Minutes - Transportation - 10/11/2004CITY OF BOULDER, COLORADO BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS MEETING SUMMARY FORM NAME OF BOARD/COMMISSION: Transportation Advisory Board DATE OF MEETING: Oct. 11, 2004 NAME/TELEPHONE OF PERSON PREPARING SUMMARY: Robin Madel, 303-441-4073 NAMES OF MEMBERS, COUNCIL, STAFF AND INVITED GUESTS PRESENT: BOARD MEMBERS -TAB: Jim Rettew, Krista Nordback, Bill Roettker, Lynn Guissinger, Brant Liebmann STAFF - Tracy Winfree, Mike Sweeriey, Kate Patterson, Molly Winters, Bill Cowern, Dana Lewis, secretary WHAT TYPE OF MEETING (REGULAR] Agenda Item 1- Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. ~ Agenda Item 2- Meeting Minutes from Aug. 30, 2004. Several TAB members requested including more detail about the 17`~ Street Bikelane Project item in the minutes, therefore the approval was held over until the following meeting. Brant Liebmann requested more detail on the loss of parking and how income could be generated from replacement parking spaces. Jim Rettew wanted more detail on the discussion about replacement parking spaces, in general, and that if it were not included he would not have supported the recommendation. Agenda Item 3- General Public Participation. There was none. Agenda Item 4-Public hearing and TAB recommendation on the University Heights Neighborhood Permit Parking (NPP) Program. Kate Patterson discussed the issue and presented three options and the staff recommendation to the board. TAB Questions - TAB Quesrions covered the duration of parking and the nature of the existing and proposed parking restrictions, ~affic flow, commuter permits, the nature of the neighborhood perition, the public process, where the funding for the process will come from and pricing for commuter pernuts. ' Public Participation Fred Luiszer, 2510 Taft Dr. #210, Boulder, said that the displaced parkers will just move over to Taft Drive and there are already problems there because the new condominium owners already use all the on-street parking. Luiszer said that all of the University Heights area including Taft Avenue must be included in the NPP. Sallv Essenburg, 2590 University Heights, Boulder, said that she is part of a group that is trying to work with the parking issues rationally. Parking has been a long-standing problem with the neighbors. The group has defined objectives and was diligent in creating a petition. Frank Spaid, 2505 University Heights Ave., Boulder, said that residents can't get parking spaces with university events, including classes, in progress. University Heights is an island and there is no place for visitors to park especially with the high volume of cars seeking spaces. The NPP would provide a better parking environment. John Kline, 1270 26`h St., Boulder, said that the patrols can't effectively patrol and they need to be random and relentless. Joan Lewis, 2790 University Heights Ave., Boulder, said that the impact of development on 26th Street and Taft Drive has highly limited resident events. Long term care individuals have no place to park and there is nowhere for constnzction vehicles to park. Nancv Simon, 770 315t St., Boulder, said she is not in University Heights and asked about the practicality of Saturday restrictions. During football games residents park on the street and sell parking in their driveways. She also said that the limited hours are problematic for the library users. James Vina, 2550 University Heights Ave., Boulder, said he was ticketed for parking in the grass and he strongly supports the petition. TAB Questions . TAB questions covered the delineation of the NPP boundary and where Taft Drive fits in, the nature of the current restrictions, parking concerns for elderly and handicapped and methods for adding Taft Drive into the siudy. Sally Essenburg was asked several more questions that covered the 10% of residents that didn't sign the petition, Transportation Advisory Board Summary Minutes Oct.ll, 2004 Page 1 the weekend issues, "selling" driveway spaces for football games, the meticulous nature of the process, issues for emergency vehicles and resident responses to people parked on sidewallcs and in front of their driveways. The staff felt that adding in Taft Drive would stop the project because of budget issues. Molly Winters said that it was highly unlikely that there would be additional funding to include Taft Drive. Additional questions covered which blocks were considered in the process; the pros and cons of making University Heights Avenue a one-way street, and the issue of lack of adequate notification of Taft Drive residents. TAB Discussion The.-discussion covered whether the scope of the project was wide enough, whether or not Taft Drive should be reviewed separately, approving what is in the staff recommendation but asking for further study on Taft Drive, the benefit of making time restrictions shorter, the costs versus the benefits of the solution, how the process could have been conducted more appropriately, the value of breaking the recommendation into two actions of voring on the current issue and then asking the City Manager to consider Taft Drive as an addition. A larger discussion for the future would be to consider whether the NPP should include the possibility of "Residents Only" zones. Krista Nordback motioned to accept the staff recommendation as outlined in the staff inemo. Lvnn Guissinger seconded the motion. The vote was 5-0 in favor of the motion. As a follow-up item the TAB members asked staff to raise the issue with the City Manager related to concerns about how the NPP will affect Taft Drive. Agenda Item 5 Matters from Staff • Tracy Winfree discussed the budget. Winfree said that it had looked more promising than it turned out to be,~'~here was a downturn in May through August and the projections were readjusted. Winfree reviewed the guiding principles for budget reductions plus the City Manager's added directive of making "narrow and deep" cuts rather than many shallow cuts. Winfree provided a list of budget reductions. Some reductions are a result of efficiency improvements created through restructuring work processes and work groups rather than reducing service. Within the Transportation Depariment, the Neighborhood Traffic Mitigation Program (NTMP) will be impacted as one of the "narrow and deep" reductions. The proposed reductions were accepted by the City Manager. Bill Cowern asked the board to help define what is important and what the board would like to see within the NTMP. The board discussed what they would like to see from the program, including focusing on simplifying NTMP, closing new enrollment and, when the budget can support it, returning to the NTMP in a simplified form. • Bill Cowern distributed a status report on bike signage to board members. • Tracv Winfree provided an update on the US36, NW Corridor and Diagonal regional studies. Winfree announced several meetings that are going to be held in October. • Tracv Winfree provided an update on the Boulder Transit Village. The city, along with the Regional Transportation District, would be closing a deal that includes purchasing the site from Pollard Motor Company, leasing the western part of the site back to Pollard and providing an option to Pollard to purchase City Yards land that fronts on Pearl Parkway if another suitable location hasn't been found in 10 years. The deal is an implementation step of the Transportation Master Plan (TMP). • Tracv Winfree provided an update about the TMP Action Plan Taskforce. Winfree said that at the last meeting the consensus was that the multimodal system should be expanded. The Taskforce should be wrapped up in a couple of months. • Tracv Winfree asked the TAB if the retreat notes captured the spirit of the retreat. Winfree asked board members to email their comments to her. Board members discussed the issue of how to advance implementation of the TMP. Lynn Guissinger suggested that they have an annual in depth meeting that covers the topic rather than skimining the topic at each meeting. Bill Roettker asked how the board might add some influence into the Comprehensive Plan in making multi-modal corridors a higher priority. Krista Nordback expressed concerned with the "To Do List" and a lack of completion dates. Matters from the Board • The board discussed the To Do List and which items should be included. The list included free/fee replacement parking on 17~' Street, whether current NPP regulations allow for Saturday parking. restrictions, the Transit Village Site Design, and the parking situation around high schools. • The board was congratulated on going through the public process for the 17`t' Street Bikelane Project. Transportation Advisory Board Summary Minutes Oct.ll, 2004 Page 2 Agenda Item 6- Discussion of future agenda and schedule. Bill Roettker said that he would not be able to attend the Nov. 8, 2004 meeting. Agenda Item 7 - Adjournment. Krista Nordback motioned to adjourn. Lvnn Guissin~er seconded the motion. The vote was 4-0 in favor of the motion. Brant Liebmann had left the meering earlier so he did not vote on the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m. Date, Time, and Location of Next Meeting: The next regular meeting will take place on Monday, Nov. 8, 2004 at 6 p.m. at the Council Chambers of the DRAFT: MINUTES NOT YET~~PROVED BY TAB. Mi~ By Transportation Advisory Boarci Summary Minutes Oct.ll, 2004 Page 3