Minutes - Transportation - 7/12/2004CITY OF BOULDER, COLORADO
NAMF. OF ROARD/COMMISSION: TransDOrtahon Advisory Board
DATE OF MEETING: July 12, 2004
BOARD MEMBERS -TAB: Jun Rettew, Knsta Nordback, B~II Roettker, Lynn Guissmger, Brant L~ebmann
was absent
STAFF - Tracy Winfree, Teresa Spears, Bill Fox (consultant), Robm Madel, secretary
Agenda Item 1- Call to Order.
The meetmg was called to order at 6 00 p m
Agenda Item 2- Meeting Minutes from May 10, 2004 and June 14, 2004.
Krista Holland motioned to approve the May 10, 2004 minutes as written.
Lvnn Guissin¢er seconded the motion.
The vote was 5-0 in [avor of the motion.
Bill Roettker motioned to approve the June 14, 2004 minutes as amended.
Lvnn Guissmeer seconded the motion.
The vote was 4-0 in favor of the motion. Brant Liebmann d~d not vote on the mohon because he d~d
not attend that meehng
Agenda Item 3- General Public Partic~pation.
The followmg people spoke about the 171h Street B~ke Lane Pro~ect:
M~chele Bishop,1705 Arapahoe, Boulder, said she supports parts of the staff proposal but is opposed to the
proposed amount of off-street pazkmg and feels it was calculated impropedy Bishop sa~d that the proposed
amount of off-street parkuig w~ll bnng a hemendous ~mpact to the block
Martv Cri¢ler, 2137 Grove St., Boulder, sa~d that the pro~ect has shrunk down from a much larger pro~ect and
the Goss-Grove neighborhood has to absorb all the ~mpacts of the pro~ect She asked the staff not to take all the
parkmg away and to send a nohce to all of the res~denu withm a two square block radms of 17'" Street ro nohfy
them of the parkmg removal
The following people spoke about the Alpine Mitigation Project:
Denis Gal1e¢e, 270515'" St. Boulder, said he is m favor of the Alpme mingahon plan and thmks the plan ~s well
M~chelle June,1391 Alpine Ave., Boulder, said that she never had traffic problems on her sheet until
nut~gahon was put m place on sunoundmg streets Jung feels there is no perfect solution but somethmg must be
done and there doesdt need to be anymore discussion
Mark Tavlor. 1458 Alpme Ave., Boulder, sa~d he is opposed to havmg a median m front of ]vs house and the
plan ~s not well thought out Taylor feels the device ~s not designed to reduce speeds and is not a low cost device
and he will conhnue to oppose rt
Jim Traut, 1343 Alpine Ave., Boulder, said he is favor of retammg the med~an at Alpme Avenue and 14'" Sheet
and he sa~d too many display signs are ~ust redundant
David Eco[t, 1458 Alpine Ave., Boulder, sa~d he ~s m favor of all the proposed cruhgahon effoRS except the
med~an Ecoff sa~d he would hke to see how the other devices planned affect uaffic before mstallmg the medtan
The average speed now is ~n the 30's and not m the 40's He recommended against ~nstallmg anythmg that will
be problemahc later on
Philio Sieuer, 1550 Alpine Ave., Boulder, sa~d he is m agreement w~th the plan without any delay
Susannah Sieoer,1550 Alpme Ave., Bou-der, said she ~s m agreement wrth the plan and asked not to delay rt
any longer
Gordon Reinert, Alpine Ave., Boulder, has hved at the locahon of the proposed med~an for 11 years RemeR
sa~d the traffic cimles on Balsam moved the tra~c to Alpme Dr and he hves m one of the two houses that aze
most affected by the plan He shongly supports the staff proposal because the overall affect w~ll be posrtrve for
the neighborhood
General Public Participation was closed.
Transportahon Advisory Board
Summary Mrnutes
July /2, 2004
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TAB Discussion
TAB d~scuss~on covered the public meet~ng wrth the residents of the Alpme ne~ghborhood and the parlang
requirements associated wrth the 17'" Street Pro~ect
Agenda Item 4- Staff bnefing and TAB input on the 17`" Street (University to Pine) Project.
Tracv Wmfree bnefed the staff on the pro~ect and d~scussed the staff recommendahon Wmfree covered the
h~ghl~ghts of the pro~ect wh~ch mclude b~ke lanes, ne~ghborhood traffic rrvhgahon, pedestnan crossmgs and
caprtal mamtenance fundmg Total pro~ect cost ~s $294K There aze parlnng ~mpacts mcludmg loss of parlnng
spaces Wmfree detailed these ~mpacts Top~cs mcluded m the analysis that rece~ved a lot ofpubhc mterest
mcluded covered parkmg, bilce lanes and theu extent and impacts to mature landscapmg and the cost of addmg
parkmg spaces back mto the pro~ect
TAB Questions
TAB Queshons covered the followmg
• The med~an at Hills~de
• Curb and gutter relocahon
• The southbound b~ke lane on 17`" Street and the design approach, espec~ally at mtersechons
• Fundmg for tkus pro~ect related to tra~c m~hgation
• A recount of the publ~c mput, mclus~on of maps that show the pazkmg spaces bemg lost and where
spaces could be added back
• The codes For deternumng the number of parlung spaces per house
• The costs assoc~ated wrth specific elements of the pro~ect
• The schedule for conshuchon, mixmg of pedestnan and b~ke traffic espec~ally around the h~gh school
• The value of paymg for the parkuig spaces versus spendmg the money on other elements
• The al~gnment of the bike lanes and add~honal pubLc outreach especially with the schools
Agenda Item 5
Matters from Statf
. Regional studies update - US 36 EIS has been delayed because of some modelmg ~ssues so the pro~ect
management team plan to carry the draft EIS tluough the federal process The mayor's coaLhon is
concemed that the prefeaed alternahve concept may get lost m the process There is great concem about
the loss of mput and control m Uus pro~ect
• The Diagonal Feas~bil~ty Study ~s m process and the ophons aze bemg discussed
• The NoRhwest Comdor ~s shll m evaluahon
• The Transportation Master Plan Achon Plan Task Force completed an exem~se on different fundmg
approaches and preferences to nazrow down fundmg sources
• The regional analys~s of funding was d~scussed One of the ma~or mvestments is the Eco Pass Program
Matters from the Board
• Jim Rettew asked when the date for the retreat ~s The meehng is scheduled on Wednesday, Aug 25,
2004 but they discussed movmg the meehng to Monday, Aug 23, 2004
• Knsta Holland d~scussed a Pedeshran/Bike plan update
• Knsta Holland asked the staff to descnbe how they make sure that all city departments aze aware of
exishng network plans
• Krista Holland congratula[ed the staff for the¢ efforts on bike week
• B~ll Roettker asked about recervmg mformahon about ra~sed pedestnan crossmgs
• Lynn Gu~ssmger went on a bike rour of the city wtth Andy Clarke from League of Amencan Bicyclists
Gu~ssmger sa~d Clarke was very impressed with the c~ty and its bike facilmes
Transportanon Admsory Board
Summary Minutes
July 11, 2004
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Agenda Item 6- D~scussion of future agenda and schedule.
The 17'" St B~ke Lane Pro ect will be resented for a ubhc heann at the next re ular meetm
Agenda Item 7 - Adjournment.
Krista Holland motioned to adjourn.
Lvnn Guissineer seconded the motion.
The vote was 5-0 m favor of the motion.
The meetm was ad oumed at 7 00 m
Date, T~me, and Location of Next Meeting:
The TAB retreat will take place on Monday, Aug 23, 2004 at 6 p m
The next regular meetmg will take place on Monday, Aug 30, 2004 at 6 p m at the Council C6ambers of the
Mumc~ al Bwldm
Transportatwn Advisory Board
Summary Mtnutes
July /2,1004
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