6A - Briefing on Missing Sidewalk Link Prioritization Method and Outreach Plan
MEETING DATE: January 14, 2002
SUBJECT: Staff briefing and TAB input on the Missing Sidewalk Links Program
Criteria, Prioritization Method and Outreach Plan
TO: TAB Members
FROM: Tracy Winfree, Acting Dir. Of Public Works for Transportation
Stephany Westhusin, Acting Transportation Projects Coordinator
Noreen Walsh, Trans ortation Planner
PURPOSE: This memorandum is intended to provide the Board with criteria, prioritization
methods and outreach plan alternatives to prioritize the sidewalk segments in the Missing
Sidewalk Links Program.
Construction of missing sidewalk links supports the objectives in the Pedestrian Policy Plan of
the Boulder Transportation Master Plan (TMP) by "eliminating breaks and discontinuities in the
sidewalk system" and "ensuring adequate connections to public transit." These objectives are
intended to support the TMP's goal of an integrated multi-modal transportation system and
recognition of pedestrianism as the primary transportation mode. Since the adoption of the 1989
TMP, there has been funding allocated in the Capital Improvements Program (CIP) and a priority
established for constructing missing sidewalks. Currently, the program budget is $290,000 for
pedestrian facility enhancements including missing sidewalk links and crossing treatments.
The Transportation Division has undergone two inventory efforts to identify the missing
sidewalk links in the city. In 1995, a sidewalk missing links map was developed to show each of
the missing sidewalk segments in Boulder. In 1998, the Missing Sidewalks and Social Trails
public outreach was conducted. Citizens were asked to identify their most often used and needed
missing sidewalk segments and social trails. In addition to these inventory projects, the recently
formed University Hill Action Group (UHAG) provided transportation staff with a request for an
evaluation of the missing sidewalk links in the University Hill neighborhood. See Attachment
A for the map of the identified missing sidewalk links.
In 2001, staff prioritized the list of sidewalks in the Missing Sidewalk Links program. The
missing sidewalk sections were prioritized according to those segments with available right-of-
way; recent public request and support; and the presence of such factors as being a school route,
transit route, arterial or collector street, and/or near a pedestrian activity center. The missing
sidewalks were placed into one of three lists: Missing sidewalks in city right-of-way with public
support/request; Missing sidewalks in city right-of-way without current public support or request;
and Missing sidewalks that do not have available city right-of way.
After receiving feedback from the community and the TAB, staff reevaluated the initial
prioritization approach and proposed to conduct an expanded public process and prioritization
effort. The next section of this memorandum outlines the criteria, methods and outreach plans
considered for prioritizing the Missing Sidewalk Links Program.
Possible Criteria:
Operating characteristics:
■ Functional classification (arterials, collectors, local streets)
■ School route - elementary, middle, high school or university
• Transit route
• Adjacent land use
• Multiple requests from users
■ Worn social trail
■ Near pedestrian generating activity centers
■ Lack of sidewalk forces people into awkward traverses or hazardous street crossings
• Sidewalk on opposite side of street (DCS manual requires that sidewalks should be on both
sides of street, so the presence of this trait could rule out its priority.)
■ Short missing segment between existing sidewalks
■ Public interest
■ Support from adjacent property owner
■ Issues of concern to adjacent property owner (i.e. landscaping to be removed, fence
relocation, installation of retaining walls, capability of replacement landscaping to improve
• Removal of landscaping (including trees)
• Needed installation of curb and gutter
■ Needed removal of other structures (privacy fences, fire hydrants)
Supporting city policies/programs:
• In city right-of-way
• Street is in CIP for improvements, reconstruction
Possible Prioritization Methods
# Prioritizing/Sorting the missing links accorded to an equal, but hierarchial order (original
prioritization method)
# Prioritizing the missing links with variously weighted criteria (i.e. one criteria is worth half
the prioritization points, another is worth 10 percent of the prioritization points)
# Single Criteria (i.e. No ROW or No Sidewalk or either side)
Outreach/Input Plan Alternatives
Alternative 1:
1. Notify adjacent property owners, residents, original requesting parties and citizen groups of the
preliminary ranking of missing sidewalk links and request their input at a TAB public hearing.
2. Hold a public hearing at TAB for interested parties to share their thoughts on the preliminary
list of missing sidewalk links. Request TAB recommendation of preliminary list.
3. Finalize list of missing sidewalk links. Present list and multi-year construction schedule for
completing the missing sidewalk links.
4. On an annual basis, request the community's input on missing sidewalks that need to be
completed. Add new requests to the program list and reprioritize list and construction schedule
every two years.
Alternative 2:
1. Notify adjacent property owners, residents, original requesting parties and citizen groups of
the missing sidewalk links prioritization process and invite them to a community meeting to
give their feedback on the criteria and prioritization process.
2. Hold community meeting and get feedback on the criteria and prioritization process.
3. Prioritize the missing sidewalk links with a method that has received community and TAB
4. Hold a public hearing at TAB for interested citizens to share their thoughts on the final
prioritized list of missing sidewalk links and the multi-year construction schedule. Request
TAB recommendation on final prioritized list of missing sidewalk links.
5. On an annual basis, request the community's input on missing sidewalks that need to be
completed. Add new requests to the program list and reprioritize list and construction
schedule every two years.
♦ The following missing links are planned to be constructed in 2002: 47th Street (from Mitchell
Lane to Railroad), Arapahoe (at 38th Street), 11th Street (Pleasant to University) and Merritt
♦ Following the completion of the prioritization process of the Missing Sidewalk Links
Program, staff will begin working on the highest priority missing sidewalk links. Prior to
installation of the sidewalk link, individual project coordination will occur to optimize design
based on individual property owner needs.
♦ Each year the Missing Sidewalk Program budget will have a small portion of the funding
available to address easy, quick turn around sidewalk requests.
BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: The Board is requested to give feedback on the criteria,
prioritization method and outreach plan to be implemented in the prioritization of the Missing
Sidewalk Links Program.
cc: Mike Sweeney, Marni Ratzel
Attachment A - Missing Sidewalk Links Program Map of Identified Missing Links
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