Retreat Transportation 06/03/2002 • CITY OF BOULDER TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY BOARD TAB Retreat June 3, 2002 - The Cork Restaurant Meeting Summary The purpose of the retreat was to discuss TAB operations, communications and relationships with staff, Council and other organizations, and to consider special priorities or goals for TAB in the coming year. The following is a summary of the main points of discussion and conclusions reached by the group. Participants included TAB members Jerry C. Wyss, Brant Liebmann, Jim Rettew, Krista Holland, and John L. Tayer; Transportation Director Tracy Winfree, Transportation Secretary Robin Madel, and facilitator Kari V. Henderson. I. The group discussed their level of satisfaction with current TAB operations. There was agreement that the meetings are run well, and that there has been substantial improvement in the agenda process over the past year. Some new suggestions were made, including ensuring that citizen speakers give their first and last names for the record, and that the Board should be aware that interruptions and engaging citizens in conversation during public comment is inappropriate and can sidetrack their discussions. 2. Regarding meeting preparations, Tracy asked Board members to email their questions about the agenda to the staff as early as possible so that staff has adequate time to prepare an answer. TAB members can send email directly to Tracy or the appropriate staff person with a copy to Tracy. John said he will make his usual pre-meeting call to Tracy earlier in the day of the meeting. 3. There was also quite a bit of discussion regarding email policy among TAB members and staff. Tracy said that TAB members may exchange email that passes along information or asks questions, but current City rules prohibit policy discussions among board members via email. It was agreed that members will post information and pose questions in email to Robin, who will then forward the message on to the other members. 4. The group agreed that the agenda item "Matters from the Board" is often not given the attention it needs due to its late placement on the agenda when everyone is tired and ready to adjourn. There was general agreement to give the item at least 30 minutes on the agenda, and that the Chair will be vigilant in ensuring that amount of time is available without the meeting running overtime. The group also thought it was a good idea to regularly consider TAB priorities and goals during the "Matters" agenda item in order to be as proactive on these issues as possible. 5. Some matters that come before the Board are complex, and staff will often give a "heads- up" briefing the month before one is scheduled for hearing and discussion. In general, the board believes that this approach has been helpful to prepare for Board actions. John said that he would work more closely with staff to develop and organize complex issues to be more coherent agenda items with less redundancy. 1 6. There was some discussion about how to best discuss matters when there is disagreement • among the Board members. It was suggested that members try to seek to understand another's point of view when in disagreement, rather than making a rebuttal argument. 7. The Board then considered the matter of TAB and staff relations. Board members are very pleased with the staff's professionalism, responsiveness, and level of individual contact with the TAB. Several suggestions were made to improve the staff reports and packet management: • staff should provide cost estimates and available options whenever possible, and include information on any costs or options ruled out • report cover memo's should be more like an executive summary, with greater specificity and less repetition of factual information • binding the packets or at least stapling separate items would be beneficial for most TAB members 8. Tracy also indicated her satisfaction with staff performance and relationship with the Board. She said the City is under a hiring freeze at this time, and that she is concerned about staff workloads overall. She said the "To Do" list from the TAB has been a success, but that it can become an overwhelming demand at times. TAB members agreed that they need staff to be very upfront with them about their workload and what can reasonably be done in response to TAB requests. The Board also agreed that "To Do" items could be given priority organization during the "Matters from the Board" discussions. • 9. Board members agreed that as meetings wrap up, everyone should stay attentive to the discussion and avoid sidebar conversations. John noted that last minute items are sometimes unavoidable, and that he will take a more structured approach to discussion to avoid freetalk conversation during these items. He will also do a check for a motion after 20 minutes of discussion of any item. 10. The Board discussed their relations with Council, other boards and regional organizations. Most agreed that they needed to hear more feedback from the Council, and connect with them more firmly on the TMP. Tracy said a study session with Council would most likely occur during Phase 3. It was agreed to try to get Council members to attend early dinners at least once per year, and be more consistent about sending TAB members to Council meetings. It. TAB members felt their relationship with the Planning Board was most important with respect to site review ordinance options under the purview of a TDM committee. Most Board members felt that the site review issue was not being taken seriously under management by the Planning Department, and that the TAB should make an effort to spearhead this matter. Most agreed that the last joint meeting with the Planning Board was good, and that another meeting was needed. Additionally, the Board agreed that TAB members should take an active role in all future land use planning with primary transportation planning issues, such as the redevelopment of Crossroads. • 12. The Board also felt it is important to establish a stronger relationship with Parks and Open Space on multi-use path matters. Tracy updated the Board on the cross- 2 • departmental staff group working on interdepartmental multi-use path issues, and that they are crafting an agenda item for inter-Board discussion. The TAB may propose a new policy regarding the priority of transportation uses on multi-use paths. 13. TAB members felt that their connection to regional issues and organizations is good, overall. They are most aware of the need to maintain a good interaction with RTD and DRCOG, and agreed that it would be helpful to have Boulder County and RTD managers at some of their pre-meeting dinners. TAB requested that staff keep them up to date on the most opportune times to provide testimony at regional forums, although it was noted that Councilmembers have the most appropriate role in this arena. The Board also recognizes that sometimes it is important for other entities to take the lead on regional transportation issues, and the DASH and DART were cited as examples. 14. The Board reviewed their progress on priority matters set at last year's retreat. They felt their progress on the two key priorities - community outreach, and.building relationship with RTD - was good. Most agreed that there is still work to be done with community outreach, in terms of reaching people who do not typically show up at meetings and official events. It was agreed that TAB should try to widen its scope of outreach and to write a guest editorial in the Camera once a year. Some noted that community outreach on the Broadway project could be improved, since it is such a crucial project. 15. The group then brainstormed a list of possible new priorities. Their intention was to identify 2 or 3 top priorities for the coming year. The brainstorming items are as follows: • the TMP Update, including the subcategories of TDM, financing, regional connections, and multimodal corridors • transportation demand management in general and in conjunction with current land use planning • bike priorities, including lanes, paths, education and enforcement, facility maintenance, bike parking, and right turns • community outreach • the Network Plans for multimodal corridors • establishing a purview for TAB on the Boulder Municipal Airport • participation in the City budget process on key transportation issues and programs • measurement of non-auto mobility progress • participation in regional issues such as FasTrack 16. There was substantial discussion about the City budgeting process, and how cuts might affect key transportation issues and programs. Board members' opinions differed as to TAB's purview on this matter. There was general agreement that staff should keep TAB informed about essential budget issues. Some members felt that it was very important to interact with Council on these matters. 17. The Board agreed that their top priorities for the coming year are the TMP update, including the categories of TDM, financing, regional connections, and multimodal corridors, with TDM intentionally listed first. Items not covered by the TMP update (such • as bike parking, the City budget, and community outreach) should be addressed through the "Matters from the Board" agenda item and the "To Do" list for staff, given staff resource and time constraints. 3 18. Specifically, the TAB goals for 2002 - 2003 are: • adoption of the TMP by the summer of 2003 • generate site review strategies for the TDM process, and being satisfied at having raised the level of awareness, consideration and study of the site review issue. 19. The Board agreed that it is important to communicate to the Council the TAB goals, and to also inform the community at large about priority matters. 20. The Board adjourned the retreat at 10:00 p.m. 4