4 - Staff briefing and TAB input on the CU Transplan 2004 C I T Y O F B O U L D E R TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY BOARD AGENDA ITEM MEETING DATE: AGENDA TITLE: Staff briefing and TAB input on the CU Transplan 2004. PRESENTER/S: – Tracy Winfree Public Works/Transportation - Greg Fisher University of Colorado/Parking and Transportation EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Campus planners will brief and seek input from the Transportation Advisory Board on the CU Transplan 2004 . Similar to the city Transportation Master Plan (TMP), the CU Transplan defines the comprehensive transportation strategy and implementation programs that will provide mobility for university affiliates and visitors. BACKGROUND: Background on the micro-master plan and contact information is available at the following link:http://ucbparking.colorado.edu/TransportationMasterPlan/Default.asp. A draft list of CU Transplan recommendations is attached. Fiscal Impacts: N/A Other Impacts: N/A Other Board and Commission feedback: N/A Public feedback: N/A Staff recommendation: No recommendation is sought at this time. Attachments: CU Transplan 2004 DRAFT Recommendations AGENDA ITEM #________PAGE________ CU Transplan 2004 DRAFT Recommendations (November 12, 2004) Auto Circulation and Parking A1. Extend CU Boulder’s existing parking supply – Many lots are not fully utilized (even on Main Campus). Identify low-use portions of existing parking lots, and manage the system to direct users to these available spaces. E.g. roof of Regent Autopark, Kittredge Lot 416 (near Coors Center). A2. Continue to promote lower cost alternatives to parking such as transit, biking and walking – look at the alternatives and evaluate the cost/benefit. E.g. one new SOV (single occupant vehicle) in a structured parking space will cost 4-5 times as much to accommodate one as one EcoPass transit rider. A3. Plan carefully for new parking development– use a forecasting model (provided in Transplan ) and lot counts to facilitate highly targeted planning for new replacement parking when and where appropriate to avoid major dislocations and service disruptions A4. Manage parking supply to promote greater consistency of service/price/value – PTS controls about 80% of on-campus parking supply. Consider unifying management of all spaces under one system to promote efficiency and consistency A5. Determine an optimal parking fee for on-campus residents based on fair market conditions for parking and housing under the unified management structure above A6. Rationalize pricing and policies to promote consistency – Synthesis of A4 and A5 A7. Balance parking demand among areas of campus and introduce more choice – Create a tiered pricing model that maintains efficient space utilization, offers commuters (especially lower-paid employees) affordable parking options, and helps to maintain adequate visitor parking supply A8. Lease surplus parking – in appropriate and available locations A9. Develop a parking and circulation plan – use the parking map and Campus Master Plan as a base, and place long-term parking at the perimeter, while improving visitor direction and access A10. Use technology to achieve above goals – variable message signs, access card, and lot count systems AGENDA ITEM #________PAGE________ A11. Consider shared parking opportunities, for example between day and night or by day of week in a given location Transit Service T1. Maintain and support existing Community Transit Network and EcoPass programs – they have been cost-effective and useful to CU T2. Develop a transit circulation plan for the campus that facilitates efficient and comprehensive bus/shuttle circulation, to, from, and around CU campuses th T3. Explore transit prioritization measures such as bus lanes, on Broadway, 28, th US 36, Euclid/18, Colorado, Regent, and Folsom north of Colorado in conjunction with Fastracks and other major investment programs T4. Implement planned Superstops and Nextbus signs th T5. Implement Broadway/18/Euclid street improvements to provide more efficient circulation to from, and around campus while enhancing access and visibility to CU’s major “front door” (UMC/University Club). This includes coordination with the City of Boulder to enhance pedestrian safety and vehicle levels of service at the most congested CU intersections along Broadway T6. Plan for a multi-modal CU Transit Center and/or Transit Mall in coordination with T5 T7.Support Fastracks implementation to serve CU effectively, including Bus th Rapid Transit on 28 Street and Broadway T8. Improve Special Event Transit Options - such as Park and Ride to games T9. Expand the EcoPass Program – e.g. to leaseholders, retirees, and regular visitors T10. Use CU affiliate origin/destination data collected in the planning process to help RTD and the City/County of Boulder to improve Community Transit Network service on specific routes T11. Work with the City, County, and RTD to explore the implementation of a new comprehensive transit system plan including improved performance standards and some route and service improvements as recommended by the consultants to this study, Nelson/Nygaard and Associates T12.Support local consensus with RTD by creating a new local oversight body to guide local priorities and raise local funds AGENDA ITEM #________PAGE________ Shared Infrastructure Improvements I1. Create a clear circulation hierarchy – define main roads, service lanes, service alleys, restricted service lanes, cartways, bike/pedestrian paths, main walkways, secondary walkways I2. Create a multi-use pathway system for pedestrians, bikes, and smaller service vehicles such as electric carts I3. Provide names for corridors and street signs I4. Buildings should all have physical addresses clearly posted in consistent locations I5. Create and implement a unified wayfinding (directional and informational sign) system for visitors and to identify service access routes I6. Implement required pathway and service access improvements based on user volumes and circulation analysis. E.g. size and design pathways to accommodate specific traffic volumes and modes I7. Define project management structures and funding plans for the development and maintenance of all campus corridors I8. Consider traffic flow improvements such as variable four-way traffic sensor systems and grade-separated crossings where congestion is highest and the greatest pedestrian safety concerns exist, e.g. Regent Drive at Fiske Planetarium Bicycle Facilities B1. Continue to upgrade the East-West Bikeway B2. Continue to upgrade and add bike parking in convenient locations B3. Create a North-South and/or Diagonal Bikeway linking to the City of Boulder Bikeway System, e.g. along Folsom corridor B4.Complete a bike path north of the Stadium B5. Expand bike commuter support – i.e. shower facilities, additional bike checkout locations B6. Reinstate the bicycle enforcement program after eliminating the dismount zone and replacing it with low-speed “Pedestrian Safe Zones” AGENDA ITEM #________PAGE________ B7. Add bike commuter demonstration facilities such as covered and/or secured bike parking Pedestrian Environment P1. Develop a pedestrian circulation plan – give pedestrians preference in “pedestrian zones” and define day/night use of such zones P2. Develop dedicated funding pools to build out and maintain the campus pedestrian walkway system P3. Consider a “safe path” system for night use, linking nighttime pedestrians with key destinations along a well-lit, well-defined corridor P4. Develop a comprehensive pedestrian signage/wayfinding system linking visitors on foot to key destinations Service and Emergency Access S1. Establish a service vehicle circulation plan that reduces modal conflicts and minimizes the intrusion of service vehicles in pedestrian spaces S2. Redefine the service vehicle parking system and create adequate off-path service vehicle parking/loading spacs.Consider a “ring and spoke” system of access. S3. Eliminate “worksite permits” and replace with a new service access system – e.g. dedicated service vehicle hubs and work staging areas in strategic campus locations S4. Create physical barriers to define and support the new service vehicle circulation plan and reduce pedestrian space intrusions and landscape/hardscape damage by vehicles S5.”right-size campus fleets - promote and encourage small vehicle fleet use on an appropriately-sized multi-use pathway system versus allowing vehicles of any size to have universal access S6. Ensure loading docks are adequately sized and managed and physically expand or relocate docks where needed to support S1-S5 above. S7. Accommodate emergency vehicle access in appropriate locations via circulation plans. Consider the use of such items as knock-down bollards for fire access where other vehicle types are not permitted AGENDA ITEM #________PAGE________ Funding Mechanisms F1. Agree on funding priorities among CU groups with the assistance of Transplan cost/benefit analysis F2. Maintain the parking pro-forma tool designed by Nelson/Nygaard for Transplan F3. Collect data in a consistent manner between the City, County, University and RTD to enhance consistency and accuracy F4. Establish regular and timely data collection and analysis periods (e.g. mode- share data) within and between agencies to improve planning capabilities F5. Work with the City, County, COG, RTD, and Private Sector/Donor Groups to identify funding opportunities for major projects AGENDA ITEM #________PAGE________