00 - Transportation - Cover Sheet - 7/8/2002 TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY BOARD MEETING Monday, July 8, 2002, 6:00 p.m. City Council Chambers The Municipal Building 1777 Broadway, 2"d Floor Agenda: Transportation Master Plan Update - Phase 2: Policy Refinement Open House 1. Call to Order. H. Approval of May 13, 2002, June 10, 2002 and June 3, 2002 (retreat) meeting minutes. M. *General citizen participation and TAB comment period. IV. * TAB review and input on the Transportation Master Plan Update - Phase 2: Policy Refinement phase completion (Rutsch) • Staff presentation • TAB discussion • No formal recommendation requested V. *Public hearing and consideration of a recommendation to City Council on the Boulder Valley Regional Center (BVRC) Connections Plan (Whitson) • Staff presentation • TAB discussion • Formal recommendation requested VI. Matters from Staff/Non-Agenda Items A. Matters From Staff • Staff briefing and board input on the public process for the consideration of sunsetting of the Neighborhood Permit Parking (NPP) Commuter Permits. (Patterson) Staff briefing and TAB input on the Whittier and Balsam/Edgewood Neighborhood Traffic Mitigation Program (NTMP) process (Sweeney, Spears) B. Matters from the Board VII. Discussion of future agenda and schedule. VIII. Adjournment. *Public Comment Item information: call Robin Madel at (303) 441-4073. Packets can be accessed on-line at http://www.ei.boulder.co.us/publicworks/depts/transportation/boards rg_oups/tab.html Central Records Municipal Building