5 - Recommendation on changes to City Code re: Sidewalk Vegetation Removal CITY OF BOULDER TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY BOARD AGENDA ITEM MEETING DATE: June 10, 2002 SUBJECT: Public Hearing and Consideration of a Recommendation to City Council on the proposed Boulder Revised Code changes regarding Sidewalk Vegetation Removal. TO: TAB Members FROM: Public Works Department Tracy Winfree, Assistant Director of Public Works for Transportation Stephany Westhusin, Transportation Projects Coordinator Noreen Walsh, Transportation Planner Office of the City Attorney Walt Fricke, Assistant City Attorney BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Consideration of a recommendation to City Council. PURPOSE: The purpose of this memorandum is to provide the Board with background on the issue of sidewalk vegetation removal and to propose revisions to the city code to address this issue. BACKGROUND: In the Spring of 1999, Transportation staff undertook a citywide sidewalk vegetation removal effort to improve walking conditions for pedestrians. Branches and shrubs that hung over or encroached upon the sidewalk were trimmed back. This helped to make the sidewalks more usable and safe for pedestrians. The 1999 sidewalk vegetation removal effort was intended to be a one-time city project to bring the sidewalks up to a more walkable standard. From that point on it was intended that the property owner would continue to fulfill that responsibility. Staff made a commitment to City Council to work on was city code revisions so that this property owner responsibility was more clear and enforceable. Currently the code states that property owners must keep their sidewalks "in a safe, unobstructed condition", but this section of the code tends to focus more on the issue of sidewalk repair and replacement. The proposed code revision will more specifically address what an obstruction/encroachment is and what the property owner is responsible for, the notification AGENDA ITEM # Page t period to the property owner, the enforcement and other follow-up actions from the city, and the party(s) who are responsible for paying for the obstruction removal. Specific standards for trimming are identified in the proposed code revision: 8 feet overhead clearance from sidewalks and streets, 18-inch side clearance above 10 inches from sidewalks (except for flowers which won't impede walking), and the standard corner sight triangles. The sight triangle and 18- inch clearances are drawn from existing code requirements. Attachment A includes the proposed revisions to section 8-6-8 of the Boulder Revised Code. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Board recommend the proposed revisions to the city code as shown in Attachment A. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED Staff requests board recommendation to City Council on the proposed changes to the Boulder Revised Code regarding Sidewalk Vegetation Removal. If there are further questions or comments on this item, please contact Noreen Walsh at ext. 4301. ATTACHMENTS Attachment A - Draft Ordinance AGENDA ITEM # Page 2 Attachment A Draft Ordinance AGENDA ITEM # Page 3 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE REPEALING SECTION 8-2-12, "STREET AND GUTTER OBSTRUCTIONS PROHIBITED," B.R.C. 1981, AND AMENDING CHAPTER 8-6, "PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY AND EASEMENT ENCROACHMENTS, REVOCABLE PERMITS, LEASES, AND VACATIONS," B.R.C. 1981, TO ESTABLISH RESPONSIBILITIES OF ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS OVER PLANT MATERIALS AND OTHER ENCROACHMENTS INTO THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY, AND PROVIDING A MECHANISM FOR THE CITY TO REMOVE SUCH ENCROACHMENTS AND CHARGE THE OWNER THE COST OF THE WORK IF THE PROPERTY OWNER DOES NOT REMOVE THEM. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOULDER, COLORADO: Section 1. Section 8-2-12, B.R.C. 1981, is repealed. Section 2. Section 8-6-2, B.R.C. 1981, is amended by the addition of a new definition to read: bstrnctioii" mcixid, witliotit3xnitati (1 A feiteeltedge;=~r wad placed nearer than raaxttd bvo 36 Fence Hedges and;Wall§A~ Bm 81,11- ,77 ~2ie~+t t~~~c t+~~t~#tt ;1a~scapin~zstruct~zreeor fe~ic~ t1;tlie mej~ sr~Iit, tr, spectfisd ectiptl 9 3 iY" 1At D stahee; Ii,R G 19 ~ Pp'.-v tl l tts prc~Idix~tzoi~ i~tt~t rlgltt-nf way, weh does~otrorntply vcnth'tht~~}}~~¢ts oia~aettt~ (3 A tree ur bush or other. plant nr a struce ez aiYoe tro e prctpeltne,al;peary;aug,therjotsiks ~Tley #ntobr direr Yi~e public ~ight~caf.-wayttstraets khe~"'tt~a-eb~c~re any tt c control siekice preveztts edes#tt: ? t 4 el ;,i a path, b~°aliey~;ot: othe~rse ctsnstitutes a."t~az~cl;fi~~ires +a~" P.;.. Witfi~~it station, a bpugh of Sltee:locatett t a~n's rsrp ? ,ttywtlt i g public property eontZtes such alazard!; K; \P W TR\o-tnni3.ytr.wpd Cemezt1ce,pprng4it ntlte matea? tthtle 7n (4) a!itg tver aairl> nr #orY+zer purtl on ~ib~ ~;'~~,~"~~ics, ~~ilges~ti►d W~tis~" B:R~",~&~ r~ iTYat ~'ehc`ki~d~t i'cvalls 12~ c1QSe~t~~`ut~ t~±€,~`#tt~St,Cles~allcSr Section 3. Section 8-6-3, B.R.C. 1981, is amended to read: 8-6-3 Public Right-of-Way and Public Easement Encroachments Prohibited. No person shall erect or maintain any building, structure, fence, barrier, post, landscaping, obl~strq tiWor other encroachment within, under, above, or upon any public right-of-way I)i alley; or public easement without first obtaining permission from the city under this chapter unless exempt under the provisions of Section 8-6-8, "Exempt Encroachments," B.R.C. 1981. ection 4. Section 8-6-4, B.R.C. 1981, is amended to read: 8-6-4 Removal of Public Nuisances. (a) Encroachments are Public Nuisances: An encroachment placed upon or maintained within the public right-of-way or a public easement contrary to the terms of this chapter constitutes a public nuisance that may be removed or enjoined and abated by suit or other action by the city or any resident of the city. (b) Order to Remove Encroachments: Whenever any encroachment exists or is located contrary to the provisions of this chapter or when the city manager revokes a permit or lease granted pursuant to this chapter, the manager will notify the person who made, located, caused, allowed or permitted the encroachment, or who owns or controls the premises or property adjacent to or for which such encroachment exists and order seelrtb4 person to remove 9ttek the encroachment within such time that the city manager determines is reasonable under the circumstances. Nptreertmder tlris subsecticfrt r5ts a? Qlt ad4r~"Pthelastknownpwxr r €ptogertyian e 0,491j04oulcfi4r9001nfy # s t x. :i anF, s., t. oF. Yeacy7nai;s~ rn fhe Ys of,; ` h c otts Mute €ttr bn[ergency gt? eii oral xn gen;on b !p#~t~;t~tet 11 , -M ~oedre,senta#ve etrianager,isaddttt~z~a1~~~r`~thCPx'~!kt this ~c~ttst'trt4~~t ?v~iilaihott~ ort pn~ate;P%~*;t3,~ac.~¢#Cf~t~ttb~a-~t~?f ;~f Sectirtin 3 5,'SightDistance;" B RG,. k981, atidaf~nns`~c? A i97 ansl,R~alls,">~ ~i„l' ~~8~,'where`siteh,shuctttres~t;,#d;v(?#~t~~kte~ rnc~~~,a roadv~aaaaa~?, s~desYalk, o~~iath,,turd h conditions s?ide~ ep,,~eufs; K:APWMo-bim3.yr.wpd 2 (c) City Manager May Remove Encroachments: If the person notified under subsection (b) of this section fails to comply with the order to remove the encroachment, the city manager may cause the encroachment or obstruction to be removed and may charge the cost thereof plus up to fifteen percent of such cost for administration to the person so notified. If any person fails or refuses to pay when due any charge imposed under this section, the city manager may, in addition to taking other collection remedies, certify due any unpaid charges, including interest, to the Boulder County Treasurer to be levied against the person's property for collection by the County in the same manner as delinquent general taxes upon such property are collected, under the procedures prescribed by Section 2-2-12, "City Manager May Certify Taxes, Charges, and Assessments to County Treasurer for Collection," B.R.C. 1981. This civil remedy is in addition to any criminal action which the city may bring or pursue for a violation of this chapter. (d) Compliance with Order Required: No person shall place an encroachment in a public right- of-way or public easement in a manner contrary to the terms of this chapter, or fail to comply with an order to remove such an encroachment. (10 ~fik ?(icl trfatt order ac. ,rues tiipt tcs Glz tet _3`- 7tta 1~ eI zest heaungursp fur`shea~,t%-~~ ~tnadcr~-~h~ mat~g~t mad stay,t~rre ~+~,ik°h a t t w r} r th refit e th tson ft eftowstrutti 10 ws t W- Ogg -P- POO e mitialrorderatsfs~und~tbC$c~hav~teensnco~~alta~r'vst~,~~-~brt~;~(ytcap~',the reasonablecu~t ¢ftemvvalancl,t~iaprbper~se;'sc>~~`~d~t't~~~r:r~bz re~rtaa plartf; Section 5. Section 8-6-8, B.R.C. 1981, is amended to read: 8-6-8 Exempt Encroachments. The following items are conditionally permitted to encroach on public rights-of-way or public easements without obtaining a revocable right-of-way permit or a lease, subject to an order to remove, without cause, by the city manager after ten days' notice: (a) Landscaping: The following landscaping may be placed in the public right-of-way and easements by;#ktri o~ner pr feiisitt flf property ~irm?~d#'~d~;~cettEt~i! Ica u~, ~htp(~,I;h pJan4ltg -bcc tts, ur, s partuted m shah area *i 4' a, tsi : (1) Landscaping required pursuant to other sections of this code; (2) Landscaping required pursuant to an approved landscape plan as part of a development review application; (3) Landscaping which does not impair or impede the utility of the right-of-way or easement for its designated purpose including attendant irrigation systems-,Ind IC\PWMo-uim3.yv.wW 3 - --(4)- Itsxtg sth ff.-andscaping whiekdoes not create any encroachment or obstruction of sight distance, as set forth in Section 9-3.3-5, "Sight Distance," B.R.C. 1981 rays tht =itsproTrtio#~wxLhmthergh NOW nbtkindt "Ctl (4 mas a" (5aateltrs.3andsig lauted of #b t?ice q i?c~ su(iseet~bn X13 in i d thaC_ there Affi f _ . iofv flS W a guar ttt~scde clarnee.fra#n r~ E.e atltt a111 ,ncs bf ttae,, eatx, apt #tra leavers and sntuia ice! azibz V hicl hake no ad A *W9V r # S!c' mb7?d 1 t ,ark e r atxt tlf #0"x "tdAiM a tlge s ",;"ffi f FRON rggustement of rntnutg fhe staidaxdsl end (b) `T"~ee xnoluded3"-Idndseap t :k►alt snb' 4u~ *ttt ► "fdgu rsut kt terS ` 4tecliow ~frgrs~ttd mT x! 19 114 (b) Bicycle Racks: Bicycle racks in the public right-of-way, the location of which has been specifically approved by the city manager. Bicycle racks in the public right-of-way are public improvements that shall be dedicated to the city and accepted by the city manager prior to installation. (c) Fences: Fences in public utility easements, but not in public rights-of-way or public access or emergency access easements, that meet the following criteria: (1) Are designed and constructed in conformance with Section 9-3.3-6, "Fences, Hedges, and Walls," B.R.C. 1981, and Subsection 10-5-2(dd), B.R.C. 1981; (2) Do not obstruct or impede access to public utilities for construction, reconstruction, and maintenance by the city or authorized agents; (3) Do not obstruct or impede the conveyance of surface runoff in drainage swales or drainageways; (4) Maintain a six foot parallel separation from any city-owned and operated underground utility, including, without limitation, water, sewer, and storm sewer mains currently in place, except for easement crossings; (5) Do not create any encroachment or obstruction of sight distance, as set forth in Section 9-3.3-5, "Sight Distance," B.R.C. 1981; K:IPWTW,-trim3.ytr.wpd 4 (6) Are designed and constructed with materials and in such a manner which permit ease of removal by the property owner or the city in the event such removal is necessary for the maintenance or proper use of the public easement; and (7) Are covered by the property owner's homeowner's insurance policy at all times. (d) Paving Material: Paving material or flatwork pursuant to an approved right-of-way construction permit under Chapter 8-5, "Work in the Public Right-of-Way and Public Easements," B.R.C. 1981. (e) Retaining Walls: Retaining walls less than eighteen inches in height, that do not require a subgrade foundation for support. Section 6. This ordinance is necessary to protect the public health, safety, and welfare of the residents of the city, and covers matters of local concern. Section 7. The council deems it appropriate that this ordinance be published by title only and orders that copies of this ordinance be made available in the office of the city clerk for public inspection and acquisition. INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READING, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED BY TITLE ONLY this day of 20- Mayor Attest: City Clerk on behalf of the Director of Finance and Record KAPWTB\o-m 3.W.wpd 5 _ READ ON SECOND READING, PASSED, ADOPTED, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED BY TITLE ONLY this day of 20_ Mayor Attest: City Clerk on behalf of the Director of Finance and Record K:\FWMo-trim3.31r.wN 6