5 - TEA-21 Denver Regional Council of Government's (DRCOG) 2003 - 2008 Transportation Improvements Program (TIP) CITY OF BOULDER TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY BOARD AGENDA ITEM MEETING DATE: January 14, 2002 SUBJECT: Public hearing and consideration of a recommendation to City Council on proposed project submittals for the Denver Regional Council of Government's 2003-2008 Transportation Improvements Program REQUESTING DEPARTMENT: Public Works Department Tracy Winfree, Acting Director of Public Works for Transportation Mike Gardner-Sweeney, Transportation Operations and Planning Coordinator Randall Rutsch, Transportation Planner BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Board review and recommendation on the proposed list of TIP project submittals PURPOSE The city of Boulder plans to submit transportation project recommendations to the DRCOG for development of the 2003-2008 Transportation Improvements Program (TIP) for the Denver region. Six new projects can be submitted by the city for the 2003-2008 TIP. In addition, projects included in the 2001-2006 TIP need to be resubmitted for automatic inclusion in the 2003-2008 TIP. This list of projects represents the final step of the Board's process for developing the city's TIP submittals. Given the limited nature of this TIP and the smaller number of projects, the suggested projects and programs summarized later in this memo are presented for the Board's review and recommendation. BACKGROUND The TIP is prepared every two years by the DRCOG in cooperation with the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) and the Regional Transportation District (RTD). The TIP identifies the projects that will receive federal funding for highway, transit, alternative transportation improvements, and management actions expected to be completed by CDOT, RTD, local governments and other project sponsors. All projects receiving TEA-21 funds must be in the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) and the TIP, and be consistent with the requirements of the Clean Air Act. AGENDA ITEM # V Page I At its previous meetings, the TAB reviewed an initial list of potential TIP projects, added the Pearl Parkway bike project as a potential TIP submittal, and recommended this list of ten projects for further evaluation. ANALYSIS At the time of the previous TAB meeting, staff was responding to a DRCOG schedule that had the TIP application packets and final criteria being distributed in December, with applications possibly due in early February 2002. At this time, DRCOG has yet to distribute the application packets so we do not have the final criteria or a submittal deadline. However, DRCOG is holding a TIP workshop on January 11, 2002, and will likely consider the application materials distributed at that point. Following past practices, TIP submittals would then be due about six weeks following that date, which would suggest that applications would still be due in February. Consequently, a TAB recommendation is still needed in January for Council to approve the projects prior to the potential submittal date The screening process recommended by TAB called for the evaluation of potential projects at a policy level, on the basis of technical criteria and from a strategic perspective. Due to the delay in the DRCOG process, staff does not have the criteria or data from DRCOG needed to quantitatively score individual projects. However, based on the criteria that are known, estimates of relative scores, and the strategic assessment of likely funding, staff is able to qualitatively evaluate the projects. Given the small number of projects under consideration, staff believes the needed decisions are few and can be made on the basis of existing information. In the previous TIP process, , TAB provided the following guidance to the evaluation process: Project solicitation should include projects beyond those in the Transportation Master Plan (TMP), and all projects will be evaluated through the screening process; The policy level screen should reflect the results of the TAB-TMP project prioritization project as much as possible; Projects should be solicited from across the spectrum of project categories, and the city should submit as many projects as it can; Staff should provide the Board with an updated strategic assessment of project categories that would likely receive funding as this information becomes available, such as on the likelihood of receiving additional transit funding; Submitted projects should not be marginal projects; TIP funding should be used to advance our list of desirable projects. The qualitative evaluation of the proposed projects as well as status notes are included in the following table. Projects shown in gray-scale are proposed for submittal. AGENDA ITEM # V Page 2 s Project Suitability Key: O= consistent or high scoring; neutral or not high scoring; inconsistent or poor scoring Table 1 eF~~r m _ MR. R Bear Creek Bike/ $1.6 M/ O O This project continues the trail and flood control bicycle/pedest pedestrian $.6M improvements for Bear Canyon Creek by rian underpass federal providing a larger box culvert/underpass under at Table Mesa $1M city the westbound lanes of Table Mesa and connect the trail into a major destination of the Table Mesa Shopping Center. These improvements provide for safer pedestrian and bicycle crossings of Table Mesa, and enhance the existing trail system. This project scored well in the last TIP and was next in line for funding in this category. AGENDA ITEM # V Page 3 i Elmers Two Bike/ Has not ' O This project allows for the substantial Mile pedestrian been completion of the 27`h corridor connection north bicycle/pedest calculated, of Goose Creek and will link up with the funded rian underpass but likely underpass at Iris allowing grade-separated at Valmont about crossings of these two busy arterial streets. $1.4M/ This project is not a priority for flood control, is $.6M space constrained, requires moving a major federal sewer line and is relatively expensive. $.8M city - mlS _ AGENDA ITEM # V Page 4 Near-term Bike/ Estimated O • • Pedestrian underpasses in the Crossroads area Pedestrian pedestrian cost of have been identified in the 28th Street design Crossing $1M each process and in community thinking about Improvements Crossroads redevelopment. These improvements in the 28`h will likely be needed in the next two years. High Street cost and a low population density would reduce Corridor the potential score of this project. Pearl Parkway Bike/ $5-600K Staff has talked with Boulder County about this Bike Facility pedestrian project and the county is not interested in pursuing federal funds as the project can be built sooner with local funds + -indicates a very strong score 'A-indicates a weaker score AGENDA ITEM # V Page 5 Based on the latest estimates of population and employment, the city of Boulder can submit up to six new project proposals. Carry-over projects (Projects funded in the third year of the TIP) are assumed to continue in the TIP but do not count towards the limit of six proposals. Staff recommends submittal of the following six new projects plus six resubmittal projects. This recommended list depends on DRCOG criteria ruling all projects as eligible and on the expected scores of projects under the DRCOG criteria. Once the bike/pedestrian projects are scored, staff would recommend submitting the Broadway bike lanes and the two highest scoring projects from the remainder of the bike/pedestrian projects. Staff will make this determination once data has been received and the projects scored, however TAB can provide direction in this regard. City of Boulder 2003-2008 Transportation Improvement Program(TIP) Project Recommendations Total Boulder's Project Name TIP Project Matching Project Funding* Funds Resubmittal Broadway (SH 93), Pine to Iris Highway $5,400,000 $1,350,000 Reconstruct. Resubmittal 28th/Boulder Creek Bridge Widening $800,000 $400,000 Resubmittal 28th/Canyon Intersection Operational $350,000 $175,000 Resubmittal 28th/Iris Intersection Operational $350,000 $175,000 Resubmittal Broadway/Baseline Intersection Operational $425,000 $212,500 Resubmittal South Boulder Intermodal Center Intermodal $8,950,000 $0 Resubmittal Iris Underpass Bicycle/ $1,232,000 $632,000 Pedestrian Broadway (SH 93), University to Pine Reconstruction $7,000,000 $1,750,000 Intersection improvements at Foothills and Safety or $2,800,000 $400,000 Arapahoe Operational Skunk Creek bicycletpedestrian underpass at 27` Bike/ $1,200,000 $600,000 Way pedestrian Broadway bike lanes between Iris and Norwood Bike/ $1,000,000 $400,000 pedestrian Community Transit Network (CTN) Operation Operational Under Under Improvements Development Development Far-term Pedestrian Crossing Improvements in the Bike/ $1,200,000 $600,000 28" Street Corridor pedestrian NEW FUNDING REQUEST $13,200,000* $3,750,000* TOTAL FUNDING REQUEST $30,707,000* $6,694,500* *Totals do not include costs for CTN Operational Improvements AGENDA ITEM # V Page 6 It should be noted that staff is refining cost estimates and will review the city's match contribution based on expected project scores. If it appears that a project will score well without maximizing the points for the city's overmatch, the match will be reduced. Consequently, the match amount listed above is a worst case scenario. We also anticipate submitting a number of TDM proposals if DRCOG funds this category, but none of these will involve capital expenditures. The cost of these projects is relatively small, and any city contributions to these proposals are expected to be small and covered by reprioritizing existing operational funds. STAFF RECOMMENDATION This submittal represents an integrated and balanced program of roadway reconstruction, roadway and transit operational improvements, and bicycle/pedestrian facilities. These projects are consistent with the direction of the Prioritization process and will contribute to implementing the city's Transportation Master Plan (TMP). The Broadway reconstruction and Broadway bike lanes are contained in the Capital Improvements Program (CIP) reviewed and recommended by TAB, and any regional funding received for these projects will allow city funds to be reallocated to additional projects. Staff recommends support for this list of submittals to DRCOG. ACTION REQUESTED Staff requests a recommendation to City Council on the proposed TIP submittal package. AGENDA ITEM # V Page 7