Non-Agenda Item - Photo Traffic Enforcement Program record request Robin Madel -Photo traffic enforcement program record request Page 1 From: Rosemary Gearhart To: Cowem, Bill ; Donner, Larry; Lewis, Alisa, Love, Kate; North, Sandy; Paulson, Joseph; Reynolds, Lynne; Secrist, Ron; Stolz, Steve; Sweeney, Michael; Toor, Will; Winfree, Tracy Date: 3/22102 10:49AM Subject: Photo traffic enforcement program record request I have just spoken with Mr. Pirosko. For the time being he says to hold off with providing him those computer files for which we charge for staff time in searching and printing them--e-mails, Word, Word Perfect files. Financial documents from the computer are the exception and will be provided without charging for staff time. However, for any e-mails, Word and WordPerfect documents that were already printed and in a file before this request arrived, you must leave those documents in the file for his access (if they are not confidential). Whatever, a-mails you may already have printed out in response to this record request, please save in a file along with a record of the time it took you to complete this task. In the event he is chooses to see these later, he will be charged for staff time required in gathering these documents. If you haven't printed any, please wait for further instruction from me. Mr. Pirosko is amenable to giving us more time to gather the responsive data. If you have files that are in active use, let me know. I can arrange to have Mr. Pirosko examine those when it is convenient to you. Please call or e-mail me if you have any responsive files for him to see and let me know the quantity of paper involved. In the meantime, please separate out from all files any drafts, as we consider those privileged and will not be providing him access to those. Also remove from all files any communication from any attorneys advising you on legal matters. Tag anything that you consider potentially confidential and let me know your concerns about the release of any particular document. Also, if you know of anyone who also has any documentation in this matter, please pass my instructions to them. Thanks.