Non-Agenda Item - Citizen Correspondence Log Sheet ~4 , 4117 CITIZEN CORRESPONDENCE LOG SHEET CtiIO LOG : TO: l lacy W~h~'~2'~ - PDY✓ (UI FRONT: Ronald A. Secrist, Mayor Toor and Members of City Council DATE: V/3/0 3 Re-a-11 ng the attached correspondence: It is being fontiarded to you as an FYI only. Please respond at your discretion. If you do respond, return a copy of your response with the correspondence to Susan Smith in the City Manager's Office. Please respond on the City Manager's behalf. Please respond on the Mayor's behalf. Please respond indicating that City Council has requested that you respond. Please respond via e-mail. Other: Your response is due at 12:00 noon on Friday Return a hard copy of your response letter along with this cover sheet to Susan Smith in the CMO. If the citizen notes that the correspondence was sent to other individuals, please send a cony of your response letter to those individuals as well. If you have an,r questions; please contact Susan Smith in the City Manager's Office at 503-411 jOOS. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. S:'CMc"NIOMI\CoaespandenCQM0g-shect ewpd