Non-Agenda Item - PLAN-Boulder County News & Notes - March/April 2002 PLAN-BOULDER COUNTY NEWS & NOTES MARCH / APRIL 2002 The 42nd annual meeting publican governor to agree on anything, Sena- ch tic in both city and county affairs, the board More than one hundred members and for Perlmutter closed with a note of optimism expressed its gratitude for her firm support friends gathered at the Mesa Laboratory of on the prospects for good stewardship. of the goals of PLAN-Boulder County. the National Center forAtmospheric Research atop Table Mesa on Sunday evening, Feb. 10. The 2002 awards As long-time active members of PBC, This year two organizations and three in- both Janet and Ricky received floral bouquets During the social hour, members and dividuals were selected to receive PBC's from the board and the sustained applause of friends rubbed shoulders with present and highest honor. Each award was presented by the audience. former state, county and city elected officials, an individual board member, who described many of whom are PBC members. The an- in detail the reasons for recognizing the par- New board members nual dinner and meeting of PLAN-Boulder ticular group or individual. Each honoree was Bill DeOreo moved to Boulder in 1974 County glowed with the warmth of old friend- presented with a framed certificate, citing in to attend the University of Colorado, where ships and new acquaintances, as well as heart- a few words the activities that inspired the he received degrees in both civil and envi- felt cheers for good works accomplished. award. ronmental engineering. After serving briefly with the City of Boulder utility department, The members present elected a slate of PLAN-Boulder County is pleased to rec- he became an engineering consultant on wa- 15 board members for 2002, 10 of them con- ognize: ter-related issues, with an emphasis on de- tinning and five new to the board. Highli:~hts mand management and water conservation. of the evening were the presentations of Lafayette Citizens for Smart Growth He served on the city Open Space Board from awards and the delightful remarks of the for ensuring that Lafayette will continue to 1985 to 1990. He helped organize the Old evening's featured speaker, Senator Ed manage and limit its growth, and for build- North Boulder Neighborhood Association Perlmutter, president pro tem of the Colorado ing community by informing citizens about and, most recently, led an unsuccessful at- Senate. civic issues. tempt to stop the city from replacing the last remaining bit of Olmsted Park with a plat- Senator Ed Perlmutter The Terra Foundation for its dedication form tennis court. Speaking extemporaneously on the adver- to habitat preservation and restoration, and "Growth Control Legislation: for its extraordinarily generous contribution Steve Pomeranee is well known for his tiled Strange subject, Political Bedfellows," the senator elation: to the City of Boulder Open Space riparian service on the Boulder City Council, where vers restoration project on Coal Creek. he worked on issues such as the city's raw out, often hilariously, the labyrinthine maneu- involved in dealing with growth. water management plan, the Integrated Plan- Janet Roberts for exceptional service and ning Project and the Community Housing be- Backed up by several large maps, he de- personal generosity which has nurtured Affordability Program. During a period be- some of the forty- PLAN - Boulder's survival and helped us to tween council stints, he led the Slow Growth! scribed the positions several prehensive flourish for more than forty years. Initiative to address Boulder's rapid indus- groups that lobbied on com- seven prehensive interest growth management. Requiring trial and commercial growth. He did not seek communities to plan for future growth and Alan Taylor for tireless and passionate re-election in 1997, and since then has con- allowing counties and non-home rule cities advocacy of wise management, protection tinned to work on many fronts, including to impose impact fees proved to be the most and enhancement of Boulder's wetlands, ii- helping to start an effort to address statewide elements of the legislative efforts. panan corridor and floodplains. growth through the initiative process, result- contentious in Amendment 24 on the 2000 ballot Will Toor for extraordinary leadership Senator Perlmutter shared his opinion that and commitment to environmental protection Sharon Rosall's eclectic experience the legislation that finally emerged from the and awareness as Director of the CU Envi- broadens the scope of the PBC board. She second special session was insignificant. Bills ronmental Center and as Mayor of the City was formerly on the boards of the Chautauqua either introduced or planned for the 2002ses- of Boulder. Association and the Mental Health Center, sion on the subject of growth management include additional impact fee authority' smart and remains active in Historic Boulder and growth incentives, making comprehensive Ricky Weiser recognized the Heritage Roundtable. She currently serves plans enforceable, and securing authority for Ricky Weiser had received one of the an- on the Boulder County Parks and Open Space transferable development rights. nual awards some years back, but the board Board and is outgoing chair of the city's Land- felt it was time to give her further recogni- marks Preservation Advisory Board Despite the difficulty in getting a Repub- lion. Citing her many years of service as a lican house, a Democratic senate, and a Re- faithful guardian of the land and outspoken (continued inside) Pat Shanks, a resident of Boulder, is a Recreation Board. Eldorado Mountain, research geochemist with the U.S. Geologi- calSurvey. Some of his current research in- Linda Andes Georges, currently a mem- volves potentially toxic elements in the envi- ber of the Open Space Board of Trustees, will PBC continues to keep a close watch on ronment, mine drainage issues, and harmful continue to contribute her active interest in activities of Pinnacle Towers, Inc., which has effects on ecosystems. He also has an active and knowledge of wildlife and land use mat- revised its proposal to specify erecting only interest in a broad spectrum of issues related ters. one 450-foot tower instead of three. PLAN- to land use, transportation, conservation, and Boulder County was represented at the a clean environment. Ricky Weiser, with her long experience Jefferson County Planning Commission hear- in both county and city affairs, will also stay ings Feb. 6 and 13. In a Jan. 29 letter to the John Spitzer, a Boulder resident since on the board. Jefferson County Planning Commission, PBC 1975, has a master's degree in architecture restated its opposition to the huge tower and from CU. He led the successful 1988 cam- Sara Michl, in addition to her active con- supporting facilities on a prominent moun- paign to keep the main library downtown. He tribution to the solution of many board mat- Gain peak only 200 feet from the Boulder spearheaded the effort that defeated the so- ters, will continue her vital role as programs County line, pointing out that three towers or called Seconds Count initiative on the 2000 co-chair, planning and organizing PBC's one, the result is the same. city ballot, which threatened to eliminate weekly Friday luncheon meetings at the Uni- more than 75 traffic mitigation devices versity Club It stated: "The proposal must be evalu- throughout Boulder. He has served as chair ated based on the impacts it will cause, as of the city's Environmental Advisory Board Officers well as what it does to the character of the and is currently chair of the Downtown De- The four other holdovers, Crystal Gray, area... Eldorado Mountain, with its surround- sign Advisory Board. Jane Greenfield, Claire Levy and Brad ing State Park, Jefferson County, Boulder Snyder, will serve as officers of the board for County and City of Boulder open space lands, Retiring from the board 2002, is not the right place to establish a new an- Five board members asked not to be con- terms farm." And it concluded by recom- - sidered fora 2002 term. Matt Appelbaum, Co-Chairs: This responsibility will be mensinnersding deny that the the rezoning Jefferson County application of Commis- who served as chair two years ago, and Joni shared by Crystal Gray and Claire Levy. nacle Towers, Inc. Teter, last year's chair, both cited pressures of their professional lives and other volun- Crystal is director of the Adams County Stay tuned. teer commitments. Parks Department. A Boulder resident, she has served on the city's-Open-Space- Board and - - - - Beth Pommer's active role on the city on its Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. Time to renew memberShip planning board, along with other responsibili- She currently serves on the boards of the Af- If there's a red stamp by your mailing la- ties, made her decide not to continue. fordable Housing Alliance and Historic Boul- bel, it indicates that our records show that we der. have not yet received your 2002 dues. If your Neal McBurnett's professional workload dues are not received by mid-April, this will forced him to step down from the board. Claire is a practicing attorney specializ- be your last newsletter. Because of database ing in land use law. She was an assistant difficulties in the past year or two, it has been Janet Roberts, who has faithfully served Jefferson County attorney from 1989 to 1999. necessary for us to continue to send the bi- far many years, felt that the time had come to She is a former member of the Boulder monthly newsletter even to those whose dues retire. However, she will remain an off-board County Parks and Open Space Advisory had lapsed. The same database problems resource, maintaining the PLAN-Boulder ar- Board and currently serves as a commissioner caused people whose address had changed to chives and assisting with the newsletter. on the Boulder County Housing Authority. miss getting their newsletter. However, our records are now in order, and we cannot con- Continuing on the board Secretary: Jane Greenfield continues as tinue to serve these who have not paid. Mem- Bruce Bland, who filled in so capably as PBC Secretary. She was formerly a Boulder bership dues are our only source of support acting chair the last few months of 2001, will city attorney, and is now in private practice. for meeting the expenses of the organization. continue his valuable contributions on land She brings to the PBC board a valuable knowledge of legal matters and of the city's If you have questions about your mem- use and biological issues. He did not allow his name to be considered for chair because inner workings. bership, contact treasurer Brad Snyder: 303- he is currently serving as president of the 4947326, or bjsnyder@indracom. Boulder County Nature Association. Treasurer: Brad Snyder, a longtime PBC member, returned to the board last year after Address changes David Cook will go on sharing his knowl. having served in the 1980s. Until retiring late We use bulk mail, which saves substan- edge of transportation concerns. in 2000, he handled outreach activities and tially on mailing costs. However, the U.S. database administration for Metropolitan Postal Service does not forward bulk mail that Gwen Dooley continues to bring to the State College in Denver. He is a former mem- is incorrectly addressed. So if you move, you board her valuable experience both as a ber of the Parks and Recreation Advisory must let us know promptly, or you will won- former city council member and as a present Board of the city of Boulder. der what happened to your newsletter Send member of the city of Boulder's Parks and address changes to Brad Snyder. FRIDAY NOON MEETING SCHEDULE Mar. 1 Alice Madden, District 14 representative, Colorado General Assembly TOPIC: Legislative update Mar. 8 Anne Vickery, Indian Peaks Wilderness Alliance TOPIC: Indian Peaks: Are we doing enough to preserve our own backyard wilderness? Mar. 15 Debra Baskett, executive director, US 36 Transportation Mobility Organization TOPIC: US 36 corridor Mar. 22 James C. Crain, co-director, City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks TOPIC: 34 years of Boulder open space Mar. 29 No meeting. Spring break. Apr. 5 Jan Geden, director, Boulder Parks and Recreation Department TOPIC: Boulder parks and recreation: moving into a new era Apr. 12 No meeting. University Club is unavailable. Apr. 19 Jon Stout, general manager, Free Speech TV TOPIC: A progressive voice in the media revolution Apr. 26 Open discussion Join PLAN-Boulder Fricf0 T or! mee to s Send this form with your check to: 1113 4YC~C~2[IC" PLAN-Boulder County P.O. Box 4682 l Jltt t id P {~tCIiY~ Boulder CO 80306 : ~t1ilC~1{iMjll♦l~Qltp~ Sf ",y~jipl~iSC~~ t~tM, • NAME •\IWL L~'$•TY : IIPtlik etgly~Ko t(ttai',. illd ADDRESS • CITY, STATE. ZIP ' ~r~fIJ*~°"` AIM PHONE Bike, f ak 1;♦ Nl IiI Y i , • Ait13t +I'#'YPy i11C1Ag''L9 &',i #Iil Y k~4i: !C~1'1' • E-MAIL Annual dues (new or renewal)' • ❑ Regular: $25 per you . • ❑ Household: $35 per you ❑ Sustaining: $50 per year ❑ Student or limited income: $15 per year SIt tC 10W,6 ,~$~,~!r. ~,j,~ : Enclosed: $ ,44 09 'i.:_. 3 y4~P a o~ o 46L0-90E08 00 `aaplno8 46L Xo8 Od saagwayq of elnqu1siC1 eseeld pemauay paeos Ajoslnpy uopeliodsumil. aap1no8 I"11'11""'1'III""'I'll"'I"'ll"II""11'11""'ll'I'yl 90£08 00 `KHG'WH Z89b xog 33LIA) ssod 9£ 1 # 1?Lmad ZOOS oD `aaplnos QIVd Aa.n:noa aaa~nog N v ld a8elsod 'S'R Q.LS J.11sud PLAN-BOULDER COUNTY BOARD Newsletter editor: Pat Cahn, 303-543-9417, Co-chair: Crystal Gray, 303-449-9680, peahn@earthnet.net crystal boulder@hotmail.com Newsletter design/production: Caroline Littlefield Co-chair: Claire Levy, 303-494-2244, fax 303-543-7276, Member records: Paul Balley, 303-449-7779, cblevyl@msn.com a-fax 630-566-3774, pbailey@esri.com Secretary: Jane Greenfield, 303-444-9492, jwg39@attbi.com Oral history project: Guy Errickson, 303-448-5828, Treasurer: Brad Snyder, 303494-7326, fax same, pbcoh@yahoo.com bjsnyder@indra.com Web page: Linda Cornett, 303-875-8610, leomett2@attbi.com Programs co-chair: Sara Michl, 303-447-2206, smichl@spot.colorado.edu ISSUES OF CONCERN iN 2002 Bruce Bland, 303499-8612, bruce_2u@hotmail.com - Open space acquisition, preservation and use, city and county David Cook, 303442-3256, cookdw2l @cs.com • Transit and transportation, city, county and US 36 Bill DeOreo, 303-449-0161, deoreo@aquacraft.com - Jobs/population balance Gwen Dooley, 303-447-0582, fax same • Affordable housing and mixed-use development Linda Andes Georges, 303-543-9404, fat same, • Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan andesgeorges@attbi.com • Crossroads/BVRC area redevelopment Steve Pomerance, 303-447-8026, stevepomerance@attbi.com • Implementation of county Site Plan Review Sharon Rosall, 303-449-1543, fax 303-449-1410, • Flood plain management rosall@mindspring.com • Riparian and wildlife corridors Pat Shanks, 303-473-9979, patshanks@hotmail.com • Valmont City Park Plan John Spitzer, 303-443-5931, Spitzer@ayayale.edu • Statewide growth and anti-sprawl issues Ricky Weiser, 303-530-1037 • Regional outreach and cooperation OFF-BOARD: . Archives and editing: Janet Roberts, 303-442-7446, fax same, janetsroberts@earthlink.net Visit PLAN-Boulder on the Web: Programs co-chair: Mary Fran Myers, 303-444-9044, http•//bcn.boulderco.us/planboulder myersmf@colorado.edu