2 - Minutes, 7/12/04 CITY OF BOULDER, COLORADO BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS MEETING SUMMARY FORM NAME OF BOARD/COMMISSION: Transportation Advisory Board DATE OF MEETING: July 12, 2004 NAME/TELEPHONE OF PERSON PREPARING SUMMARY: Robin Madel, 303-441-4073 NAMES OF MEMBERS, COUNCIL, STAFF AND INVITED GUESTS PRESENT: BOARD MEMBERS –TAB: Jim Rettew, Krista Nordback, Bill Roettker, Lynn Guissinger; Brant Liebmann was absent STAFF – Tracy Winfree, Teresa Spears, Bill Fox (consultant), Robin Madel, secretary WHAT TYPE OF MEETING [REGULAR] Agenda Item 1 – Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. Agenda Item 2 – Meeting Minutes from May 10, 2004 and June 14, 2004. Krista Holland motioned to approve the May 10, 2004 minutes as written. Lynn Guissinger seconded the motion. The vote was 5-0 in favor of the motion. Bill Roettker motioned to approve the June 14, 2004 minutes as amended. Lynn Guissinger seconded the motion. The vote was 4-0 in favor of the motion. Brant Liebmann did not vote on the motion because he did not attend that meeting. Agenda Item 3 – General Public Participation. th The following people spoke about the 17 Street Bike Lane Project: Michele Bishop, 1705 Arapahoe, Boulder , said she supports parts of the staff proposal but is opposed to the proposed amount of off-street parking and feels it was calculated improperly. Bishop said that the proposed amount of off-street parking will bring a tremendous impact to the block. Marty Crigler, 2137 Grove St., Boulder , said that the project has shrunk down from a much larger project and the Goss-Grove neighborhood has to absorb all the impacts of the project. She asked the staff not to take all the th parking away and to send a notice to all of the residents within a two square block radius of 17 Street to notify them of the parking removal. The following people spoke about the Alpine Mitigation Project: th Denis Gallege, 2705 15 St. Boulder , said he is in favor of the Alpine mitigation plan and thinks the plan is well thought through. Michelle Jung, 1391 Alpine Ave., Boulder , said that she never had traffic problems on her street until mitigation was put in place on surrounding streets. Jung feels there is no perfect solution but something must be done and there doesn’t need to be anymore discussion. Mark Taylor, 1458 Alpine Ave., Boulder , said he is opposed to having a median in front of his house and the plan is not well thought out. Taylor feels the device is not designed to reduce speeds and is not a low cost device and he will continue to oppose it. th Jim Traut, 1343 Alpine Ave., Boulder , said he is favor of retaining the median at Alpine Avenue and 14 Street and he said too many display signs are just redundant. David Ecoff, 1458 Alpine Ave., Boulder , said he is in favor of all the proposed mitigation efforts except the median. Ecoff said he would like to see how the other devices planned affect traffic before installing the median. The average speed now is in the 30’s and not in the 40’s. He recommended against installing anything that will be problematic later on. Philip Sieper, 1550 Alpine Ave., Boulder , said he is in agreement with the plan without any delay. Susannah Sieper, 1550 Alpine Ave., Boulder , said she is in agreement with the plan and asked not to delay it any longer. Gordon Reinert, Alpine Ave., Boulder , has lived at the location of the proposed median for 11 years. Reinert said the traffic circles on Balsam moved the traffic to Alpine Dr. and he lives in one of the two houses that are most affected by the plan. He strongly supports the staff proposal because the overall affect will be positive for the neighborhood. General Public Participation was closed. Transportation Advisory Board Summary Minutes July 12, 2004 1 Page TAB Discussion TAB discussion covered the public meeting with the residents of the Alpine neighborhood and the parking th requirements associated with the 17 Street Project. th Agenda Item 4 - Staff briefing and TAB input on the 17 Street (University to Pine) Project. Tracy Winfree briefed the staff on the project and discussed the staff recommendation. Winfree covered the highlights of the project which include bike lanes, neighborhood traffic mitigation, pedestrian crossings and capital maintenance funding. Total project cost is $294K. There are parking impacts including loss of parking spaces. Winfree detailed these impacts. Topics included in the analysis that received a lot of public interest included covered parking, bike lanes and their extent and impacts to mature landscaping and the cost of adding parking spaces back into the project. TAB Questions TAB Questions covered the following: The median at Hillside Curb and gutter relocation th The southbound bike lane on 17 Street and the design approach, especially at intersections Funding for this project related to traffic mitigation A recount of the public input, inclusion of maps that show the parking spaces being lost and where spaces could be added back The codes for determining the number of parking spaces per house The costs associated with specific elements of the project The schedule for construction, mixing of pedestrian and bike traffic especially around the high school The value of paying for the parking spaces versus spending the money on other elements The alignment of the bike lanes and additional public outreach especially with the schools Agenda Item 5 Matters from Staff Regional studies update – US 36 EIS has been delayed because of some modeling issues so the project management team plan to carry the draft EIS through the federal process. The mayor’s coalition is concerned that the preferred alternative concept may get lost in the process. There is great concern about the loss of input and control in this project. The Diagonal Feasibility Study is in process and the options are being discussed. The Northwest Corridor is still in evaluation. The Transportation Master Plan Action Plan Task Force completed an exercise on different funding approaches and preferences to narrow down funding sources. The regional analysis of funding was discussed. One of the major investments is the Eco Pass Program. Matters from the Board Jim Rettew asked when the date for the retreat is. The meeting is scheduled on Wednesday, Aug. 25, 2004 but they discussed moving the meeting to Monday, Aug. 23, 2004. Krista Holland discussed a Pedestrian/Bike plan update. Krista Holland asked the staff to describe how they make sure that all city departments are aware of existing network plans. Krista Holland congratulated the staff for their efforts on bike week. Bill Roettker asked about receiving information about raised pedestrian crossings. Lynn Guissinger went on a bike tour of the city with Andy Clarke from League of American Bicyclists. Guissinger said Clarke was very impressed with the city and its bike facilities. Transportation Advisory Board Summary Minutes July 12, 2004 2 Page Agenda Item 6 – Discussion of future agenda and schedule. th The 17 St. Bike Lane Project will be presented for a public hearing at the next regular meeting. Agenda Item 7 – Adjournment. Krista Holland motioned to adjourn. Lynn Guissinger seconded the motion. The vote was 5-0 in favor of the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m. Date, Time, and Location of Next Meeting: The TAB retreat will take place on Monday, Aug. 23, 2004 at 6 p.m. The next regular meeting will take place on Monday, Aug. 30, 2004 at 6 p.m. at the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building. Minutes approved on ______________ By _________________ Transportation Advisory Board Summary Minutes July 12, 2004 3 Page