Minutes Transportation 04/15/2002
April 15, 2002
Robert Fiehweg, Jeannette Hillery, Gil Barth, Vicki Naber, Ken Wilson
Ned Williams, Carol Linn, Bob Harberg, Nancy Steinberger, Randy Crittenden, Robin Madel,
Introductions and Election of New Officers
Jeanette Hillery nominated Bob Fiehweg as board chair.
Gil Barth seconded.
• The vote was 5-0 in favor of the nomination.
Vicki Naber nominated Gil Barth as board vice-chair.
Jeanette Hillery seconded.
The vote was 5-0 in favor of the nomination.
Jeanette Hillery nominated Vicki Naber as board secretary.
Gil Barth seconded.
The vote was 5-0 in favor of the nomination.
Call to Order
Bob Fiehweg called the meeting to order at 7:08 p.m.
• Water Resources Advisory Board
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April 15, 2002
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• Approval of March 18, 2002 Meeting Minutes
Jeannette Hillery motioned to approve the minutes from March 18, 2002.
Vicki Naber seconded.
The vote was 4-0 in favor of the motion. Ken Wilson abstained because he is new to the
board and did not attend the March 2002 meeting.
General Citizen Participation
There was none.
General Citizen Participation was closed.
• Staff presentation and discussion about the draft 2003 Utilities budget, including possible
rate increases to the monthly water/sewer/flood utility bill, the draft Capital Improvements
Program (CIP), and possible rate increases to the Plant Investment Fee (PIF)
Carol Linn and Bob Harberg reviewed the 2002 fund financials and the capital improvement
programs (CIP) for the water utility fund, the wastewater fund and the flood control utility fund.
Linn reviewed the details of the fund financial statements and Harberg reviewed the details of
the CIPs.
For each of the fund financials, Linn reviewed both the operating and non-operating sources of
funding and the uses of funding including operating uses, debt service, transfers out and capital
uses. For each CIP breakdown, Harberg discussed the specific programs that will be funded
through the CIP. The water CIP includes projects involving water treatment facilities,
hydroelectric facilities, pump stations, storage tanks, distribution and transmission system
rehabilitation, the Barker Water System, raw water storage reservoirs and monitoring and
metering systems. The wastewater CIP includes projects involving wastewater treatment,
biosolids recycling, sewer system rehabilitation and wastewater system expansion. The flood
control CIP includes projects involving major and localized drainage improvements.
Ned Williams discussed the Tributary Greenways CIP. The CIP includes continuing projects and
new projects for a total budget of $450,000.
Ned Williams said that the budget will be discussed further at the May 2002 meeting and will be
• presented for a public hearing and WRAB recommendation in June 2002. Williams asked the
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WRAB to review the budget information and let the staff know at the May meeting if they have
• any areas of concern or issues.
A. Matters from Staff
• Nancy Steinberger discussed the Community Environmental Assessment Process (CEAP) for
flood protection levee reconstruction and improvements along Bear Canyon Creek from
Foothills Parkway to Arapahoe Avenue. The levee that exists along Harrison Avenue, which
was constructed in 1977, does not meet freeboard requirements. The city is proposing to
reconstruct and improve the levee. Steinberger said she would be holding a public meeting to
take interested residents on a tour of the project area. The project scope also includes making
environmental improvements along Bear Canyon Creek as well as using Greenways funding
to provide water quality improvements in the creek. The hospital that is being constructed by
Boulder Community will provide money to the city to construct the levee and the city will
refund the hospital over time. The issue will be presented as public hearing at the May 2002
WRAB meeting.
• Bob Harbert discussed the flood protection master plans for Fourmile Canyon Creek and
Wonderland Creek. Harberg discussed the decision by the City Council in the fall of 2000 to
implement improvements to the creek for 50-year flooding and to construct provisions for
containing the flow from a 100-year flood from Fourmile Canyon Creek into Wonderland
• Creek. The flood maps were initially inaccurate and a significant amount of development has
occurred along the creeks. The master plans were presented at a public meeting in March
2002. Preliminary designs were presented in the information packets. Most of the public
comments the staff has received about the plans have been supportive. The city will need to
acquire easements and some properties to complete the recommended alternative. The report
evaluated impacts to downstream property owners, especially those homes that are right next
to the creek. The issue has been controversial with residents that are along the creek and in
the county but not in the city. The issue will come back to the WRAB for a public hearing at
the June 2002 meeting.
• Ned Williams announced the Lakewood Pipeline groundbreaking ceremony on Friday, May
3, 2002 and said that the county had given final approval to the project during the previous
• Ned Williams gave an update on the Boulder-Lafayette pipeline project. The issue has gone
before the Boulder County Planning Commission as part of the County's 1041 permit
process. The issue will be presented for completion at the May 2, 2002 County
Commissioner's meeting. Williams said that the hearings have been difficult because there
has been controversy around water quality, farmers and downstream agricultural users.
• Ned Williams discussed some upcoming tour dates that were established as part of the City
Council's Environmental Goals Group. On Friday, April 26, 2002, 3 p.m. there will be a tour
of the Betasso and Boulder Canyon Hydroelectric Facilities. On Friday, May 17, 2002, 3:30
p.m. there will be a tour of the 75`h St. wastewater treatment plant.
• Ned Williams discussed the potential sale of Windy Gap water to the city of Louisville. If the
• sale actually goes forward, the issue will be presented to the WRAB for consideration of a
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recommendation to the City Council. Williams said that potentially 6 units would be sold.
This is equivalent to 600 acre-feet/year. The city initially owned 80 units and sold 43 units to
Broomfield. The city of Boulder has stipulated as part of the sale that Louisville would not be
allowed to use the water for development outside of it's planning area. Also, the water would
not be available during times of drought because there is no storage device available to meet
water demands during a drought; therefore, the city would not find itself in a shortfall
because of the sale.
• Ned Williams gave a brief update on the Mapleton Mobile Home Park and what the city
intends to do with the site. The public works department is currently negotiating with the
housing department to manage the property under the affordable housing program.
• Ned Williams announced that the Middle Boulder Creek Water Source Management Work
Plan (MBCWSMWP) would be presented to the WRAB at the May 2002 meeting for
consideration of a recommendation to the City Council.
• Ned Williams discussed concerns about a possible drought in Boulder this summer. Williams
said that the city would not be vulnerable to the effects until a 2nd or 3`d year of drought. He
also said that the city has a diversified portfolio for source water.
• Ned Williams asked Gil Barth if he is interested in remaining as the WRAB representative to
the Greenways Advisory Committee. Barth said that he is.
• Ned Williams asked the board about rescheduling the May meeting and deciding the location
of future meetings. The WRAB decided to remain at the City Yards location and to move the
May meeting to Monday, May 13, 2002. The board voted to update the location of the
meeting in the by-laws.
• Jeanette Hillery motioned to amend the by-laws.
Bob Fiehweg seconded the motion.
The vote was 5-0 in favor of the motion.
B. Matters from the Board
• Vicki Naber announced that the Northern District of the Colorado Water Conservancy is
going to give a tour of the Colorado-Big Thompson water project.
• Jeannette Hillery announced that the League of Women Voters would be conducting a tour of
flood plains in boulder on April 28, 2002.
• Jeannette Hillery announces that the League of Women Voters will be speaking to the
Denver Post on drought and water conservation at part of the Colorado Water Protection
• Ken Wilson commented that, in reviewing the MBCWSMWP, he noticed that there was not a
section on optimizing hydropower.
• Bob Fiehweg commented on Ricky Weiser's passing and said that she was an inspiration.
• Water Resources Advisory Board
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Discussion of Future Meeting Dates and Agenda
Jeannette Hillery will not be available for the usual third Monday meeting in May. The meeting
was rescheduled to Monday, May 13, 2002. The board also discussed whether or not to relocate
the meetings but decided to keep the location at the City Municipal Services Center.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:32 p.m.
Date, Time, and Location of Next Meeting:
The next regular meeting will be May 13, 2002, 7:00 p.m., at the City Municipal Services
Center, 5050 East Pearl.
Minutes approved y
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April 15, 2002
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