Information Item: Update regarding the installation of traffic mitigation devises on Alpine Ave.
Transportation Advisory Board
Frank Bruno, City Manager
Public Works
Tracy Winfree, Director of Public Works for Transportation
Michael Gardner-Sweeney, Transportation Planning and Operations Coordinator
Bill Cowern, Transportation Operations Engineer
Teresa Spears, NTMP Liaison
Fire Department
Larry Donner, Fire Chief
Steve Stolz, Deputy Fire Chief
Police Department
Mark Beckner, Police Chief
Greg Testa, Commander of police Traffic Unit
Sergeant Fred Gerhardt, Police Department Traffic Unit
July 12, 2004
SUBJECTInformation Item – Update regarding the installation of traffic mitigation
devices on Alpine Avenue
The purpose of this memorandum is to inform TAB on the status of the approved traffic
mitigation device installation on Alpine Avenue.
In November 2002, City Council approved the Balsam/Edgewood Neighborhood Traffic
Mitigation Plan. Mitigation on Alpine Avenue included:
An entry island on Alpine Avenue just east of 13 Street
A median/pedestrian refuge on Alpine Avenue just east of 14 Street
A permanent speed display (EB) on Alpine Avenue east of 15 Street
A permanent speed display (WB) on Alpine east of 17Street
To be fiscally responsible, the city planned to install the Alpine Avenue and the Whittier
Neighborhood devices at the same time. Issues regarding landscaping delayed construction of
the Whittier Neighborhood mitigation devices thereby, delaying the installation of Alpine
Avenue mitigation devices. Once all issues were resolved, staff scheduled installation of the
Alpine Avenue devices. A substantial amount of time had passed since the adoption of the
mitigation plan so staff sent a letter to the neighborhood notifying residents of the upcoming
installation and explaining the impacts. This letter was sent in April, 2004.
Some neighbors on Alpine Avenue were concerned about the adopted plan and two of them
attended the May 2004 Transportation Advisory Board Meeting to voice their concerns. At that
meeting, transportation staff agreed to host an additional neighborhood meeting to discuss the
adopted mitigation plan. The staff wanted to determine whether there was support in the
neighborhood for this plan or whether other options would need to be considered.
This neighborhood meeting took place on June 30, 2004 at the Columbine Elementary School.
Staff from the Police Department, Fire Department and the Transportation Division of Public
Works attended the meeting. Several residents were unable to attend and called or wrote to City
staff in advance to provide their input.
The additional public involvement at the meeting and from neighbors providing input in advance
of the meeting indicated that a majority of residents supported the original City Council adopted
mitigation plan. There was consensus at the meeting for the entry median and the two speed
displays. Some concern remained regarding the median at 14 Street with respect to safety
impacts for pedestrians on the sidewalk and also parking loss, but most neighbors in attendance
supported the installation of the median.
Staff is confident that the City Council adopted mitigation plan is supported by a majority of the
neighborhood and will schedule construction of the mitigation devices later this summer.
If there are any questions about this topic, please call Bill Cowern at 303-441-3266 or e-mail to