7A - Draft Training Policy for Transportation Advisory Board (TAB) Members
TO: Transportation Advisory Board (TAB)
FROM: Tracy Winfree, Acting Director of Public Works for Transportation
DATE: February 22, 2002
SUBJECT: Recommended Training Policy for the Transportation Advisory Board
In the past, TAB members have been curious about whether or not the city would financially
support training for TAB members through opportunities such as conferences and/or seminars
focused on transportation issues. TAB requested that the staff provide a training policy for the
Staff investigated whether or not the Planning Department has a policy for training Planning
Board members. While there is no formal training policy in place for the Planning Board, there
is an informal system in place that supports training for board members. The Planning
Department typically supports the cost of registration for all interested Planning Board members
for local seminars and/or conferences within reason (perhaps one or two conferences in any
given year per member). Those conferences/seminars would need to be clearly related to the
duties / issues addressed by Planning Board members. An examples for Planning Board
members would be local conferences sponsored by the state chapter of the American Planning
Association, which may address development review improvements, growth management,
parking management through development, how to encourage pedestrian-oriented development,
and other issues.
Regarding non-local conferences the Planning Department will support travel and registration for
one, and in some cases two, Planning Board member(s) each year. However, the travel and
registration support would occur on a rotation so that all board members have an opportunity to
attend a conference during their respective full term on the board.
Staff believes that it can support a similar policy for TAB training, as long as funding is
available for such training:
1. Transportation would financially support registration for local training/conferences that are
clearly related to TAB's purview and within a reasonable frequency (one or two per year).
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2. Transportation would financially support travel and registration for non-local
training/conferences that are clearly related to TAB'S purview and within a reasonable
budget. For example, one or two board members per year would be supported for a national
conference. The opportunity for non-local, transportation-related training would be provided
on a rotational basis with the intent to provide each board member with such an opportunity
during his/her full term.
Please note that there is a cross-departmental effort to evaluate policies and procedures for City
of Boulder boards and commissions. Included in that evaluation is training to assist board and
commission members in being effective in their roles. However, the evaluation and outcome of
this effort may not include specific "industry-related training policies" for boards and
commissions. While an official training policy to support "industry-related training" may not
end up being a part of the final product, staff reserves the opportunity to be consistent with a
citywide policy if one is created.
Therefore, staff supports a training policy similar to the informal policy practiced by the
Planning Department and Planning Board as outlined above. Staff must reserve the ability to
make changes to this policy in the future if there are citywide changes to board and commission
training policies.
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Transportation Advisory Board - "To Dos"
Matters from the Board and/or Based on Board Motion
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efcfinanee a1.. nge goes inte aff:.,,t Date to be et.,..,....ined1/I.f atzep
3. Poliey on r-ah :ng vrT . AB (T--ayer-)(a°taff to sv ccisrc `e `~raA ppol;,.. fef B rc y`.9(1'~
- ts-~mmr m-- -Qiur
4. Wellman Canal Path - fast track a review of the alternatives, environmental values, and
neighborhood concerns leading to the determination of east/west and north/south connectivity
(Motion March 12, 2001) (In accordance with TAB discussions in July 2001, proceeding with
north-south path element scheduled for construction in Spring 2002. Public process to resolve
east-west connection to follow)(M. Ratzel)
5. aubaval investment A« a ,.ting efeaffe t f4fian,ial re es Aedieated to efL
.ibavu rv nauinitiatives yes and n listing of petntial prierib, projeets of eite interest if A ffidin,' were
nvn}lable (US 36, A tepahee Seed' Boulder RoaA Diagonal eta )(Metian T..ne 11, 2001) fly
6. U .S. 36~Baselif►e tee able epee- MesO st$ sf3ex3 :x. T~. ae er ►1er 26, !)(Staff to
rr %~:»~uiiuupuuvc-1?sinc aurruaiy' a.,«aata t., r,.....,.._ 14, covz X001 Ten lfeetimg l
~ -rnv~vzccsvrr~.
7. Bike on sidewalks in commercial areas - (Board, November 26, 2001)(Staff will formulate a
supporting work plan and timeline for effort. Staff anticipates initiating and completing the effort
in the 3rd Quarter of 2002. Objective is to complete the discussion in 2002) (Marni Ratzel)
(Staff action and anticipated return to Board) (Staff contact person)