Minutes - Transportation - 11/8/2004CITY OF BOULDER, COLORADO
NAME OF BOARD/COMMISSION: Transportation Advisory Board
DATE OF MEET[NG: Nov. 8, 2004
BOARD MEMBERS -TAB: Jim Rettew, Krista Nordback, Lynn Guissinger, and Brant Liebmann; Bill
Roettker was absent.
STAFF - Mike Sweeney, Robin Madel, secretazy, Randall Rutsch
Agenda Item 1- Call to Order.
The meetin was called to order at 6:00 .m.
Agenda Item 2- Meeting Minutes from Aug. 30, 2004 and OcL 11, 2004.
Brant Liebmann motioned to approve the minutes as written.
Krista Nordback seconded the motion.
The vote was 4-0 in favor of the motion.
Oct. 11, 2004
Lvnn Guissin¢er motioned to approve the minutes with one grammatical correction.
Krista Nordback seconded the motion.
The vote was 4-0 in tavor of the motion.
Agenda Item 3- General Public Participation.
Tim Thomas, 2300 Arapahoe Ave., Boulder, spoke about the Boulder Transit Village and asked to have plenty
of affordable housing and rental units available with the project.
Charlotte Sorenson, 603 Spruce St., Boulder, introduced Jenny Homing as the new liaison for the TAB from
Walk Boulder.
Agenda Item 4- Staff briefing and TAB discussion regarding the site design process (or the Boulder
Transit Village.
Randall Rutsch discussed the status of the Boulder Transit Village. Rutsch said that the project is meeting a lot of
council goals and will meet housing as well as hansportation needs. Rutsch outlined the details of the site
purchase and discussed fu[ure steps in [he project. Pollard Motor Company will lease the land back from Ihe city
for up to 12 years. The staff will begin the site design process by releasing a Request for Qualifications. The
public involvement process will start in 2005. Construction and funding timelines were discussed as well as the
ci[y's role in the housing development portion of the project. The TAB expressed the~r interest and concerns for
the public process. Bike, pedestrian and auto connections in the area were d~scussed.
The current thinking is to assemble the design team and then begin the public involvement process by holding an
o en house to collect ideas. The TAB role in the ublic rocess was discussed.
Agenda Item 5
Matters (rom Staff
• Mike Sweenev reviewed the TAB To-Do List with the TAB. They agreed [o create an "Alert LisP' and
to add dates for bringing an item back to the board.
• Mike Sweenev briefly reviewed the regional s[udies in light of the passing of funding for FasTracks.
• Mike Sweenev reviewed the Transportation Mas[er Plan Action Plan Taskforce meeting and announced
that ano[her meeting would take place on Nov. 17, 2004. Jim Ret[ew requested tha[ the summary of
findings from the Taskforce be emailed to the TAB members upon its completion.
• Mike Sweenev asked the board members to review the Baseline Road Improvements memo provided to
the TAB members and announced an Open House about the project that would take place on Nov. 18.
Matters Crom the Board
• Jim Rettew discussed the memo provided ro the TAB regarding paving of alleyways. There were no
issues with the memo so the staff recommendation will be forwarded to the city council. Krista
Nordback asked if construction fees a for dama e to alle a s b construction vehicles.
Transportation Advisory Board
Suinmary Minu[es
Nov. 8, 2004
Page 1
Agenda Item 6- Discussion of future agenda and schedule.
The Dec. 13, 2004 meeting will include two staff presentations and no public hearings. The topics will indude a
review of the Comprehensive Plan Upda[e and a review of [he University of Colorado Parking and Transportation
Micro Master Plan.
Agenda Item 7-Adjournment.
Krista Nordback motioned to adjourn.
Brant Liebmann sewnded the motion.
The vote was 4-0 in favor of [he motion.
The meetine was adioumed at 7:45 o.m.
Date, Time, and Location of Next Meeting:
The next regular meeting will ta~:e place on Monday, Dec. 13, 2004 at 6 p.m at the Council Chambers of the
Minutes approved on ~ ~ -"^t-
By I ~ ~I ~~ ~1 ~
Transportation Advisory Board
Summary Minutes
Nov. 8, 2004
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