Non-Agenda Item - Transportation Advisory Board (TAB) Planning Calendar TAB Planning Calendar March 19, 2002 - City Council TMP Update - Plan Assessment - Policy Focus Direction MARCH 11, 2001 Agenda • Role of the city of Boulder Transportation Director (Christine Andersen) • Public hearing and consideration of a recommendation to City Council on the Transportation Master Plan Update - Phase 1: Plan Assessment (Randall Rutsch) • Public hearing and consideration of a recommendation to City Council on the North 28th Street Community Environmental Assessment Process (LEAP) (Bob Whitson, Stephany Westhusin) • Public hearing and consideration of a recommendation to City Council on the Goose Creek/Foothills Parkway Underpass Community Environmental Assessment Process (CEAP). Matters from Staff/Non-A eg_nda • Staff briefing on Travel Demand Management (TDM) project (Andrea Robbins, Bob Whitson) • Staff briefing and TAB input on the Yarmouth Avenue (Broadway to U.S. 36) Community Environmental Assessment Process (CEAP). (Noreen Walsh, Rod Rindal) • Staff briefing and TAB input on draft training policy for TAB members (Tracy Winfree) • Regional Investment accounting staff briefing (Mike Gardner-Sweeney) • Staff briefing on status of electric-assist bicycle ordinance (Tracy Winfree) • TAB discussion regarding board retreat (John Tayer) APRIL 8, 2002 Agenda • Regional Partner Outreach- Boulder County, Clark Misner/Larry Matel (tentative) • Board Chair and Vice Chair Selections Matters from Staff/Non-A enda • Pedestrian Crossing Treatment Demonstrations update. (Bill Cowers) • Staff briefing and TAB input on TM? Update Phase 2: Policy Refinement (Rutsch) • Staff briefing and TAB input on the Year 2003-2008 Transportation Capital Improvement Program (CIP) - Part I (Gardner-Sweeney) • Board Subcommittee Appointments (TAB) ANNUAL BOARD RETREAT -April 22, 2002 Agenda MAY 13, 2002 Agenda • Regional Partner Outreach - Broomfield, Kirk Oglesby (tentative) • Public hearing and consideration of a recommendation to City Council on the Yarmouth Avenue (Broadway to U.S. 36) Community Environmental Assessment Process (CEAP) (Rod Rindal, Noreen Walsh). • Staff briefing and TAB input on the Year 2003-2008 Transportation Capital Improvement Program (CIP) - Part IT (Gardner-Sweeney) Matters from Staff/Non-A eg nda Staff briefing and TAB input on TMP Update Phase 2: Policy Refinement (Rutsch) JUNE 10, 2002 Agenda ■ Regional Partner Outreach - Louisville, Heather Balser (tentative) • Public hearing and consideration of a recommendation to City Council on Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Update Phase 2: Policy Refinement (Rutsch) • Public hearing and consideration of a recommendation to City Council on the Year 2003-2008 Transportation Capital Improvement Program (CIP) (Gardner-Sweeney) • Public hearing and consideration of a recommendation on the sidewalk missing link criteria and prioritization method. (Walsh) • Staff briefing and TAB input on the Whittier and Balsam/Edgewood Neighborhood Traffic Mitigation Program (NTMP) process (Cowers, Spears) JULY 8, 2002 Agenda • Public hearing and consideration of a recommendation to City Council on the Whittier and Balsam/Edgewood Neighborhood Traffic Mitigation Program (NTMP) process (Cowem, Spears) Matters from Staff/Non-A enda ■ Staff briefing and TAB input on TMP Update Phase 3: Plan Development (Rutsch) AUGUST 12, 2002 Agenda Matters from Staff/Non-Agenda • Staff briefing and board input on Transportation Master Plan Update - Phase 3: Plan Development Element Bundle 1 SEPTEMBER Agenda Matters from Staff/Non-A enda • Staff briefing and board input on Transportation Master Plan Update - Phase 3: Plan Development Element Bundle 2 OCTOBER Aizend Matters from Staff/Non-A eg nda • Staff briefing and board input on Transportation Master Plan Update - Phase 3: Plan Development Element Bundle 3 NOVEMBER AA2enda • Public hearing and consideration of a recommendation to City Council on the Transportation Master Plan Update - Phase 3: Plan Development DECEMBER A_ eg nda • v 2003 A enda • February 2003 - Joint TAB/City Council Study Session on the Transportation Master Plan - Phase 4: Plan Adoption Preliminary Draft Review • March 2003 - Public hearing and consideration of a recommendation to City Council on the Transportation Master Plan Update - Phase 4: Plan Adoption Upcoming Items 1. Follow-up Before/After Studies - for CIP and NTMP Projects (Staff - Cowem) (Ongoing) 2. CIP Project CEAPs (Staff-Brasher) (Ongoing) 3. 17th Street (University to Walnut) bicycle lanes (so that it can be resolved prior to the overlay)(Staff - Ratzel) (2°d Quarter 02) 4. Arapahoe Avenue (Cherryvale east) CDOT Project (Staff- Cowem) (I" Quarter 02) 5. Bike Accident Analysis Summary (Information Item only) (Staff - Cowern)(2nd Quarter 02) 6. Broadway & Grinnell Safety Study (Staff- Cowem)(3`d Quarter 02) 7. Recommended 30th Street bicycle facilities plan (Staff- Cowem)(3`d Quarter 02) 8. Whittier NTMP Area Plan (Staff- Cowem/Spears) • Delay Inducing Device Determination (Complete) • Area Plan Review and Recommendation (3`d Quarter 02) 9. Balsam/Edgewood NTMP Area Plan (Staff- Cowern/Spears) • Delay Inducing Device Determination (Complete) • Area Plan Review and Recommendation (3`d Quarter 02) 10. Lehigh/TMesa (improvements/remove crossing guard) (Staff- Cowem)(3`d Quarter 02) 11. Recommended improvements to Broadway & Dartmouth (Staff - Cowern)(4 h Quarter 02)