00 - Transportation - Cover Sheet - 1/14/2002
Monday, January 14, 2002, 6:00 p.m.
City Council Chambers
The Municipal Building
1777 Broadway, 2°d Floor
I. Regional partner outreach with the Colorado Department of Transportation (Karla
Harding) (at 5:30 pre-dinner).
II. Call to Order
III. Approval of December 10, 2001 meeting minutes.
IV. *General citizen participation and TAB comment period.
V. *Public hearing and consideration of a recommendation on the TEA-21 DRCOG TIP
submittal (Staff-Randall Rutsch).
■ Staff presentation
• Public input
■ Formal recommendation requested
VI. A. Matters from Staff/Non-Agenda Items
• Staff briefing on the TMP 2001 and Jobs to Population Balance Project (Randall
• Staff briefing on 28' St./Broadway Construction (Stephany Westhusin/Noreen
• Staff briefing and TAB input on Missing Sidewalk Link Prioritization Method
and Outreach Plan (Noreen Walsh)
• Staff briefing on the U.S. 36 Speed Limit (Bill Cowern)
B. Matters from the Board
VII. Discussion of future agenda and schedule.
VIII. Adjournment.
*Public Comment Item
Information: http://www.ci.boulder.co.us/pwplan/, Boulder FYI at (303) 441-4060 ext.132, or
call Robin Madel at (303) 441-4073. Packets can be accessed on-line at
Central Records
Municipal Building