Information Item: Update regarding the installation of traffic mitigation devices on Alpine AvenueWEEKLY INFORMATION PACKET TO: Transportahon Advisory Board FROM: Frank Bruno, City Manager Public Works Tracy Wmfree, Director of Pubhc Works for Transportation Michael Gardner-Sweeney, Transportat~on Plamung and Operatrons Coordinator Bill Cowem, Transportation Operatrons Engmeer Teresa Spears, NTMP Liazson Fue Department Larry Donner, Fire Ctuef Steve Stolz, Deputy Fire Chief Pohce Department Mazk Beckner, Police Chief Greg Testa, Commander of police Traffic Umt Sergeant Fred Gerhazdt, Pohce Department Traffic Umt DATE: July 12, 2004 SUBJECT Information Item - Update regarding the installation of traffic mitigation devices on Alpine Avenue PURPOSE: The purpose of Uus memorandum is to mform TAB on the status of the approved traffic mrt~gation device mstallatron on Alpme Avenue BACKGROUND: In November 2002, City Council approved the Balsam/Edgewood Neighborhood Traffic Mrtigation Plan Mrtigation on Alpine Avenue mcluded. ~ An entry island on Alpine Avenue ~ust east of 13`h Street • A median/pedestnan refuge on Alpme Avenue ~ust east of 14`h Street • A permanent speed display (EB) on Alpme Avenue east of 15~' Street ^ A permanent speed display (WB) on Alpine east of 17~h Street To be fiscally responsible, the city planned to mstall the Alpme Avenue and the Wluttier Neighborhood devices at the same hme Issues regardmg landscaping delayed construchon of the Whittrer Neighborhood mitrgatron devices thereby, delaytng the mstallahon of Alpme Avenue mrtigahon devices Once all issues were resolved, staff scheduled mstallahon of the Alpine Avenue devices A substanhal amount of hme had passed smce the adophon of the mrtigahon plan so staff sent a letter to the neighborhood nohfjnng residents of the upcommg mstallation and explammg the impacts This letter was sent m Apnl, 2004 Some neighbors on Alpine Avenue were concemed about the adopted plan and two of them attended the May 2004 Transportahon Advisory Boazd Meehng to voice their concerns At that meetmg, transportahon staff agreed to host an addrtional neighborhood meetmg to discuss the adopted mrtigation plan The staff wanted to determme whether there was support m the neighborhood for this plan or whether other options would need to be considered. This neighborhood meehng took place on June 30, 2004 at the Columbme Elementary School Staff from the Pohce Department, Fire Department and the Transportation Division of Pubhc Works attended the meeting. Several residents were unable to attend and called or wrote to Crty staff m advance to provide their mput. ANALYSIS: The addihonal publ~c mvolvement at the meetmg and from neighbors provtdmg mput m advance of the meering mdicated that a ma~onty of residents supported the ongmal City Council adopted mitigarion plan There was consensus at the meetmg far the entry median and the two speed displays Some concern remuned regazdmg the median at 14`h Street wrth respect to safety impacts far pedestnans on the sidewalk and also pazking loss, but most neighbors m attendance supported the mstallation of the median NEXT STEPS: Staff is confident that the City Council adopted mitigation plan is supported by a ma~onty of the neighborhood and will schedule construct~on of the mrt~gation devices later this summer If there aze any queshons about this topic, please call Bill Cowern at 303-441-3266 or e-mail to CowemB@ci.boulder co us