Minutes - Transportation - 12/13/2004CITY OF BOULDER, COLORADO BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS MEETING SUMMARY FORM NAME OF BOARD/COMMISSION: Transportation Advisory Board DATE OF MEETING: Dec. 13, 2004 NAME/TELEPHONE OF PERSON PREPARING SiTMMARY: Robin Madel, 303-441-4073 NAMES OF MEMBERS, COUNCIL, STAFF AND INVITED GUESTS PRESENT: BOARD MEMBERS -TAB: Jun Rettew, Krista Nordback, Lynn Gmssmger, Brant Liebmami, Bill Roettker STAFF - Tracy Winfree, Greg Fisher (Umversity of Colorado, Boulder), Louise Grauer, Mike Sweeney, Robm Madel, secretary WHAT TYPE OF MEETING ~REGULAR~ Agenda Item 1- Call to Order. The meetin was called to order at 6:00 .m. Agenda Item 2- Meeting Minutes from Nov. 8, 2004. Krista Nordback motioned to approve the minutes as written. Lvnn Guissinaer seconded the motion. The vote was 4-0 in favor oI the motion. Bill Roettker did not attend the November meetin so he abstained. Agenda Item 3- General Public Participation. Dan Corson, 757 8f6 St., Boulder, 80302, spoke to the TAB about the upcoming Boulder Community Cleanup Day. Corson said he is looking for a volunteer from the TAB to participate on the steering committee for the Community Cleanup Day on May 14, 2004. Corson provided details about the event and asked the TAB members to consider hel in out. Agenda Item 4- Staff briefing and TAB input on the CU Transplan 2004. GreQ Fisher with the UniversiTy of Colorado Boulder presented the Transplan to the TAB. The University is still in the data gathermg stage of master plan development and tLey are taking public input. Fisher discussed the major recommendations the University has developed so far. Fisher said [hat the University hopes to work with the city to evaluate funding options for Boulder Valley. The university expects to develop long, medium and short term options and low, medium and high cost funding options. The TAB provided input to Fisher and asked the staff to prepaze a fortnal submitta] that includes both staff and TAB recommendations. The item will be presented to the TAB at the January meeting for their review and approval. Topics that were discussed include: • The circulation pattem, • Reconshuction projects on campus, • The Community Transit Network and campus impacts, • Gaps in the system, • System improvements, • System safety, especially at night, • Shared parking faciliries, • Coordination of shuttles and • Funding. The staff and TAB expressed their appreciation for the openness that CU has demonstrated in including the city in the master lan rocess. Agenda Item 5- Staff brief ng and TAB input on the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan Update (BVCP). Louise Grauer spoke about the update to the BVCP. Grauer said the three ma~or topics of the update which affect Transportation include the ciTy's vision for the future, the transit village and the publ~c process involved in the update. There are five major azeas of focus (policy based) and [wo land areas of focus. Transpor[ation is not a major fows azea because the Transportation Master Plan Update, which was recently completed, was thorough enough that the policies will be incoiporated into the BVCP and will not need further updating. Transportation Advisory Board Summary Minutes Dec 13, 1004 Page ! Grauer announced an open house to be held on Feb. 23, 2005 and invited all TAB members to attend. TAB members asked quesrions that covered specific land use and also covered policy issues. Topics covered include: • Plans for 63`~ Street, • The process for TAB to provide formal input and • TAB mvolvement with upcomtng projects including the Transit Village Area Plan. The TAB chair said that the TAB is always interested in looking at the intersection of hansportation and land use issues and he encoura ed the lannin staff to ke trans ortahon issues in mind as the o throu ro'ects. Agenda Item 6 Matters from Staff • The agenda for the January 2005 meering is light and the suggestion was made to postpone the meeting. The matter will be discussed at the director-chair agenda setting meehng. • Tracy Winfree provided an update on the U.S. 36 EIS and the status of [he Locally Prefeaed Altemative. • Tracy Winfree provided an update on the Transportation Master Plan Action Plan Task Force. Winfree said that the group just held what may have been their ]ast meeting. The ~oup reached a consensus on what to invest in, which remforced the Action Plan, and helped advance the discussion on how to consider future fmancing, though no specific proposal emerged. The group wanted to send a message to the city manager that all decisions should be made in the context of what is best for the city overall. Matters from the Board • Brant Liebmaun said that he would not be able to attend the meeting on Jan. 10, 2005. • Brant Liebmann asked about the city`s ability to provide Eco-pass subsidies to lower income people. Tracy Winfree explained the city's process for subsidizing Eco-passes and new considerations for Mapleton Mobile Home Pazk. Winfree took some suggestions for making the program work better than it currently does for lower income populations. • Krista Nordback asked about the city's policy foz clearing snow from bikeways. Tracy Winfree provided copies of the city's snow removal policy so the boazd could better understand the approach to street and path snow cleuing. • Krista Norback asked several questions about traffic lights and riming but decided that the questions should be d'uected to Joe Paulson. • Jim Rettew asked to have copies of the retreat focus list laminated and sent to each TAB member. • Jim Rettew asked to have a new picture taken for the Web site. The boazd decided to wait until the new member statts in A ri12005. Agenda Item 7- Discussion of future agenda and schedule. At this time, the only agenda item for the Jan. 1Q 2004 meeting is a public hearing on the CU Boulder hanspoitation plan. The meeting may get postponed until February 2005. The chair will discuss postponing the meerin with the staff at the a enda settin meetin . Agenda Item 8 - Adjournment. Brant Liebmann motioned to adjourn. Lvnn Guissineer seconded [he motion. The vote was 5-0 in favor of the motion. The meetin was ad'oumed at 9:48 .m. Da[e, Time, and Location of Next Meeting: The next regular meetmg date is to be detemvned. DRAFT: MINUTES NOT YET APPROVED BY TAB. Minutes a proved on ~~~ ~~° y By , ~ ~ Transpo a ron Advisory Board Summary ~inu7es Dec. 13, 2004 Page 2