Action Minutes Transportation 06/10/2002
NAME OF BOARD/COMMISSION: Transportation Advisory Board
• DATE OF MEETING: June 10, 2002
BOARD MEMBERS -TAB: John Tayer, Jim Rettew, Brant Liebmann, Jerry Wyss, Krista Holland
STAFF - Tracy Winfree, Marni Ratzel, Chris Jones, Noreen Walsh, Molly Winter, Dave Bradford, Bill Cowern,
Randall Rutsch, Michael Penny, Mike Gardner-Sweeney and Robin Madel, secretary
Pre-meeting dinner with Walk and Bike Week Coordinators.
Marni Ratzel and Chris Jones from GO Boulder attended the dinner and discussed the plans that have been made
for the 2002 Walk and Bike Week.
Agenda Item 1 - Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 6:02 .m.
Agenda Item 2 - Approval of Minutes
Minutes from the May 13, 2002 meeting were not approved because the accuracy of the wording of the motion
made for the Longwood NPP was questioned. There were other changes as well and it was decided that the
minutes would be verified and corrected where necessary and resubmitted forapproval.
Agenda Item 3 - General Citizen Participation
Premena, P.O. Box 1038, Boulder 80306, spoke about bike signage. He said that the minutes from the May
meeting did not accurately reflect what he is asking for in terms of bike signage. He is asking for a general rule to
be put into place that bike signs have to be visible to bikers. He discussed several specific examples during the
last meeting and said that he had noticed several more examples on this day as well. He said that since the city is
willing to put up signs that work for cars they should be willing to do the same for bikers. He asked to have signs
posted on Hawthorne.
• General Citizen Participation was closed.
Agenda Item 4 - Public hearing and reconsideration of a recommendation to City Council on the
Longwood Neighborhood Permit Parking (NPP) District (Kate Patterson).
John Tayer stated that it N the prerogative of any TAB member to reconsider a motion they voted for. Molly
Winter and Dave Bradford provided clarification about the Longwood NPP to the TAB in case the TAB decided
to reconsider the motion. Winter said that it was not clear that Gillaspie could be included in the NPP under the
motion made by the TAB in May because it was not part of the staff proposal and did not receive a proper public
hearing. Winter also said that the city's policy for inclusion of a street in a NPP is that the adjacent property
owner must indicate their support for inclusion in the zone. In this case, the property owner, the Boulder Valley
School District, has taken a neutral stance on the issue. Also, if Gillaspie is included in the zone, there is the
potential that the existing parking restrictions could change. If the north side of Gillaspie were included in zone,
the school would be eligible for business permits of an indeterminate number. There is also the issue of
displacement of vehicles from the north side of Gillaspie to other neighborhoods.
TAB Questions
TAB questions covered whether inclusion of Gillaspie in the zone is considered contiguous and whether an issue
has ever come back to the TAB for reconsideration. They also asked questions about right-of-way, the definition
of business and whether a school is considered a business, the number of commuter permits within the zone, and
the public process involved in creating the zone.
Citizen Participation
Linda Nea. 1715 Gillaspie Dr., Boulder, 80305, says she is one of the 3 residents that uses the steep driveways
at the top of Gillaspie. She said if parking is allowed on the north side of Gillaspie, when driving conditions are
bad, it will be dangerous.
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Summary Minutes
June 10, 2002
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Bob Kershna, 4410 Hastings Dr., Boulder, lives at the corner of Ludlow and Hastings and said that if the cars
are displaced, they will come to his neighborhood. He said he is in favor of a plan to limit parking and the
Longwood NPP is not a fair solution that will solve the problem.
John Marshall, 1707 Gillaspie Dr., Boulder, 80305, said that the majority of the property owners on Gillaspie
• favor inclusion in the NPP zone and that is in keeping with the city's policy. He said that the BVSD and the city
are only 2 of the property owners.
Dan A. Vowell, 1190 Hartford Dr., Boulder, 80305, says he is a mail carrier in the potential zone area. He said
if the City Council is not clear about the safety concerns he would like to make them clear. He said that if the
parking restrictions were changed on the south side of Gillaspie, he would be in danger when delivering mail. He
also said he went to a financial advisor whose office is on Greenbriar and he had to park way down on
Hal Segal, 1765 Gillaspie Dr., Boulder, 80305, is against restricted parking on the north side of Gillaspie but
there is a safety issue if parking is allowed on the south side. He said he believes the north side of Gillaspie is the
perfect overflow for the parking problems at Fairview, which he said are caused by the open enrollment that
encourages driving. He said he moved into the area knowing that the school lot was there.
Scott Ladner, 5436 Mini Way, Boulder, 80303, gave a packet of information to go with his presentation. He
concluded that parking on Gillaspie is necessary and not dangerous and he referred to the safety study performed
by the city staff. He said without parking on Gillaspie, there will not be adequate parking. He also said that the
school couldn't limit driving. If Gillaspie is included, the parking problems will move to other neighborhoods.
Brittany Smith, 4565 Darley Ave., Boulder, 80305, discussed the photos that were included in the packet
presented by Scott Ladner. She said the cars extend from Greenbriar, down Gillaspie to Kittrell. She said the
students counted only 10 more additional spaces. She also said that the students didn't have much of a chance to
get parents and teachers together because of the close timing.
Mike Abbousse, 201 Ridge Rd., Boulder, said it is safe and necessary for students to park on the north side of
Gillaspie. He said that more neighborhoods would petition to become an NPP zone. The students will use the
adopt -a-street program to keep the streets clean and he thanked everyone for their time.
Linda Jacobson, 4390 Ludlow St., Boulder, 80305, had work done on her house and had to deal with the
parking issues. She doesn't want extra traffic on her street. She asked for no parking zones of 1 or 2 vehicles to
increase visibility. She also said that people on Kittrell are talking about initiating an NPP zone.
James Bush, 1785 Gillaspie Dr., Boulder, 80305, said he is directly impacted by student parking. He said that
• there shouldn't be parking on the south side of Gillaspie because of safety concerns. He said the parking situation
on the north side of Gillaspie would have little bearing on his situation.
Noel Clark, 3106 Kittrell, Boulder, 80305, says there will be problems if parking is restricted on the north side
of Gillaspie. He said Kittrell would look for inclusion into the zone if that happens. He is in favor of longer-term
solutions. He says one option is to put the problem back on the school to build a parking structure that would be
paid for through parking fees.
Karla Bielanski, 4310 Ludlow St., Boulder, 80305, said she is concerned about the displacement of cars and is
opposed to a plan that doesn't more fully solve the problem. The longer-term solution would be to build a
parking structure.
Hamid Fardi, 3100 Kittrell St., Boulder, 80305, initially thought he wouldn't be affected by the parking issues
but says he will eventually be affected. He said the school district must be evolved into finding a long-term
solution. The longer-term solution will affect property values.
Citizen Participation was closed.
TAB Comments
There was significant discussion about the wording versus the intention of the motion made during the May 13
meeting. John Tayer said he would be willing to reconsider the motion to correct any misunderstanding. He said
that the staff should have been able to evaluate the option the TAB advocated. He said he thinks that staff should
take the issue back to the neighbors. After considerable discussion about the options available, Jerry Wyss
motioned to reconsider the motion. There was no second. John Tayer said that one of the key issues is the
treatment of the school as a business. Molly Winter said that she believed that an institution is not considered a
business but she asked to have interpretation about the issue from the City Attorney's Office. He also said that he
wanted clarification about whether the south side of Gillas ie was included in the motion made during the May
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Summary Minutes
June 10, 2002
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meeting so residents could purchase permits. Molly Winter said that based on her conversations with one of the
city's attorneys, the north and south side of the streets are considered to be within the NPP zone.
Jim Rettew motioned to include the south side of Gillaspie in the Longwood Neighborhood Permit
Parking program without a change to the existing parking restrictions.
• Brant Liebmann seconded the motion.
The vote was 4-1 in favor of the motion. Jerry Wyss opposed the motion.
Molly Winter asked for guidance about the fact that the property owner on the north side of Gillaspie did not ask
to be in the zone. John Tayer said that the policy is to get the majority of the property owners to petition for the
zone. The issue of whether that is appropriate is a topic for another discussion.
Agenda Item 5 - Public hearing and consideration of a recommendation to City Council on changes to City
Code regarding the issue of Sidewalk Vegetation Removal (Noreen Walsh and Walt Fricke).
Noreen Walsh said that the city is in Phase II of the sidewalk vegetation removal program. Walt Fricke said that
the issue fits into a set of rules that govern public right of way.
TAB Questions
TAB questions include using grass as landscaping, details of concrete piping placed in the gutter, sprinkler
locations and their impacts on bikers and pedestrians, sidewalks and obstructions in alleyways.
Citizen Participation
Premena, P.O. Box 1038, Boulder 80306, said he was concerned about objects in curbs and alleys. He said he
frequently observes people walking in alleys. He said unless there is an obstruction in an alleyway, why bother
asking someone to move landscaping. He said that the city has been opposed to the Hollywood curb but he said it
is a great way for bikers to get out of the way of cars.
Citizen Participation was closed.
TAB Comments
Comments included a discussion of curb cuts and obstructions on sidewalks.
Jerry Wyss motioned to recommend approval of the staff recommendation to City Council on
changes to the City code regarding the issue of Sidewalk Vegetation Removal with a further
recommendation that the staff broaden the definition of grass in the alley-way to include other non-
obstructing vegetation materials.
Krista Holland seconded.
The vote was 5-0 in favor of the motion.
• Agenda Item 6 - Public hearing and consideration of a recommendation to City Council on the Year 2003-
2008 Transportation Capital Improvement Program (CIP) (Mike Gardner-Sweeney).
Tracy Winfree said that the CIP is designed to maintain the integrity of transportation prioritization while
slowing expansion of the multi-modal system due to reduced sales tax revenues, sustainability of the
Transportation Fund and includes Transportation Improvement Project funding.
TAB Questions
Questions covered specific project funding
Citizen Participation
There was none.
Citizen Participation was closed.
TAB Comments
The discussion covered Greenways funding.
Jim Rettew motioned to recommend to the City Council the 2003-2008 Transportation Capital
Improvement Program.
Jerry Wyss seconded the motion.
The vote was 5-0 in favor of the motion.
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Summary Minutes
June 10, 2002
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Agenda Item 7 -
Matters From Staff:
• Michael Penny reviewed the rules regarding right of way and public development. He discussed the city's
philosophy for closure of bike/ped/traffic lanes.
• Randall Rutsch gave an update on Phase 2 of the Transportation Master Plan update, which covers policy
refinement. Rutsch reviewed the schedule and timeline, funding sources, multi-modal pathways, travel-
demand-management, and the Jobs-to-Population Balance Project.
Jim Rettew motioned to suspend the rules at allow the meeting past 10:00 p.m.
Jerry Wyss seconded the motion.
The vote was 5-0 in favor of the motion.
• Tracy Winfree provided an update on U.S. 36. She said that CDOT maintains that they can fund their portion
of the Environmental Impact Statement. The coalition is facilitating the process to advance the project.
• Tracy Winfree said that RTD released the new version of Fasttracks last week. It will be presented at the
RTD board on June 18 with an attempt to get it in place before the November 2002 vote. The U.S. 36
coalition is concerned that the new version is significantly different from the Locally Preferred Alternative
from the U.S. 36 Major Investment Study.
Matters From the Board:
• Brant Liebmann asked to have a discussion about providing Eco-passes to fiscally challenged bus riders
added to the To-Do list.
• John Tayer asked for an update on the Forest Glen General Improvement District with respect to their Eco-
pass program.
• Jim Rettew asked about putting together a TDM site review plan per Jerry Wyss' request at the TAB retreat.
Jerry Wyss said that after looking through the TDM material in the packet he realized that the staff has been
doing more on this issue than he originally thought.
• Krista Holland asked to have a discussion about rules regarding sprinklers that spray over sidewalks, bike
paths and multi-use paths.
• Jim Rettew asked about the TAB retreat summary. Tracy Winfree responded that it was not yet available and
would be forwarded to the TAB in the next packet, assuming it will have been drafted.
Agenda Item 8 - Discussion of Future Meeting Agenda
Tracy Winfree said that there would be no speaker at the next meeting because there would be an Open House for
• Phase II of the TMP in the hour preceding the TAB meeting. The meeting will primarily cover the TMP and there
may be a briefing on the next NTMP situation.
Agenda Item 9 - Adjournment
Jim Rettew motioned to adjourn the meeting.
Jerry Wyss seconded.
The vote was 5-0 in favor of the motion.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:50 p.m.
Date, Time, and Location of Next Meeting:
Jul 8, 2002, 6:00 .m., Transportation Advisor Board regular meeting, at the City Council Chambers.
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Summary Minutes
June 10, 2002
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