00 - Transportation - Cover Sheet - 4/8/2002 TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY BOARD MEETING Monday, April 8,2002,6:00 p.m. City Council Chambers The Municipal Building 1777 Broadway, 2•d Floor Agenda: Regional partner outreach dinner with Boulder County (Clark Misner/Larry Matel). 1. Call to Order it. Board Chair and Vice Chair Selections in. Approval of March 11, 2002 meeting minutes. IV. *General citizen participation and TAB comment period. V. *Public hearing and consideration of a recommendation to City Council regarding options for the 72 Hour Parking Prohibition, BRC 7-6-20 (Molly Winter). Staff presentation • Public input • Formal recommendation requested VI. *Public hearing and consideration of a recommendation on the Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Public Process and Implementation Plan (Robbins) Staff presentation • Public input • Formal recommendation requested VII. Matters from Staff/Non-Agenda Items A. Matters From Staff • Staff briefing and TAB input on the Yarmouth Avenue (Broadway to U.S. 36) Community Environmental Assessment Process (LEAP) (Rod Rindal, Noreen Walsh). • Staff briefing and TAB input on the pedestrian crossing treatment demonstrations and pedestrian crossing treatment warrants. (Bill Cowem). • Bicycle Signage Update (Bill Cowern, Marni Ratzel). • Staff briefing and TAB input on the Year 2003-2008 Transportation Capital Improvement Program (CIP) - Part I (Gardner-Sweeney). • Board Procedures (Madel) B. Matters from the Board • Board discussion regarding retreat agenda. • Board subcommittee appointments. Central Records VIII. Discussion of future agenda and schedule. Municipal Building IX. Adjournment. *Public Comment Item Information: http://www.ci.boulder.co.us/pwplan/, Boulder FYI at (303) 441-4060 ext.132, or call Robin Madel at (303) 441-4073. Packets can be accessed on-line at http•//www ci boulder co us/t)ublicworks/dents/transportation/boardsgrouns/tab hun