7A - Bicycle Signage Update CITY OF BOULDER TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY BOARD NON-AGENDA ITEM MEETING DATE: April 8, 2002 SUBJECT: Staff update on Bicycle Facility Signing program TO: TAB Members FROM: Tracy Winfree, Director of Public Works for Transportation Mike Gardner, Sweeney, Transportation Operations and Planning Coordinator Bill Cowern, Transportation Engineer Mami Ratzel, Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation Planner PURPOSE: This item updates TAB on the Bicycle Facility Signing program and presents mock-up sign designs for TAB discussion and comment. BACKGROUND: At the December 10, 2001, TAB meeting, staff briefed the Board on the status of the Bicycle Facility Signing program, discussed results of surveys evaluating public comment to the 1998 signing effort and presented recommendations for future program components and next steps for implementation. TAB expressed a general agreement with staff s recommendation to develop an annual operating program for installing bicycle facility signs. However, corridor-naming signs were a primary discussion topic at this meeting, as survey results indicated respondents' concerns for the content and design of these signs. TAB members concurred with respondents' comments that these signs were unclear, confusing and too cute. After discussing these elements, consensus among TAB members was that the corridor-naming signs are desirable, but that the content and design should convey a more professional and functional product. It was agreed that staff would work to address TAB and citizen concerns raised in developing potential alternative designs for consideration. Attachment A depicts the proposed mock sign design. The design is comprised of four elements: system identification ("Boulder Bikeways"), corridor-naming, facility type and directional arrow (s). Staff sought to establish a unique yet uniform corridor identification scheme that users could easily recognize and associate with the bicycle network. Staff plans to utilize the designated primary and secondary corridors identified in the Bicycle System Plan for the corridor-naming component. Attachment B lists these designations. Staff is developing an implementation plan to site appropriate locations for installing these signs, as well as destination and "U R Here" map signs on the Table Mesa, Pearl / Walnut and South Boulder Loop corridors. The plan will include an estimated cost of signing each corridor and detail recommended sign placement. Installation of signs will be prioritized and scheduled after NON-AGENDA ITEM Page 1 the implementation plan is finalized. It is anticipated that installation of signs along all three corridors will be completed in FY 2002. Staff also is working to identify and install appropriate wayfrnding / trailblazer sign improvements at select locations along the bikeway system. To date, citizens have submitted requests for the installation of supplemental signs at the entry of constrained neighborhood access roadways (No Outlet or Dead End) and existing sidewalk multi-use paths that may be perceived as pedestrian only facilities as well as along select sidewalks. Staff has reviewed locations and, as appropriate, begun to write sign orders for the installation of these signs. We will continue to review and solicit additional requests for locations suggested for improved signage. Additionally, staff plans to conduct an inspection of the existing bicycle network system to identify locations for review and installation as appropriate. It anticipated that this task will be completed this summer. Staff encourages comment and discussion by TAB on the proposed next steps. Additions and suggestions are welcomed. Please direct questions and comments to Mami Ratzel by email at ratzelm(a ci.bouldenco.us or telephone at 303-441-3266. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A: Mock-up Sign Design Attachment B: List of Designated Primary and Secondary Corridor names NON-AGENDA ITEM # Page 2 ATTACHMENT A MOCK SIGN DESIGN i White bike symbol & tIkLo* ext 6" ~ ~ • on green background 64D White text 4" on blue background Table Mesa 18 Contra~Flow Lane White text & arrow 8u on green background 12 NON-AGENDA ITEM # Page 3 ATTACHMENT B LIST OF DESIGNATED CORRIDOR NAMES Primary Secondary Corridors Violet / Jay Lookout / Spine Iris / Diagonal / BNRR Lee Hill Balsam / Valmont Four Mile Creek Walnut / Pearl Quince / Wonderland Arapahoe / Canyon Norwood / Palo Parkway University / Colorado / Pennsylvania Linden / Kalmia Baseline Forest / Glenwood South Boulder Pine / Goose Creek Broadway / 131" Street BNRR South Folsom Cascade / Auroa 26" / 28" / 29`h Street 4" / 6" Street 30-Something 9" / Lincoln Foothills I I" Street 5511 Street 17" Street Cherryvale / 63' 19`h / 20" Street South Boulder Loop - Outer Loop 30'h Street Gillaspie Monroe Manhattan / Eisenhower 75" / 76"' Street NON-AGENDA ITEM a Page 4