proposals (see also Section 4.3). It should be noted that the northern portion of the BVRC TCP map overlaps with the southern portion of the North 28`h Street Transportation Network Plan in the area bounded by Folsom, Mapleton, 30`h, and Pearl. It is the goal that the two Plans be consistent in this area. Multi-modal connections illustrated on the TCP map that are in addition to the connections in this area of the North 28`h Street TNP map should be revised in the North 281h Street TNP when that TNP is updated by staff. A detailed map of this overlapping area, and the currently recommended multi-modal facilities is attached as Figure 15. 3.2 Transit in the BVRC Area Transit is a critical component of the multi-modal transportation system in the BVRC area, and all of the maps referenced above include corridors where transit currently exists or new transit services are proposed. The attached Future Transit Draft - Boulder Malley Regional Center Transportation Connections Plan Page 4 Map (Figure 16) provides a more comprehensive look at transit facilities and connections in the BVRC area and includes: route specific information for existing and future transit on each roadway corridor a broader look at existing and future regional transit connections distinction between local and local high-frequency transit routes reference to a new high frequency circulator shuttle through the BVRC area. Expanded regional transit to and through the BVRC area will include the DART to/from Longmont in the Diagonal Highway / 28th Street / Canyon Blvd. corridor, and new service to/from Denver in the US 36 / 28t° Street corridor. Additional high frequency shuttle service will include the STAMPEDE connecting CU's main campus with the east campus and the Arapahoe corridor, and the ORBIT operating in the Folsom and 28' Street corridors. The proposed new circulator shuttle connecting the various parts of the BVRC is shown with a conceptual alignment that will allow users to access multiple destinations while leaving their cars parked. This two-way circulator should have a frequency of less than 10 minutes if it is to be successful. Figure 16 also illustrates an additional local transit route serving the Valmont corridor. The transit routes serving the Arapahoe corridor are defined in the maps discussed above. However, the actual roadway's functional utilization, its cross- section, and right-of-way, will receive additional study to determine its most ' appropriate configuration to support all modes. One possibility that has been discussed, and is scheduled for implementation in the North 28t° Street Corridor, is the use of the outside lanes on a 6-lane roadway as bus-bike-right turning vehicle lanes. Transit superstops are recommended at most of the major intersections in the 28`h Street and Arapahoe corridors where regional and local transit routes cross, and adjacent to significant destinations such as CU or the Crossroads Mall area. The Boulder Transit Village located northeast of 30th / Pearl will serve as a major bus transit hub and may one day provide access to regional passenger rail service. The resultant transit grid of local, regional, and high frequency shuttle services illustrated on Figure 16 will be necessary to help Boulder meet its aggressive multi- modal goals. And the grid of bicycle and pedestrian facilities illustrated throughout this TCP will be critical to ensuring the transit system's success. t Draft - Boulder Valley Regional Center Transportation Connections Plan Page 5 r 4.0 Policies Needed to Support the BVRC TCP This section includes the policies that support the implementation of the TCP. In some cases , additional rationale is provided for a topic after the policy statement to support its intent. 4.1 Connectivity to the City-wide Multi-Modal Transportation System Policy: The multi-modal transportation facilities illustrated on Figure 1 that connect from the TCP area to the surrounding transportation network should be prioritized, programmed and implemented by the City of Boulder as part of the Boulder Valley Transportation Master Plan and CIP process. 4.2 Flexibility of Connection Location Regarding Development or Redevelopment Policy: The multi-modal improvements illustrated on the BVRC TCP map (Figure I and Figures 3 - 14) are intended to define the needed connectivity in that area. The alignments of these connections are specific to the area shown but are not intended to be precise, so long as the connection illustrated is created in a manner that facilitates efficient travel. The intent of the TCP is to maintain flexibility in the implementation of these connections so as to not hinder redevelopment potential of a parcel or parcels. Development or redevelopment proposals should illustrate that the intended connectivity is achieved. If the connection illustrated on the TCP map cannot be made where shown, the alignment may be varied as follows: development or redevelopment parcels that are 10 acres in size or less must achieve the connection within 50 feet on either side of the alignment illustrated on the TCP map. - development or redevelopment parcels that are more than 10 acres in , size must achieve the connection within 100 feet on either side of the alignment illustrated on the TCP map. In the case of larger parcels or aggregations of parcels (15 acres or larger) such as the Boulder Transit Village, it is the intent of the TCP to allow flexibility in the number and type of connections made across a site, so long as the proposed connectivity goals of the TCP are achieved. This connectivity goal can best be described as the equivalent of the street / alley ( sidewalk grid found in traditional downtown areas. To reinforce this point, alternative connections in the northeast area of the TCP map have been illustrated on Figures 3, 4, and 5 which illustrate alternative connections in the Boulder Transit Village area Draft - Boulder Valley Regional Center Transportation Connections Plan Page 6 j that could be implemented without compromising the intent of the plan, subject to the Site Review Process. Changes in the proposed connections in development or redevelopment parcels that exceed the alignment limits described should be reviewed in the Plan Amendment Process as described in Section 6.6. 4.3 Transportation Connections in the Crossroads Area Policy: The grid of multi-modal transportation connections within the Crossroads area (bounded by Arapahoe, Pearl, 28" and 30' Streets) should be roughly consistent with the grid illustrated in the Crossroads Mall Redevelopment Framework in terms of the spacing, frequency and connectivity of the transportation corridors. Figures 1, 7, and 10 illustrate the approximate ' number and alignment of most of the desired transportation facilities in the Crossroads area. However, as noted on the Figures, additional secondary ' roadways and vehicular connections will be required within the Crossroads area to provide an adequate level of connectivity to and through the site (as per the Crossroads Mall Redevelopment Framework). These additional roadways have not been illustrated so as to allow maximum flexibility during redevelopment site planning, but their existence is required and specific alignments should be determined as part of the site review process for the Crossroads Mall area redevelopment. 4.4 Coordination of Access to Arterial Roadways with Arterial Roadway Frontage Policy: Coordination and sharing of driveways between adjacent parcels along arterial roadways and consolidation of driveway access to roadways within a single parcel should be achieved as parcels redevelop along arterial roadways in the BVRC area. Driveways accessing arterial roadways in a developing or redeveloping parcel should be located as close as possible to an edge of the property so as to be shared with an adjacent property when the adjacent property develops or redevelops. If the adjacent property already has a driveway located at the common property line, a shared driveway should be created to serve both parcels. No more than one driveway should be provided onto any roadway frontage when a parcel of 5 acres or less develops or redevelops, except that two driveways could be considered to serve a parcel only if both of the two driveways are located on the edges of the parcel such that they serve (or can in the future serve) the adjacent parcels on either side as well. Draft - Boulder Valley Regional Center Transportation Connections Plan Page 7 Consolidating driveway access onto arterial roadways will enhance safety and operational efficiency in the BVRC area. Sharing driveways between adjacent parcels, coupled with the provision ofsecondary "backdoor" roadways at or near , the rear property lines (as illustrated on Figures I and 3 - 14) can improve the access to any given parcel. Figure 17 illustrates this concept, comparing existing parcel access for a generic block of Arapahoe Avenue to an enhanced access pattern achieved through redevelopment and implementation of the TCP. 4.5 Right-Of-Way Dedication and Acquisition Policy: Necessary rights-of-way or easements for the transportation facility improvements identified on the TCP map will be reserved, dedicated to, or acquired by the City as a condition of approval for applicants applying for development or redevelopment of a parcel. The City of Boulder may need to acquire the necessary right-of-way or easement for projects to be constructed by the City. 4.6 Pedestrian Connections Between Buildings Policy: Development or redevelopment of commercial properties in the BVRC area should be designed to allow pedestrian travel between buildings. Physical barriers such as walls, fences, hedges, berms, or significant grade changes between parcels will be discouraged in order to allow for convenient pedestrian travel between buildings and thus avoid short vehicle trips between adjacent parking areas and additional circulating traffic on the arterial roadway system. If barriers can not be avoided, or cannot be removed where they already exist, they shall have breaks where needed for pedestrian cross-access. At least one pedestrian link shall be provided to each abutting property (in addition to the public sidewalk). These pedestrian connections between building fronts are illustrated conceptually on Figure 17. 4.7 Coordination with the Boulder Valley Transportation Master Plan Policy: The goals, objectives, and multi-modal connections identified in this BVRC TCP should be incorporated into future updates of the Transportation Master Plan to facilitate their prioritization and implementation. 4.8 Coordination with Boulder's Greenways Program Policy: Implementation of transportation connections in and connecting to the tributary greenways within the TCP area (as illustrated on the TCP maps) should be pursued in concert with Boulder's Greenways Master Plan and programmed into the City's CIP. Draft - Boulder Valley Regional Center Transportation Connections Plan Page 8 i 4.9 Consistency with the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan Policy: The transportation system anticipated by the TCP in the BVRC area is intended to be consistent with and facilitate the potential future land uses in the area as envisioned in the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Platt (BVCP). ' The TCP action items serve to implement BVCP transportation policies regarding multi-modal strategies and investments, accessibility, reduction of single occupancy auto trips, and transportation impacts. 4.10 Coordination of the TCP area improvements with the South 28`h Street CEAP Policy: The development of the 28"' Street South Segment Corridor improvements and the TCP area improvements shall be coordinated to facilitate safe and efficient multi-modal mobility within and around the area. 4.11 Consistency and Coordination with the North 28`h Street Transportation Network Plan Policy: The transportation system anticipated by the BVRC TCP is intended to be consistent with and connect to the transportation system at the south end of the North 28" Street corridor as detailed in the North 28" Street TNP and as modified in this document. Multi-modal transportation facilities along and across Pearl Street and to/from the Boulder Transit Village should facilitate this connectivity. 4.12 Incorporation of the BVRC TCP into the Arapahoe Transportation Network Plan Policy: The Arapahoe Transportation Network Plan (currently scheduled for completion in late 2002) addresses the multi-modal transportation needs for an area along both sides of Arapahoe Avenue from Folsom Street to Westview Drive on the eastern edge of Boulder. When complete, this TNP will include the BVRC area at its western boundary. It is the intent of the Arapahoe TNP that it include this BVRC TCP in its entirety and add a broader more regional transportation focus in the entire Arapahoe corridor. 4.13 Development or Redevelopment Compliance with Boulder's City-wide Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Program Policy: The City of Boulder is in the process of developing a Transportation Demand Management Program (TDM Program) for implementation throughout the city. This TDM Program will offer various transportation alternatives to the single occupancy vehicle (SOV). It will give people the flexibility to find a transportation option that works for them - part of the time or all of the time. The program will attempt to reduce single occupancy vehicle trips and the Draft - Boulder Malley Regional Center Transportation Connections Plan Page 9 resulting congestion, pollution, increased parking and reduced open space. The city-wide TDM Program, when finalized, will have application in the , BVRC TCP area, and may be incorporated specifically into this TCP when it is updated in the future. , 5.0 TCP Design Parameters 5.1 Minimum Cross-Sections for Roadways, Sidewalks, Multi-use Pathways, and Bicycle Lanes This section of the Plan defines minimum cross-sections for roadways, sidewalks, bikeways, and multi-use pathways on the TCP map. Collector and Arterial Roadways All collector, minor arterial, and principal arterial roadways within the TCP area (as defined on Boulder's Roadway Functional Classification Map in the Boulder Valley Transportation Master Plan) are intended to have minimum City of Boulder cross- sections (including landscaping buffers and sidewalks) as defined in the City's Design and Construction Standards (DCS). In addition, the requirements of the BVRC Streetscape Guidelines in the BVRC Design Guidelines shall apply as appropriate. Local Access Roadwavs This map-based TCP includes three types of local access standards as follows: Primary Roadway - the major local access routes in the area. The minimum standard in nonresidential areas is the Base Street standard in the DCS, including sidewalks and landscaping. The minimum standard in residential areas is the Residential Street standard in the DCS, including sidewalks and landscaping. In addition, the requirements of the BVRC Streetscape Guidelines in the BVRC Design Guidelines shall apply as appropriate. Secondary Roadways or Vehicular Connections - typically providing access to and through the larger parcels, cross-site access between parcels, or connecting the back side of properties which front on an arterial roadway. The minimum standard in nonresidential areas is the Base Street standard in the DCS, including sidewalks and landscaping. The minimum standard in residential areas is the Residential Street standard in the DCS, including sidewalks and landscaping. In addition, the requirements of the BVRC Streetscape Guidelines in the BVRC Design Guidelines shall apply as appropriate. Modifications to these minimum standards on Secondary Roadways may be considered on a case by case basis during the site review process. Draft - Boulder Valley Regional Center Transportation Connections Plan Page 10 Regulatory Roadway Connections - vehicular connections to and/or through a parcel, that are required to be maintained as a condition of development approval, but no format easement or right-of-way is required by the City. The property owner may elect to provide a cross-section with elements in excess of these minimum requirements so long as the cross-section of a facility that connects between properties has consistency necessary for safe and efficient travel. The property owner must follow the BVRC Streetscape Guidelines for sidewalk and landscaping specifications as appropriate. Multi-use Pathways Off-street bike/pedestrian pathways illustrated on the TCP map shall have a minimum width of 12 feet and be paved in concrete, unless it can be shown in the site review process that a typical sidewalk cross-section is more appropriate in selected areas. Pathways that are not within a roadway right-of-way should be placed in a pathway easement. ' On-Street Bicycle Lanes Bike lanes shall be designed and installed consistent with the City's bike lane standards. 6.0 Implementation of the BVRC Transportation Connections Plan 6.1 Ordinances to Support TCP Implementation Implementation of the TCP will, in part, require the City to adopt necessary ordinances so that portions of the Plan may be implemented as development and redevelopment occurs. These ordinances will allow development to occur in a manner that is consistent with the connections illustrated on the TCP map. 6.2 Development or Redevelopment Triggers for TCP Compliance The City should review and implement development and redevelopment thresholds to determine when compliance with the TCP will be required. Development or redevelopment thresholds that could be considered include: building expansions (based on size of the expansion) a change of use the addition of more dwelling units - any project that requires a Site Review 6.3 Near Term Projects by the City of Boulder The future connections illustrated on the Plan in Figures 1 and 3 - 14 include a wide range of transportation system enhancements. Some of the connections may be 1 Draft - Boulder Valley Regional Center Transportation Connections Plan Page 11 1 implemented in the near term (1-5 years) by the City as part of currently planned projects. Examples may include: - multi-use path connections to the Goose Creek Path - improvements in the South 28 ° Street corridor as identified in the CEAP for that project - bus queue jump lanes at selected intersections - the addition of bicycle lanes on 30' between Pearl and Arapahoe - the addition of a multi-use path on the east side of 30`h between Arapahoe and Goose Creek - TDM Program implementation. Other projects, such as additional transit routes, transit super stops, and development of the Boulder Transit Village may be implemented over time as part of Boulder's transit system enhancement. 6.4 Projects that will be Implemented with Development or Redevelopment Many of the connections illustrated on Figuresl and 3 - 14 can only be implemented with the development or redevelopment of one or more of the commercial parcels in the BVRC area. These connections are shown so that they will be included as part of a development or redevelopment proposal. Redevelopment of the Crossroads Mall area will trigger the implementation of many of the multi-modal connections shown for that area. 6.5 The Boulder Valley Regional Center TCP Action Plan The Action Plan for the BVRC TCP is a detailed listing of steps necessary to implement the TCP. The tasks are divided into groups as follows: - TCP Finalization and Adoption - Network Component Implementation - City Initiative - Network Component Implementation - Local Development Initiative - TDM Component Implementation The Action Plan is included in this document as Attachment A. 6.6 Transportation Connections Plan Amendment Process The BVRC TCP is intended to be specific and yet flexible enough to have application for the foreseeable future in this portion of Boulder. However, if the need arises, this section describes a two tiered approach to modify the TCP. Administrative Adjustments to the implementation of the TCP can be completed at the staff level after review and agreement by BURR, Planning, Transportation, and Development Review staffs as appropriate. For example, staff may authorize the Draft - Boulder Valley Regional Center Transportation Connections Plan Page 12 administrative adjustment to the alignment of a connection illustrated on Figures 1 and 3 - 14 when the requested adjustment meets all of the following criteria: • the adjustment results in a lateral shift in alignment of less than 100 feet in properties that are 10 acres in size or less, or less than 150 feet in properties that are 10 acres or more in size the adjustment has no adverse impacts on surrounding properties Another example of an administrative adjustment to the TCP is the periodic update of the TCP action Plan by Transportation and BURA staff. Plan Amendments represent modifications to the TCP document or modifications to the map based component of the plan that propose a change in connectivity that exceeds the alignment flexibility thresholds detailed above. Plan amendments require review and recommendation by the Transportation Advisory Board and the BURA Board, and a decision by the Planning Board, subject to City Council call-up. Figure 18 illustrates two possible plan amendment processes, depending on whether a Site Review Process is required. The approving authority will consider the following when reviewing a proposed Plan Amendment: • change of circumstance • physical hardship practical hardship equivalency Draft - Boulder Valley Regional Center Transportation Connections Plan Page 13 A V-r e ..Future i~ / e YMCA l / e~~l N II~~ I Mapleton Ballfield Boulder I to CI I a Page A orth 29th Street d appro ate, this conne ~ ~ of plan. alternatives for or { See detail s for • i' area -..r_ Yeet~ Whole Y''e St I y Food Movie L~•d-~ 1 i s•~ ~ ~ ~ Theater I ~ e race 00-0 1 a ' •f \ N\ ?Target I~ Chrysler 1 Additional vehicular connections, I' i to a lev ~~co ° sistent with the Wend 's Crossroads all Redeve,lo Ip V y Christy j - IQ„ ~~A III Framewor.k, anticipate~l n this sports kA i r J1 Sound 1`i highlighted r. nt area ;,.r I I I Track Walnut G~rdens reet f' I PI I Foley's I Cl j ~ Dairy r II Parking :I Il II Center !I Marshall Structure Market I II :1 for the Plaza Square McDonald's III 1 _Arts_ li ,1 I _ I ~L Burger Ding Sears 30th Street j II I Market >I I _ : II I C Crossroads orld Savipgs I' Mall III r I, Justice Center I County Canyon Bouteva I I I Building . I IMr Future IICompUSA 14TD ty ~ developmen>f • MaI Itenance Rp III I \ _ III I W Hotel I I The Village V - - Buffalo II i A I Soopers 1 Village=- II I I~~ I~ ~ I~I I II _ J1- - Grove Sreet I w ;III Bank I~ I III I I ~I i r--- 1111 1 oe Ave I1 tl~ - - Barrel - -Fire ap House Station r III . Scott Marine Strd~t I 11 Carpenter 1 • V~. I Park Safeway I I I 11 \A 1 . . / tIL 41 it >v 1 ° ll I Hotel m % C I p 11 University of Colorado , / V~ I II Research Center lee . and East Campus f I-~ W ll 1 I' i- #--I, W P rdry Court ; I1~ l I I®~ d III tCCee'- 1 X11 _ - - ~ north Boulder Valley Regional Center Boundary Legend The following options will be further studied in context of the entire Arapahoe corridor in the study area, from Folsom to Westview. Existing Upgrade Proposed Facility 1. Existing roadway with multi-use paths on the north and south sides of the street ® Grade Separated Pedestrian Crossing 2. Continuous, six travel lanes with bicycle lanes. 3. Option two, plus queue jumps at all or certain intersections. C At Grade Pedestrian Crossing 4. Dedicated bus/bike/right-tum only lanes the entire corridor. . - Primary Roadway - Secondary Vehicular Connection - ' Multi-Use Path (Conceptual Alignment) On-Street Bike Facility Boulder Valley Regional Center - Bus / Bike Lane Transportation Connections Plan Transit Route (see Future Transit Map) June 25, 2002 Transit Super Stop Comprehensive Map ~l~) Gi.'Oi6Wl➢EF~ Figure 1 U W 0 ~ Traffic Signal O TM n~ ~D a Scale 1" = 580' ' ~ Carter-Burgess s qN. f - O YMCA Future et nA o Also see North BaiD" a¢ Boulder O e 28th Street TNP. Vilage C Uupdate, as See Figures 3-5 for o v' eon appropriate, alteratives for this a ole yiuestreet that plain. in FFooods movie area c Theater S~eet 5pruce"`tr'" o to to p eaYI SOeet Target Chrysler 0 Wendy'a O Christy Sound Sports 2 Track Walnut Gardens Street , Wa~ut ~ Dairy FoleY'a Parking i Center Marshall Structure Market for the Plaza Snare Arts McDonald's Bnrger King 30th street ' Sears Market Crossroads orhf Savings Mail Justice j Canyon Boulevard Center ? County Building ~~rtwn~ Com USA O Future O P ~ / RTD ~ Redevelopment Maintenance Mardot Hotel - King W i~ The Village Buffalo Soopen a Village Grove StOet Bank rD tit; fD Arapahoe Avenue Barrel se. iSJ Howe Fire eamrei' O_ Station W Scott Marine Street ~u~ CO~yI Carpenter ..i®swt®utlta•ii R _ Park ~1 ! Safeway d O lJ ° 8 00, 10 University of Colorado Research Center W and East Campus Courdry Court ~ Bov1 t north Boulder Valley Boulder Valley Regional Center Regional Center Transportation Connections Plan Boundary June 25, 2002 Superblock Deliniation See Figures 3 -15, Superblock Key and an~aa...ya pages 15 - 28, for detailed views of each BVRC Boundary, Figure 2 superblock. o. Not to Scale Cam.. ¢,,.9.. Page 15 ii ji- GOOD Ci Mapleton Avenue Pursue pathways along west edge of railroad right-of-way ! lign - - - - „proposed Future Alignment of all I Mapleton road at Boulder roadway and cl Ballfield Boulder Transit pathway f Transit Villa ge connections o° / Village through the transit with village are flexible I r l IJ roadway ~I L _J through shopping -grade pedestrian II center. ° crossing alternatives f l ep being considered I I m N Whole Foods • • • • •••j••••• Movie •••0•i•••• • Theater • Location of t • . signalized atlSttee ■ access to 're ■ Pearl Stream- ma ~shA46the Consider relocation f Pearl upon 29th Street rn ■ Street is grade- alignment ■ Along separated over ditch railroad tracks / Ditch to / C be day - lighted 7 Chrysler N Target I C Christy Re-align 29th sport and Walnut intersection; this - will necessitate Walnut Gardens - - - - - - grade rtL corrections at Q property I boundaries. north Legend -Existing Upgrade _ Proposed Facility❑ ® C ede Sryaraled Yedeatrim t".- A, Grade Pedestrian Crossing 00 Z . Primary Roadway • • • • Secondary v n,ewar Conneotrna Multi-Uw Path (Conceptual ALgnm®o Boulder Valley Regional Center - _ _ °n-Street Bikekaei°'y Transportation Connections Plan B. / Bike Lane TranaA Route (.e Future Traaai, Map, p 29) June 25, 2002 D i w Trarout Super stop Superblock 1 Detail IVAA /'b~ T.a Sisal Alternative 1 - Figure 3 Scale I"= 250' Page 16 a c Alternative alignment / sec of roadway Mapleton Avenue reed connection to north of Transit Village JJ Align proposed Future road at Boulder " Boulder Bapl d Transit Village Transit e with roadway Village through shopping o center ~I I _ - ~ r III ~X Whole Foods • . 001 0• \ 0 Movie .~~0So00 Theater Alternative u t~ 32nd Street eartSO et 0 alignment / II Along ditch M~ Consider j relocation upon Ditch to rn 29th Street re- be day- w alignment lighted Chrysler I I a Target Christy Sports Walnut Gardens i i north Legend _Existine Upgrade Proposed Facility ❑ ® C ads Separated Padmhvo Crossing rO 1(c At Grade Pedestrian Crossing . . . Primary Roadway • . . . Secondary Veht-1. C.--t on - - _ - _ - Multi-Use Ph (Conceptu.1A1,gn am O Boulder Valley Regional Center GnstreetBkeFa dity Transportation Connections Plan . . . T / Bike Lane Transit Route (see Future Transit Map, p. 29) June 25, 2002 ~ W yu TaaitSnperStop Superblock 1 Detail ~p Ta~eSigna Alternative 2 - Figure 4 Scale 1" = 250' Page 17 secree Alignment of all roadway Mapleton Avenue and pathway connections through the transit village ' \ II II ~ ` Align proposed are flexible ~ ~ road at Boulder Future Mapleton Transit Village Boulder Ballfield with roadway i Transit through Village °a shopping III center I Alternative pedestrian \ Foods pathways through the i! Transit Village it r r a ji Movie a ! s Theater Re-aligned extension of 32n r Street to accommodate the t f- c'i~ ■ II possible Pearl v eatlSttee ~y ■ Street overpass of the railroad. / Along / ditch r NOMINEE Chrysler w Target I ` p Ditch to be be day- lighted , it. \ p II Christy = ' I I 11111 Sports I C hh - Walnut Gardens - - C _ N L \ i i north Legend - _ _ Existing Upgrade _ Proposed - Facility-- - ❑ ® c ade Separa ed Pedeatnan crossing U I c At Grade Pedestrian Crossing . . . Primary Roadway Secondary Vehicular Connection A On- ueet Bike Multi-use Nth c~oecPta~ Alipment, Boulder Valley Regional Center B ~`UC .S/Bike L Pa dity Transportation Connections Plan = us Bice t ane TrueetReete(seeFume TransitMaP,P-29, June 25, 2002 D~ Transit Super Slop Superblock 1 Detail ~s /0~ TraToSignal Alternative 3 - Figure 5 . Scale F'= 250' Page 18 SQr'eev,vv♦ vti treet Make YeaY~S v v v v secondary v 'v 0000400 \ v connection 10 and add sidewalks • ' Wendy's Upgrade k4 betwee sidewalks Walnut and along Pearl Pearl Sound Street as ~ Track - ~ needed % a ■ ~ Walnut Street I • ■ Oil ■ ° II ■ ■ ° I • Long-range • y ■ consideration ■ ■ for an ■ ■ enhanced, • eke Dairy • mid-block ■ Center Marshall ■ II for the Plaza ■ pedestrian n McDonald's ■ ■ crossing I ■ ~ aaalll ■ Add sidewalks Consolidate where missing ■ Burger ■ multiple curb l through the : j icing • cuts along 28th Marshall Plaza • Street with ■ onsolidate ■ redevelopment area : multiple curb • where • cuts with 28th S= edevelopment■ appropriate I ■ here ■ appropriate ■ II World ■ l Savings II anyon Boulevard T7 14 n th Legend Existing Upgrade Proposed _F-ft _ Bike facilities along this ❑ ® Cade5eparatedPadestrianCmssing segment of Canyon to be further evaluated At Dada P<destrim Crosaivg - - - Primary Roadway . • - - - Se...dmy Veh,,idw Co.m ,fim = Mew"use Pail, (Aa«pn,a Alignment) Boulder Valley Regional Center on-Strew Bd<e r a d ry B./Bik<Lan< Transportation Connections Plan _ - 1t-ftRonW(-F-Tr-nMap, p-29) June 25, 2002 u nandsul-Strip Superblock 2 Detail I Tme Signal Figure 6 Scale 1" = 250' Page 19 Movie I'nn''II I 1\111 • 1`1\ Theater 1\ II \1 • 000 Consider 1,1\ + relocating to 11 t • ~~j 29th Street \ 1 Pearl street - alignment Complete - and/or widen I - - existing ' sidewalk / j The alignmen f these athwa pathways / athwa s may depending y _ 1 n redevelopm rt or aghted ay c, expansion of th arget store ditch Chrysler d Target I ~ R Extend 29th through11 11 Wendy's \ the area to connect Consolidate multiple p' II between Pearl and Araahoe north of correct Walnut curb cuts with d ll Christy redevelopment grade ~ sports Walnut I Gardens Add I ■ sidewalks Re-align 29th and along Walnut roadways, ` ■ secondary transit routes and ■ vehicular I bikeway for more direct Add sidewalks ■ connection and consolidated along roadwayo 00 connections. Re-align intersection correct Squaaret ■ grade difference. kv Foley's Parking Structure McDonald s ■ ■ or- / Burger King ■ Sears north Legend Note: Additional vehicular ExistineUpgrade-- Proposed-- Facility--____ connections aticipated in this ® Grade Separated Padastrian Crossing highlighted redevelopment area rte-' 1 / At Grade Pedestrian Crossing - - - Primary Roadway - nay - Secondary Vetu .1. Co-.. - - - MuW-U. Pad, (C ..ep-lA,igmnam( Boulder Valley Regional Center Gn-Streke Nike Lane Facility B. / Rik Transportation Connections Plan _ Tranart Ruble (a. Future T-1 Map, p. 29) June 25, 2002 4ansdSup.,Slup Superblock 3 Detail o • TraRcSignai Figure 7 QO p~ Scale l" = 250' Page 20 000 ear , Movie Theater ' - ■ i5l ~i Pathway ■ underpass Alignment of new roadway under 30th ■ o and intersection at Pearl along tditch \~'oP may shift west if Pearl crosses up and over the new commuter rail line Pathway underpass under new roadway ■ ® extension 0 rA Chrysler W tRp IIInIII N eD I I ~ W' christy Consolidate sports multiple curb Pursue pathway cuts along 30th Consolidate multiple along southwest Street with curb cuts along 33rd edge of railroa wahintG ens redevelopment Street with right-of-way redevelopment W ■ ■ 1 Parking Market ■ , ■ Structure Square ■ ' 30th Street ■ 1 V Market ■ I ■ north Legend Existine Upgrade.. Proposed Facility ❑ ® Cade Separated Pedestrian crowing At Grade Pedestrian Crossing • • • • • . . P,.,-y Roadway • • • • • • • • • . . . Secondary V hi-1 r CnneGion Mnlti-UsePh (ConceptualAGg-enq Boulder Valley Regional Center - - - Bw / BiBikB~"F""" Transportation Connections Plan ~ Bus /ke Lane Transit Route<sw Future Transit Map, p. 29) June, 25, 2002 9 Tra iS,,NrStep Superblock 4 Detail r 0 TrafreS,gna1 Figure 8 QO Scale F'= 250'„ Page 21 c Burger Oro ■ Cr 8 Bike II facilities along this C L " segment of Canyon to Add sidewalks be further where missing world evaluated through the ' Li Marshall Plaza area Canyon Boulevard - ~a= - T iii■■Ig€c~~."_ I Consolidate multiple curb along Arapahoe, Folsom acnud ts 28th I„ Street with redevelopment Future Redevelopment ~I in rl ~ I I YI Marriot Hotel ■ F ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Remove Add sidewalks barriers and improve The Village where missing to pedestrian and tar, Grove Street make continuous > between Canyon > > > > > > > ] 7171 -1 v hh,i ular~ ] 71 1 and Arapahoe 11 c t n~tions Complete between the Bay missing Buffalo Village sidewalk and The Village links along n both sides ' ( I of Folsom Arapahoe Avenue ~z A number of east-west multimodal „ I facility options are being evaluated in II the Arapahoe 10; right-of-way II (see Figure 1 r' for options) ■ I Q W, Safeway ■ ■ ■ u ■ ' ■ north U Legend Existing Upgrade Proposed Facility ❑ ® Grade Separated Pedestrian Crossing 1 r` At Dada Pedestrian Cm,,,g . . . Primary Ruadway . . . Secondary Vehtcular Co-.. - - - Multt-UsePath(Ceneep-IAhi-nt) Boulder Valley Regional Center / Lane Fa ility Bw Transportation Connections Plan Bus /Bike f,a ~C Transit B ke Rmte (see Future T-a Map, p. 29) June 25, 2002 U TransitSnperStnP Superblock 5 Detail o AN KA • 0 'IWfk Signal Figure 9 O >s Scale 1" = 250' Page 22 ■ Structure Square ■ Extend 29th I ' McDonald's Street through Crossroads the area to Mall connect tw e1 earl and Arapahoe ~A_Iignment of Burger King secondary vehicle Sears Y ■ connections and ■ pathways can be ■ ■ flexible internal to the ■ site to accommodate World Savings redevelopment I I proposals as long as connections are made I~ to the endpoints I shown in as efficient ' a manner as possible Sol= Canyon B v a ):a I Extend i, Canyon from \ compUSA Future 28th to 30th Redevelopment r - = Streets in approximate alignment shown II Buffalo I ~ Village \ Bank I II ~I r o Underpass \ I to be further 1 evaluated \ :1 ~l7II , Arapilhat Avenue I House Q Fire Station north Legend A number of east-west Existing i -Upgrade Proposed Facility multi-modal facility options - - - are being evaluated in the ® Gra,eSepaetedPedeatranGrosamg Arapahoe right-of-way _ (see Figure 1 for options) ~O I! _ At Grade Pedestrian Crowing • • • • • • • . • . . . Prmary Roadway • • • • - - - Secondary WhtcWar C m 0- v = c v = _ _ _ _ _ _ - MWto-UsePath (ConcepmW Alig 1) Boulder Valley Regional Center Gn-street 9ike Faci"" Transportation Connections Plan m ~ z_ Hus /Bike Lane > 'Franait Route (see F- Transit Map, p. 29) June 25, 2002 7 ~ Tanasnpersmp Superblock 6 Detail ~~eG~al Figure 10 QO. Scale 1" = 250' gym,.. au°„.. Page 23 ■ ■ Formalize ■ these l~ - 30th Street secondary Market automobile connections and add *~P= mom! sidewalks 0 gas SEMI I II IF Justice a Formalize th Center County automoile onn ction Building c Isihere nd add dewalksmissin between 30th and 33rd Streets Add CompUSA RTD I I Maintenance sidewalks where III missing w I II King ~1 Soopers kV multiple curb cuts along 30th, Arapahoe and 33rd with redevelopment within this uperblock ]SENSE s SOONER WINNER MISSION TArapahoe Avenue - Fire Station = A north Legend _ A number of east-west Existine _FJpgrade Proposed Facui multi-modal facility options are being evaluated in the ❑ ® Gn&SepmtWNd.s -C--g Arapahoe right-of-way (see Figure 1 for options) /O 1 A, Grade Ped..- Crossing c ' • . . . Prvnary Roadway . . . Secondary Vah-[w Connection _ _ _ - - - - - - Multi-Gae Path (Coooep=1 Alignment) Boulder Valley Regional Center on-SZB.keF-lay Transportation Connections Plan >s a_ B. / Bike Lane ' Transit Route (see FutureTransit M p, p. 29) June 25, 2002 a T-,11nPer11np Superblock 7 Detail o plb~ a A. Taa<Signa Figure 11 QO Scale 1" = 250' Page 24 Marriot Hotel Ir The Village Buffalo Village ---r`_j= `'r I 77777777777 777777777] eet', Bank xzA M 1 Arapahoe Avenue MI N ` I I' ' B A number of I!I \~tj i,~ H east-west 11 rr I multi-modal n facility options„, II L are being Add secondary evaluated in 1'I roadways and I 4 the Arapahoe 1;.1 more direct bl r right-of-way wa I - y (see Figure 1I I Improve connec ions W-iffff for options) pedestrian redevelopment of connection to this area . ■ ■ ILL ~I I transit stop Safewa w ■ o w' - on Folsom ' ■ ~ : AI tgl I; III Improve autombile Create direct ■ Re-configure kMV al ' connectivity pedestrian „ w curb cut to through this and bicycle ■ .21 improve n-s area connection to Miueai,2n, oo w o ped/bike r. Boulder H el I F crossing at Widen and Creek Path Safeway and formalize 12:1 o Millenium pathway ';I a Hotel driveway connection ~11 All ~l I I LSI Ii✓ I II Courdry Court Bo~det Creek II I I 17 IL I Ntll I i ~ north Legend Existine Upgrade Proposed Eacili ® G ada sepa alea Pede o-ian croaamg O I (M Grade Pedestrian Crossing a a a a a a a a a Pr-.y Roadway . . . Secondary Vehicular Connection _ - _ _ _ _ _ McII,-Use Paw (Concept a] Alignment) Boulder Valley Regional Center `M gtree' BI, 'ry Bua/HikeL Lane Transportation Connections Plan Transit Route (ace Fume Transit Map, p- 29 June urge 25, 2002 ~a 0' Transit Supcr Snip Superblock 8 Detail P _EA ) Figure 12 ^ T..~csigna. Scale I"= 250' Page 25 IrMEN as rerf ~ - I \ / A ' ment of pat ays can be Buffalo / flexi le internal t he site to Village accom date re vetopment it 1:3 73 7 7 7 2 D, ~l n proposals s Ion s I I connections ade to the a Bank I I endpoints sho as efficient a manner as pos e I I / Underpass f I I I to be further << - Arapaho Avenue evaluated I~ Barrel I x°'s` N A number of f Cr east-west Fire Station II ~ multi-modal II~# facility options W rl are being Marine Street I n 4 evaluated in _ III the Arapahoe right-of-way soon (see Figure 1 Carpenter Safeway ' Add sidewalks for options) Park where missing n i axis •••j•'~r' Improve substandard gr pathway cconnecions Crossing fit v ~ ° I alignment See consistent ments rove- ' ~ with new facilities on identified in ra~ CU east of 28th Street F- 30th Street South U Segment L courdry court Ii I wl Boulder Creek north Legend Existing Upgrade Proposed I Facili ❑ ® Grade Separated Pndestrian Crossing I O I At Grad. Pedestrian Crossing • • • • • • • • • ~ ~ ~ Primary Roadway - - - Secondary V.h-lar Collection Mults-U,, Parh (G-,pN lAhgnmeno Boulder Valley Regional Center H.etBikeFacility H,. Bike Lane Transportation Connections Plan ~ .~s / Transit Route (,m Future Transit Map, p. 29) June 25, 2002 7 ~ a TraoitSnp.rStnp Superblock 9 Detail o P~` lmRcSignal Figure 13 QO, Scale 1" = 250' Page 26 I a~ King I Soopers II I l I ~I I II II ~ ~ II \ I Arapahoe A ue ~~A number of east-west New roadway connection Fire multi-modal facility between Marine and Station options are being evaluated in the Arapahoe to align with 33rd Arapahoe right-of-way when area redevelops (see note on Figure 1 for tr Marine Street OptIOr1S i i i ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ i Z = M i i =,M x - M E R M E M 17u i B 3 B 9 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ i pgrade and/or complete sidewalks University of Colorado along Marine Street Research Center and East Campus ~ New connections I' . per CU's master plan I IL Boulder CYeek A north Legend Ezisti_ Ooarade Proposed -F-11itK- I ❑ ® Grade 5eparaled Pedestrian C'.rossing 0 I At Crade Pedestrtan Cmssing _ _ - Prunary Read-y . . . Secondary Vehn;ular ('-a- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Multt-UsePath(QnceptualArg-t) Boulder Valley Regional Center Bike Fa illy B. / ffike Lane Transportation Connections Plan B. / Btk Transa Route (see Future Transit Map, p. 29) June 11, 2002 11 04 I » Transit Super Stop Superblock 10 Detail • n ,7amcSlguai Figure 14 P \M 0 Scale 1' = 250' O Page 27 ?aria i',~, I I ~ / II; \ / Widen I' n~cn sau&ia existing 11 d pathwayi*~/ w venue _ Add this i; ~Q~¢tonA ^ pathway to ' the North 28th Street Enhancements Add these / TNP needed to existing rsf on-street pedestrian bic = _ = connections in s to these argue. • 1 Street WholeFoods `i 0 • 28th • • • egtceet dd this TNP I I I' • pedestrian Include y • • ! ' ` Theater connection sidewalks I, • • ♦ on Add sidewalks ♦ to t Street nection\~ - to this existing • ♦ (and update secondary Complete TNP, also , : the North roadway missing • 28th Street connectio sidewalk r TNP) se.9WomeSn r nlCe get •P arl, Spruce • • / sr o and 26th ' Streets t ss e¢ a • \ \ ♦ / \ Tart Wendy's Legend Existing Upgrade Proposed Facility _ \ Q ® orth Grade Sepamted Pedestrian Crossing (At Grade Pedestliao Crossing - - Primary Roadway Secondary Vehicular Cntmecnon _ _ _ _ - - - - ~ Multi-Use Path (Concep.W Alig--) Booer lley Regional Center s On-Stteet Bike LankeL-e FariLty Bus i raMportation Connections Plan, June 25, 2002 B Transit Route (see Future Transit Map, p- 29) a ® Op Transit Super Stop North 28th Street TNP Superblocks Adjacent to the BVRC, Figure 15 'Traffic Signal . t Not to Scale - 00 s F G+ Z l ~►m Folsom A m x . ~-~/~~.I.....QSRIT . Regent 70m1'' a p, w 40 Colorado p, < Ctl o .0 4 0 University 10 o o o a. 0a C Main a m01 NEW BVRC'h J Z~ ? CIRcuLATeib 4 A d Ai ROUTE BOUND a rI I 28th Street aRA,LT• Aw to Boulder 1/alley 9~/ ° 7 Regional Center NEW BVRC IIE A/ Transportation WSC LLATOW- ,►1, ~'j / Connections 1 ROUTE ` ` Plan Area Q t 1 / a 0% =mama 4t041 30th Street. o %Ulm LP_ Yom, tA; 1 Coordinate with A. US 36 Major J:R Ew BvRC 32nd Street 1 Investment Study { ~ 2 rt : Colorado ATOR K- r I Universit ROUTE r Y ` 33rd Street Williams East foo I~_ Village I Hoq~ 14p, y 1 with Coordinate /goa d US 36 Major Legend Future regional " Super Stop" J Future regional terminus: The Boulder Transit Village existing proposed Bou r Va y Regional Center • ► Local transit service Trai D nation Connections Plan 4Une 25, 2002 • • • ► Local, high-frequency transit service Future Transit Map n • • • Regional transit service Figure 16 Carter Burgess Page 29 Back door I I Vehicular Access 117 w F7 nr'-w w w ` wwsw~ w w w PROPOSED (PREFERRED) ACCESS PATTERN ' • 3 driveways on the arterial roadway, Arapahoe Ave Cross-site • 1 I TOTAL driveways Pedestrian • • 6 parcels with left-turn access to Arapahoe Access • Cross-site pedestrian connections - Note: _<40- ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ The combination of 'r the consolidation of M% t '%~r 1 00 1 00 *0 Cross-site driveways on the ■ ■ ■ ■ Vehicular arterial roadway and Access the addition of vehicular and • w w. ,..w.wwr w r w w«ra•ww wrrnw r r w w wwwww w pedestrian "cross- Arapahoe Avenue site" and "back door" vehicular nµ „ ~ . , . n ~ access will maintain or improve multi- modal access to all EXISTING (UNDESIREABLE) ACCESS PATTERN p a r c e l s while • 8 driveways on the major arterial, Arapahoe Ave • 10 TOTAL driveways improving traffic • 3 parcels with left-turn access to Arapahoe safety along the ■ • No convenient cross-site pedestrian connections arterial roadway. ■ ■ ■ ■ ii r A L. Boulder Valley Regional Center w w w 0 IMMOM w =VANN w w w "MMM w in Transportation Connections Plan, June 25, 2002 Roth Existing/Proposed Property 104 Access Pattern , Figure 17 Scale 1" = 250' 0 Amendments to the BVRC Transportation Connections Plan (TCP) may be considered when the requested change does not meet the criteria for an Administrative Adjustment. Request TCP Amendment, with or without Site Review Process Presentation to BURA Board BURR makes recommendation to Planning Board Presentation to Transportation Advisory Board TAB makes recommendation to Planning Board Presentation to Planning Board as part of Site Review Hearing Planning Board makes decision City Council Call-Up Boulder Valley Regional Center Transportation Connections Plan June 25, 2002 Plan Amendment Process 4 Figure 18 0 -1 k- Page 31 traffic concern. ISO y;a The NTMP s ds you a "Neighbor to Neighbor 3. Education Kit." D Educatlonr'Petitlon/Dat Collection Phase n Circulate petition for participation in the NTMP, due in April each year. 3 - Concurrent application of educational tools 85th percentile speeL speed limit CD (yard signs, speed monitoring trailers, Continue educanother neighborhood speed watch, neighborhood speed pledge). _ 3 W - Speed data collected. Remoni. (timetrame - 3 months) Decision Point Decision Point 'Revisit Problem - No Problem' "Problem - No Problem' 85th percentile speed > 5 mph over speed limit 85th percentile speed > 5 mph over speed limit NO Yes - initiate education and enforcement phase. Yes - transition to Education/Enforcement phase. No - continue educational efforts. No - continue educational efforts. YE NO EducadoWEnforc nent Phase Continued application of educational tools. 85th percentile speed mph over speed limit -Application of enforcement tools Continue education efforts. (photo radar and traditional officer speed-enforcement). Additional speed data collected. (timeframe - 6 months) Decision Point 'Eligibility for engineering treatments' 85th percentile speed 5 mph over speed limit 85th percentile speed > 5 mph over speed limit NO Continue education and enforcement efforts. Yes - continue education and enforcement and Remonitor traffic speeds as pa; ( 6f next annual include project in engineering ranking phase. process. No - continue educational and enforcement efforts. Y a" Engineering Treatment Ranking Phase All other projects contite education and - Neighborhood Needs Assessment Priority Checklist used to rank eligible projects. enforcement efforts. The two top priority projects - begin development of engineering treatment proposal. rojects reranked annually. All other projects - continue educational and enforcement efforts. / X11 Other Projects. - - - - - - - - - - TT;~p Trip Priority ProJects (or more as staff and regnt Non-CERR Streets within 6-m ute Response Time Zone CERR Streets and Non-CERR Streets outsde 6-minute Response Time Zone Process Summary Process Suinmary - CEAP typically will not be required. - Project streets evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Neighborhood public involvement process leading to project proposat. - TAB provides recommendation to City Council on the use of delay-inducing devices. - Both delay-inducing and nondelay-inducing devices available. CEAP may be required. Neighborhood ballot (residents and property owners) on proposal is final decision. - Neighborhood public involvement process leading to project proposal. (timetrame - 6 months) Neighborhood ballot (residents and property owners) determine whether CEAP proceeds to City Council (timetrame - 6 months) Final Decision Point Decision Point "Project Implementation' NO 'Are Delay-inducing Devices Available?' -Neighborhood ballot (residents and property owners)' TAB recommendation to City Council. >=60% support - install improvements. - No - initiate non-delay design process. <60% support - don't. Yes - initiate full design process. Y NO YES - - - - Non-delay Inducing esign Process Delay-Inducing D sign Process Process Summary Process Summary Project not i lemented Project Impl mented. Neighborhood public involvement process - Neighborhood public involvement process leading to -Nei hborhood can rea l to the leading to project proposal. project proposal. g pp y (timetrame - 3 months) - Neighborhood ballot (residents and -Both delay-inducing & nondelay-inducing devices NTMP in 3 Years. continue education and homeowners) on proposal is decision-making available. - enforcement efforts process. - CEAP required for delay-inducing devices. . Neighborhood ballot (residents and property owners) on proposal determines whether proposal and associated CEAP proceeds. Neiahborhood Ballot Area - Properties on or adjacent to the primary street proposed for an engineering treatment within 400 feet of either side of the proposed device and within 1 block on the side street Decision Point for intersection treatments (ex. traffic circles). For a cul-de-sac, the neighborhood ballot NO 'Continue Project Consideration?" area expands to include all properties from the treatment to the end of the cul-de-sac. Neighborhood ballot (residents and property owners) Neighborhood Ballot Votino Structure - - >=60% support - continue project consideration.' ' One vote per dwelling unit and one vole per property owner. <60% support - don't. - Project Limplemented . Neighborhto the YE NTMcontin enforFinal Decision Point NO "Final Project Consideration' TAB/City Council Consideration of Project CEAP - With nondelay designs, step is eliminated Project Reassessment. Y _ (After 3 years.) Project Evaluation Project Impl mented. >=60% support to remove - (Ahei 1 year) (limeframe - 3 months) Device is removed. i Attachment A ' BOULDER VALLEY REGIONAL CENTER TRANSPORTATION CONNECTIONS PLAN ' ACTION PLAN STEPS FOR FINALIZATION, ADOPTION, AND IMPLEMENTATION OF THE TRANSPORTATION CONNECTIONS PLAN (TCP) TCP Finalization and Adoption Project Team review of TCP document Project Team June, 2002 Staff (Planning, Legal, Transportation) review of TCP Staff June, 2002 1 document BURA Board Review of TCP and recommendation to City BURA Board BURA Board Meeting Council for adoption Staff June 19, 2002 TAB review of TCP document TAB TAB Meeting July 8, 2002 Staff Planning Board review of TCP document Planning Board Planning Board Meeting Staff July 11, 20021 Incorporate comments from BURA, TAB, Planning Board Project Team June, 2002 prior to City Council submittal ' City Council review and adoption of TCP City Council Adoption anticipated - July 23, 2002 Staff ' Coordination and Follow-Up With Related Projects - City Initiative Develop Ordinances to support TCP implementation if Attorneys July - September, 2002 needed Planning Development Review Transportation ' Coordinate TCP with the 28th Street Corridor Public Art Project Team Summer, Fall 2002 Master Plan Local Artists Master Plan consultant I Coordinate TCP with the City-wide TDM Plan Development Staff Summer, Fall 2002 Incorporate TCP recommendations into the city-wide Transportation Staff As part of Transportation Master Plan Transportation Master Plan Update update 2002 I Pagel of 3 Incorporate the BVRC TCP into the Arapahoe ATNP Task Force Fall, 2002 , Transportation Network Plan Project Team Coordinate with CU on the implementation of the Transportation As needed STAMPEDE Shuttle, and on any modifications to the public in association with CU staff R.O. W. as detailed in CU's Master Plan Network Component ' Implementation - City Initiative Continue to support redevelopment efforts in the Crossroads Various City Departments On-going ' area Evaluate travel lane utilization in the Arapahoe R.O.W. Transportation Summer / Fall 2002 through the BVRC area to determine appropriate transit Arapahoe TNP Task Force , treatments Finalize the recommendation for appropriate bicycle Transportation Summer 2002 facilities along 30" between Arapahoe and Pearl (bike lanes anticipated) - coordinate with Master Plan update Complete multi-use path on south side of Pearl east of Target Transportation In association with 30`" / Pearl project Complete missing sidewalk links of Folsom and Spruce Transportation Coordinate with sidewalk improvement , program Complete planned functional efficiency and transit Transportation 2002 through 2004 improvements in the 30" /Pearl intersection Evaluate transit system priority treatments in the Transportation Completed, April 2002 3&/Arapahoe intersection Implement transit system priority treatments in the Transportation , 30` /Arapahoe intersection Evaluate enhanced pedestrian crossing alternatives for Transportation Fall 2002 in association with the Arapahoe challenging areas such as Arapahoe/28th, Arapahoe/29th, TNP Arapahoe/30th etc. Evaluate bicycle facility upgrade for Canyon between Transportation Fall 2002 Folsom and 28th Pursue specific transit superstop conceptual designs and then Transportation coordinate with redevelopment as appropriate Pursue implementation of the Boulder Transit Village and Transportation On-going , the transportation connections linking the Transit Village with the Crossroads area. Identify distinct projects within the TCP area that will be Transportation Fall/Winter 2002 , implemented by the City regardless of site-specific development or redevelopment. Prioritize City transportation projects within the TCP area Transportation Winter 2002/2003 , and prepare cost estimates - coordinate with Master Plan update Incorporate prioritized projects into the ongoing city-wide Transportation Spring 2003, and ongoing budget and CIP process Coordinate transportation project implementation with the Transportation On-going implementation of Greenways projects within the TCP area Greenways ' (example, path extensions to Goose Creek) Implement the recommendations of the South 28" Street Transportation Beginning in 2002, and as Fed. funds CEAP available , Page 2 of 3 Implement the recommendations of the North 28" Street Transportation As Federal funds become available, begin CEAP with 28'h / Iris improvements in 2003, and additional Federal funding in 2004 - 2007 Implement transit route additions (Orbit etc.) that will serve Transportation As prioritized and funded. the BVRC area RTD, ' Coordinate transit stop improvements and possible Transportation In concert with redevelopment of the relocations adjacent to the Crossroads site with RTD Crossroads site redevelopment Evaluate the utility of a BVRC circulator shuttle BURA Transportation Network Component Implementation - Local Development Initiative ' All applications for development or redevelopment reviewed Development Review On-going, with development / for compliance with the TCP Transportation redevelopment Standard review meeting for each application between Development Review On-going, with development / Development Review and Transportation Staff Transportation redevelopment Identification of possible City projects to support, enhance, Transportation On-going, with development / or make viable the developer initiated TCP improvement Development Review redevelopment ' Insure that redevelopment proposals address: Transportation On-going, with development / consolidate multiple curb cuts Development Review redevelopment = remove travel barriers to pedestrians and autos add pedestrian connectivity improves bicycle parking facilities ' TDM Component Implementation TDM Program Development -complete city-wide TDM Planning, Transportation On-going program Identify potential for TIM Program implementation in Planning, Transportation Pending completion of City-wide TDM the BVRC TCP area with a focus on new development or program and development applications redevelopment projects ' Page 3 of 3 Attachment B ' Development, Review and Approval of the Boulder Valley Regional Center Transportation Connections Plan ' Coordination with the Arapahoe Transportation Network Plan Development ' The development of the BVRC TCP began as the first phase in the development of a Transportation Network Plan (TNP) for the Arapahoe corridor that extends from Folsom on ' the west to Boulder's eastern city limits. The BVRC area forms the western third of this Arapahoe multi-modal corridor. The BVRC TCP (intended as an eventual subset of the Arapahoe TNP) was completed ahead of the rest of the Arapahoe TNP due to the near term potential for redevelopment in the Crossroads Mall area. The Arapahoe TNP Task Force ' The Arapahoe TNP Task Force was created at the beginning of the TNP development process, and was modeled after the successful work of the North 28`h Street TNP Task Force that helped shape the North 28t° Street TNP (adopted by the Boulder City Council on December 4, 2001). The Task Force of business owners, property owners, residents, representatives from the Boulder Bicycle Commuters, Boulder County staff, CDoT. and CU staff, consultants and City staff totaled over 25 members. At their first meeting in February, 2002, Task Force members focused on the BVRC Transportation Connections Plan map. Staff incorporated the Task Force's comments into the TCP map and the Task Force reviewed the results at their second meeting in April, 2002. Staff and Public Review The BVRC TCP has undergone a series of staff reviews by members of Transportation, Planning and Legal staffs with a focus on developing a plan that can be implemented. The TCP also received input at a public open house held in April, 2002. Approval Process with TAB, Planning Board, BURA Board and City Council The approval process for the TCP included formal review by the Transportation Advisory Board (TAB), Planning Board, the BURA Board, and City Council. Staff also provided the TAB and BURA Boards with a number of informational updates at regularly scheduled meetings during the TCP development process. On June 19, 2002, the BURA Board On July 8, 2002, the TAB On July It, 2002, the Planning Board ' The BVRC Transportation Connections Plan was adopted by City Council on Draft - Boulder Valley Regional Center Transportation Connections Plan