5B - Transportationy~ 58 CITY OF BOULDER, COLORADO BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS MEETING SUMMARY FORM NAME OF BOARD/COMMISSION: Transportation Advisory Board DATE OF MEETING: May 13, 2002 NAME/TELEPHONE OF PERSON PREPARING SUMMARY: Robin Madel, 303-441-4073 NAMES OF MEMBERS, COUNCIL, STAFF AND INVITED GUESTS PRESENT: BOARD M~MBERS -TAB: Jim Rettew, chair, Brant Liebmann, Jerry Wyss, Krista Holland; John Tayer was absent STAFF - Tcacy Winfree, Marni Rahcel, Noreen Walsh, Rod Rindal, Kate Patterson, Molly Winter, Bii1 Cowem, Mike Gardner-Sweeney and Robin Madel, secretary WHAT TYPE OF MEETING [REGULAR] Regionalpartner outreach dinner with Boulder County. Larry Matel from the Boulder County Transportation Division attended the dinner. Agenda Item 1- Call to Order The meeting was oalied fo ordar at 6:04 p.m. Agenda Item 2- Approval of Minutes Minutes from the March 11, 2002 meering were approved with changes made per the last meeting. Minutes from the Apri18, 2002 meeting were approved as written. Jerrv Wvss moHoned to approve the March il, 2002 minutes as amended. Brant Liebmann secanded. The vote was 3-0, in favor of the modon. Krista Holland abstained because she was not present at that meetlng. John Tayer was absent from the meeHng. Jerrv Wvss moHoned to approve the Apri18, 2002 minutes as wrltten. Brant Liebmann seconded, The vote was 4-0, in favor of the moHon. John Tayer was absent from the meetlng. Agenda Item 3- General CiNzen Pardcipation Premena, P.O. Box 1038, Boulder 80306, spoke about bike signage. He said that he noticed that some new signs were installed facing the traffic and not the bikers and asked to have them positioned correctly. He also referenced the "Courtesy is Contagious" memo that Mami Ratzel authored. He said the memo reFerences a courtesy campaign in Chicngo that was genred towazd cyclists and he feels this is too exclusive. The courtesy campaign should be geared toward all modes of transportation. The following citizens spoke against the proposed bike path behind Eisenhower Elementary School because they said the path would be unsafe, cause too much traffic azound the school playground and would change their quality of life dramatically. Gail Georeeson, 5101 Ellsworth PI., Boulder 80303 Cherle McCandless, 5011 Ellsworth Pl., Boulder 80303 John Stavelv, 5000 Ellsworth PI., Baulder 80303 Steve Barta, 5001 Ellsworth Pl., Boulder 80303 Carol Barta, 5001 Ellsworth Pl., Boulder 80303 Jennifer Hushka, 5041 Ellaworth., Boulder 80303 Ed Zolnick, 5076 Forsythe Pl. Boulder 80303 Scott Liaht, 5106 Forsythe Pl. Boulder 80303 General Citlzen Parttcipat[on was closed. The TAB stated that it would putsue a meeting with the school district to confirnt its change in interest for pursuing improved school connections at Eisenhower. If the school does not want to proceed at this time, the north-south connections issue will be included in the larger east-west connections public process. Staff added that Transportation Advisary Board Summury Mrnutes Muy I3, 2002 Page 1 it would be pursuing improved signage in the short-term and that the luger puhlic process will be scheduled at a later date. Staff further stated that the neighborhood would be informed of the public process when it occurs. Agenda Item 4- Public hearing and consideraHon of a recommendafion to City Council on the Yarmouth Avenue (Broadway to U.S. 36) Community Environmental Assessment Process (CEAP) (Noreen Walsh). Walsh discussed the staff recommended improvements to bring Yarmouth Avenue to city standards. She discussed comments received from the Design Review Committee. Walsh also discussed the speeding problem and the eligibility for the area to join the Neighborhood TraFfic Mitigation Program. TAB Queslions TAB questions covered development on Broadway and Yarmouth and the ditch on the north side of Yarmouth. Cltlzen ParHcipaUon Garv Lvnn, 1707 Yarmouth, Boulder, said he is concerned about the speed on Yarmouth because it seems as though there are no restrictions. He mentioned that RTD would be returning service with the 204 route to Yarmouth and he thanked the staff for making that happen. Citizen ParHcipatlou was closed. TAB Comments TAB comments included location of a mid-block crossing and the design level within the CEAP. Brant Llebmann recommended the Yarmouth Avenue CEAP for approval as written. Jerrv Wvss seconded. The vote was 4-0 9n tavor of the motlon. John Taver was absent trom the meetlnQ. Agenda Item 5- Public hearing and consideratlon of a recommendatlon to City Council on the Longwood Neighborhood Permit Parldng (NPP) Distdct (Kate Patterson and Molly Winter). Patterson reviewed the background of the NPP program, reviewed the Longwood neighborhood proposal and reviewed the public process that has been conducted regarding the proposal. Patterson reviewed the impact of the staff proposal on students and discussed the enforcement program. The staff recommendation is to implement a NPP zone in the Fairview neighborhood that would be in effect Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m., during school days of the regular school season only. There would be a two-hour, one-time-only-per-day, color-coded parking restriction, The boundaries of the zone would include the 3600 through 3900 block of Longwood Avenue on the noRh and south sides, The west side of the 3900 block of Greenbriar Boulevard would be included in the zone but there would be no change to the current parking restrictions. The changes would be implemented prior to the start of the school year in September 2002. TAB Questlons TAB questions covered specifics of the permitting program, other enforcement options, the safety analysis that was performed by the transportation staff (Bill Cowern was there to discuss the analysis) and inclusion of the . north and south sides oF Gillaspie in the NPP zone. In the saFety analysis, Gillaspie Dr, was compared to 9'h St. and Baseline Rd. for parking and accident staristics. Citlzen PartlcipaUon The following residents spoke in favor of including Gillsspie Rd. in the NPP zone. They unanimousiy preferred to include the noRh side of Gillaspie in the NPP zone and leave the current pazking restrictions along the south side of Gillaspie unchanged. Dan NowelI,1190 Hartford Dr., Boulder 80305 Susie Mottashed,1725 Gillaspie Dr., Boulder 80305 Joe Mottashed,1725 Gillaspie Dr., Boulder 80305 Linda Nsa,1715 Gillaspie, Boulder 80305 John Marsha11,1707 Gillaspie Dr., Boulder 80305 James Buah, 1785 Gillaspie Dr., Boulder 80305 Louise Silverr,1795 Gillaspie Dr., Boulder 80305 Terrv Snvder, 1705 Gillaspie Dr., Boulder 80305 Susan Knieht, 1735 Gillaspie Dr., Boulder 80305 Rafael Casfll1o,1735 Gillaspie Dr., Boulder 80305 Steve La Tarrette, 3950 Greenbriar Dr., Boulder 50305, spoke in favor oF excluding Greenbriar Dr, from the NPP zone. He said that 6 out of 9 residents on the east side of Greenbriar and the only resident on the west side of Transpor/ation Advisory Board Summary Minutes May /3, 2002 Page 2 Greenbriar are opposed to inclusion in the NPP zone. Karla Bielanski, 4310 Ludlow St., Baulder 50305, said she is concerned that the NPP proposal will displace cars into her neighborhood which is already congested. She said some of the neighbors would like to be included in the NPP process. David Shomoer, 3170 Kittrell, Baulder, 90305, is on the outside edge of the proposed NPP zone and said he can see problems coming to his street. He said Kittrell is a steep and hazardous street and asked the TAB to consider adding Kittrell into the NPP (Kate Patterson said that the street currently does not meet the qualifications for inclusion in the NPP). Brittanv Smith, 4565 Darley Ave., Baulder 80305, is a sophomore at Fairview High School and said the NPP will impact her as a student. She said she is a senator foc the student council and has met with the city and attended the public forums. She said the student body doesn't support including Gillaspie in the NPP but that the students want to work with the neighbors and are supportive of the program. Trent Smith, 3920 Caddo Pkwy., Boulder, is a student at Fairview High School and surveyed the residents of Knox, Ludlow and Greenbriar about the parking situation. He said he supports the NPP zone for Longwood but not for Gillaspie because it will displace cars to Knox and Ludlow. Scott Ladne'r, 5436IWni Way, Boulder, is a student at Fairview High School and is a drivec Ladner says that he doesn't think thst there is enough parking at FHS to accommodate all of the drivers and feels he could do more to support and encourage bus ridership. He said he opposes inclusion of Gillaspie in the NPP zone because it will force drivers to park on streets that are closer to the school than Greenbriar is. He said that he would probably buy a commuter pass to park in the NPP zone. Landon Hilvard, student transportatlon caordinator for the Boulder Valley Schaol Distrlct, said that the students at Fairview represent a microcosm oF the Boulder population and the issues of parking and modes of transportation are bigger than the Fairview High School population. He said that the school is evaluating carpooling programs and oFfers low cost bus passes for local service only. He mentioned that the students have been willing and positive to work with the neighbors and asked the neighbors to be more tolerant of the students. He said that 13% of students take the 6us to school whereas 6% of the adult population in Boulder taices the bus to work. CiHzen Partlciparion was clased. TAB Comments TAB comments included resident perceptions of safety versus city staff evaluations of safety, the number of permits that will be available for residents, visitors and commuters and the difference between saFety and convenience. All TAB members were in favor of the staff proposal but there was debate ahout whether or not to include Gillaspie in the zotte. After the discussion, the board came to the following motion. Jlm Rettew moUoned to recommend to the city manager the staff recommendadon for the Fairview NPP zone, includi~g the tlming and implementahan date, inclusion of Longwoad Avenue and exclusion of Greenbrlar Rd. The NPP zone includes adding the north side of Gillaspie and keeping the status quo for parking restrictions on the south side oF Gillaspie. Brant Liebmann aeconded. Brant Liebmann said he supported the modon but apologized to the students for the inconvenience the decision will cause them. The vote was 4-0 in favor of the moNon. Agenda Item 6 - Matters From Staff: • Boh Whitson spoke about the Boulder Valley Regional Transportation Center Network Plan. Whitson said it is the recommenda4on of the Planning Department and City Attomey's Office staff to carry the plan forward for adoption by the Boulder Urban Renewal Authority and the City Council. The map for the plan is completed but in draR form and the policy statement is being written. The plan presents optiona for possible transportaqon connections in and around Crossroads Mall as future development occurs. The plan is not set in stone but is available as a guideline for future development activity. Jim Rettew motioned to suspend the rules and conNnue the meering beyond 10:00 p.m. Brant Liebmann seconded the moNon. Transportation Aclvisory Board Summary Minutes May 13, 2002 Page 3 The vote was 3-0 in favor of the modon. Jerry Wyss was out of the room during the vate. John Tayer was absent From the meeting. • Tracy Winfree pointed out the memo from Marni Ratzel regarding the "CouResy is Contagious" campaign. No presentation was made. ~ Tracy Winfree asked the TAB to discuss the Bear Canyon Creek Flood Levee Community Environmental Assessment Process and provide comments to the new GAC representative, Krista Holland. The TAB briefly discussed the impact of paving along all sheams in the city but had no direct comments on the CEAP. • Tracy Winfree asked the TAB to discuss the Greenways Capital ImpTOVement Program budget and project descriptions and provide comments to Krista Holland. 7im Rettew requested that the transportation staff review the Greenways budget with the same set of priorities as the rest of the transportation budget. They discussed how the projects are funded and how the money from the transportation deparhnent is leveraged against money from the utilities depaztment and the lottery fund. • Mike Sweenev discussed the Transportation Capital Improvement Program budget in light of the budget cuts. Tracy Winfree discussed the budget shortfall over the next seven years and provided the staff s approach to balancing the budget. The focus will be on maintaining the integrity of the Transportation Prioritization while reducing enhancements to create a sustainable budget. There will be reductions across all modes and all programs including chip and seal, overlay and other ongoing programs. Winfree said that a significant amount of recent budget shortfalls is due to the national, state and regional recession. Matters From the Baard: . Jerry Wy~ mentioned the City CounciUPlanning Board study session about the Jobs-to-Population project on May 14. . Brant Liebmann asked Tracy Winfree about his requested discussion about RTD. Winfree said that Micki Kaplan is working on the item and would call Liebmann to discuss it. • Krista Holland asked if the re-paving project at the airport would include striping for bike lanes. Winfree said she would check into that. • 7erry W~ mentioned a bus stop at Lehigh and Darley where the adjacent property owner had created a right-of-way violation with their landscaping. Winfree said that she would speak to the right-of-way manager about the issue. • Jim Rettew asked about the off-street 6ike trail along 63rd St, that Larry Matel discussed during dinner, Rettew wanted to know if the TAB could provide.any help [o the project. Winfree said she would have a planning staff inember brief the TAB on the issue. • Kris[a Holland asked what the policy is on right-of-way management during construction. Winfree said that she would ask Michael Penny who manages the program to brieF the TAB on the policy. Agenda Item 7- Discussion of Future Meedng Agenda • An agenda for the June meeting was not discussed. Agenda Item 8 - Adjournment Brant Liebmann mottoned to adJourn the meeUng. Jerrv Wvssseconded. The vote was 4-0 in favor of the modon. The meeting wes adjourned at 10:44 p.m. Date, Time, and Location of Next Meeting: ^ 7une 3, 2002, 6:00 p.m., Transportation Advisory Board reheat, The Cork Restaurant, ^ June 10, 2002, 6:00 p.m., TransportaHon Advisory Board regular meeting, at the City Council Chambers. Transpardation Advisory Board Summary Minutes May !3, 2002 Aage 4