2 - Minutes, 6/14/04 CITY OF BOULDER, COLORADO BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS MEETING SUMMARY FORM NAME OF BOARD/COMMISSION: Transportation Advisory Board DATE OF MEETING: June 14, 2004 NAME/TELEPHONE OF PERSON PREPARING SUMMARY: Robin Madel, 303-441-4073 NAMES OF MEMBERS, COUNCIL, STAFF AND INVITED GUESTS PRESENT: BOARD MEMBERS –TAB: Jim Rettew, Krista Nordback, Bill Roettker, Lynn Guissinger; Brant Liebmann was absent STAFF – Tracy Winfree, Mike Sweeney, Joann Roberts-Stacey, Tom Eldridge (City Council), Macon Cowles (Planning Board), Marni Ratzel, Steve Durian, Liz Hanson, Melody Agruso, Robin Madel, secretary WHAT TYPE OF MEETING [REGULAR] Agenda Item 1 – Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at 6:04 p.m. Agenda Item 2 – Meeting Minutes from May 10, 2004. There was an issue with the wording of a motion regarding the missing sidewalks links item that the TAB voted on. The TAB clarified that they were voting on the prioritization methodology and not on the prioritization list. The meeting minutes will be reworded to reflect the motion more accurately and presented for approval at the July 2004 meeting. Agenda Item 3 – General Public Participation. th Lisa Morzel, 2155 Poplar Ave., Boulder , spoke about the impending crosswalk removal at 34 and Valmont Ave. Morzel said that the crosswalk is important because it connects residents to transit. Morzel said that the population there is underserved. The city intends to keep the pedestrian median but get rid of the crosswalk and this gives pedestrians a mixed message. Mike Sweeney addressed the issue and said that the crosswalk is not warranted based on use but he will look into potential school use that could affect that determination. Tracy Winfree said that the city is trying to establish specific circumstances where drivers expect crosswalks with specific use patterns. Staff has established criteria for construction of specific types of crosswalk devices. While staff will look more closely at this particular crossing, TAB discussed its desire to focus on the pedestrian crossing guidelines that will be reconsidered this year rather than look at crossings on a case-by-case approach. General Public Participation was closed. Agenda Item 4 - Staff presentation and discussion about Board and Commission Guidelines. Joann Roberts-Stacey and Councilman Tom Eldridge discussed board and commission guidelines with the TAB. Jim Rettew asked what the best way is to express controversy to the city council around specific issues. Eldridge said that the meeting minutes are the best way to convey information about items discussed at meetings. Agenda Item 5 - Public hearing and consideration of a recommendation to the Planning Board on the Crossroads Redevelopment Plan requested amendments to the Boulder Valley Regional Center Transportation Connections Plan. Steve Durian presented the item to the TAB. The staff is requesting six amendments be made to the Boulder Valley Regional Connections Plan and they asked the TAB to make a recommendation to the Planning Board regarding the six items. The following amendments were discussed and voted on individually: A.Removal of On-Street Bike Facilities on Canyon Blvd. B.Removal of On-Street Bike Facilities on Arapahoe Ave. th C.Replacement of multi-use path along 29 St. with sidewalk and on-street bike lanes. thth D.Removal of a portion of north-south Secondary Vehicular Connections between 29 and 30 Streets south of Canyon. thth E.Removal of a portion of a north-south Secondary Connection between 28 and 29 Streets south of Canyon. F.Alterations to alignments of Multi-Use Paths internal to the site and changes to several multi-use paths to pedestrian sidewalk connections. TAB Questions TAB questions covered bike parking and the widths of sidewalks and multi-use paths. Public Participation Charlotte Sorenson, 603 Spruce St., Boulder, said she is pleased with the considerations given to pedestrians. Asked the staff to bring an international pedestrian conference back to Boulder. Transportation Advisory Board Summary Minutes June 14, 2004 1 Page Sonya Guram, 1480 Quince Ave. #202, Boulder, encouraged the TAB to help complete the city’s plans for multi-modal goals. Gave a handout with suggestions for how to do that at this site. Chuck Gray, 620 Logan Mill Rd., Boulder, said he is not at all in favor of removing on-street bike lanes from Arapahoe Ave. or Canyon Blvd. , 4231 Eaton Ct., Boulder, Dave Allured read a seven point position statement (and provided a handout) detailing the Boulder Bike Commuters position and requirements for the site. Kurt Nordback, 777 Dellwood Ave., Boulder, said he is supportive of the plan but is concerned about removing bike lanes on Arapahoe Ave. Public participation was closed. TAB Discussion TAB Discussion covered the following: Bike lanes on Arapahoe Ave. Parking requirements th A grade separated crossing at Arapahoe and 29 Right-of-ways and street maintenance in the complex Locations of bike lanes within the complex Diagonal parking Multi-use paths and access to stores The review schedule for the BVRC Plan th Bike use at the corner of Arapahoe Ave. and 28 St. Locations of transit stops. The following motions were made regarding the six proposed plan amendments. Amendment A – Removal of On-Street Bike Facilities on Canyon Bill Roettker motioned to accept the staff recommendation for Amendment A. Lynn Guissinger seconded the motion. The vote was 3-1 for the motion. Krista Holland opposed the motion on the basis that Canyon Blvd would make a good bike corridor and she would like to see this item remain in the BVRC TCP and be put back into the Transportation Master Plan. Amendment B – Removal of On-Street Bike Facilities on Arapahoe Krista Holland motioned to NOT accept the staff recommendation for Amendment B. Bill Roettker seconded the motion. The vote was 4-0 for the motion. The reason that TAB rejects the staff recommendation is that Arapahoe is a major east-west corridor in the community and the TAB would like to preserve the opportunity in the future to provide on-street bicycle facilities. th Amendment C – Replacement of multi-use path along 29 St, with sidewalk and on-street bike lane Krista Holland motioned to accept the staff recommendation for Amendment C. Lynn Guissinger seconded the motion. The vote was 4-0 for the motion. Amendments D and E – Removal of portions of secondary vehicular connections Lynn Guissinger motioned to accept the staff recommendation for Amendments D and E. Krista Holland seconded the motion. The vote was 3-1 for the motion. Bill Roettker opposed the motion on the basis that the amendment was being made solely to accommodate a large format retailer and he objects to that practice. Amendment F – Alterations to alignments of internal multi-use paths and changes to several multi-use paths to pedestrian sidewalk connections Lynn Guissinger motioned to accept the staff recommendation for Amendment F. Bill Roettker seconded the motion. The vote was 4-0 for the motion. The TAB asked that the following considerations be made by the staff and developer: th Ten ft. sidewalks on the southeast corner of Arapahoe Ave. and 30 St. th Additional options for the diagonal multi-use path at the southwest corner of Arapahoe Ave. and 28 St. th Additional options for alignment of the bike lane on 29 St. Evaluation of restricted parking areas. Transportation Advisory Board Summary Minutes June 14, 2004 2 Page Street-side pedestrian access to buildings such as the southwest anchor store. th A connection into the southwest corner parking lot from Arapahoe Ave. and 30 St. Agenda Item 6 - Public Hearing and consideration of a recommendation to City Council on the proposed Year 2005-2010 Transportation Capital Improvement Program (CIP). There was no presentation for this item since the TAB had already been briefed by the staff at two previous meetings. TAB Questions th TAB Questions covered revisions from the previous briefing, deletion of anticipated revenue from the 29 St. th project, transit priority improvements, CIP roadway improvements, the 28 St. middle section CEAP and the th proposed underpass at Arapahoe Ave. and 29 St. Public Participation There was none. Public Participation was closed. Krista Holland motioned to approve the CIP as recommended by the staff. Lynn Guissinger seconded the motion. The vote was 4-0 in favor of the motion. Agenda Item 7 – Matters from Staff Tracy Winfree announced a Transportation Master Plan Task Force meeting that was to be held on June 18, 2004. discussed several on-going regional studies. The Diagonal Feasibility Study was just Tracy Winfree initiated and is expected to be completed before the vote on FasTracks takes place in November. Also, there are over 70 options being evaluated for the Northwest Corridor Study. With regards to the US36 Environmental Impact Statement, there is funding to support the “draft” EIS and new sources of funding are being researched to complete the study in the “final” EIS stage. Matters from the Board Jim Rettew discussed details of the retreat. There will be a happy hour from 5-6 p.m. and the meeting will start at 6 p.m. An agenda was discussed and agreed upon. Krista Holland provided a brief update about the outcome of the Greenways Advisory Committee meeting held in May. The GAC approved the Elmer’s Twomile CEAP and passed the Greenways CIP as proposed. Agenda Item 8 – Discussion of future agenda and schedule. Potential dates for the August TAB meeting were discussed since one of the TAB members will miss the regular meeting date. Krista Holland announced that she will be out of town and will miss the September TAB meeting. Agenda Item 9 – Adjournment. Krista Holland motioned to adjourn. Lynn Guissinger seconded the motion. The vote was 4-0 in favor of the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m. Date, Time, and Location of Next Meeting: The next regular meeting will take place on July 12 at 6 p.m. at the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building. Minutes approved on ______________ By _________________ Transportation Advisory Board Summary Minutes June 14, 2004 3 Page