Minutes - Transportation - 5/10/2004CITY OF BOULDER, COLORADO
NAME OF BOARD/COMMISSION: Transportation Advisory Board
DATE OF MEETING: May 10, 2004
BOARD MEMBERS -TAB: Jim Rettew, Brant Liebmann, Krista Nordback, Bill Roettker, Lynn Guissinger
STAFF - Tracy Winfree, Mike Sweeney, Bill Cowem, Noreen Walsh, Melody Agruso, Robin Madel, secretary
Agenda Item 1- Call to Order.
The meetin was called ro order a[ 6:00 .m.
Agenda Item 2- Meeting Minutes from Apri112, 2003.
Krista Holland rtwtioned to accept the minutes as written.
Lvnn Guissineer seconded the motion.
The vote was 5-0 in favor of the motion.
Agenda Item 3- General Public Participation.
Mark Tavbq spoke about the proposed pedestrian crosswalk as part of traffic mitigation for the
Balsam/Edgewood neighborhood under the Neighborhood Traffic Mitigation Program. Taylor is against the
proposed median because it will affect his property too much and he said he did not receive proper notification
about the project and the vote.
Bill Cowern said that he would verify that Taylor's address was included in the mailing list for the project. The
TAB members discussed whether or not to reopen issues when there is strong resident objection ro a device. The
chair pointed out ro the TAB members that the NTMP process is up for review and revision. The board decided
ro not create a mechanism for reviewing past NTMP decisions unless the city council were to direct the staff [o
reevaluate an issue. However, if Taylor's house was not included in the mailing, the staff would look at
potentially conducting another public meeting.
Genera{ Public Partici ation was closed.
Agenda Item 4- Public hearing and TAB consideration of a recommendation on the sidewalk missing links
prioritization methodology.
Noreen Walsh discussed the issue. She did not make a presentation because the issue has been before the TAB on
numerous occasions.
Public Participation
Klaus Timmerhaus, 905 Brooklawn Dr., Boulder, does not support a sidewalk on his street.
Fred Luiszer, 2510 Taft Dc #210, Boulder, would like a sidewalk on his street.
Greaorv Norris, 2669 Spruce St., Boulder, does not support a sidewalk on his sVeet.
Susan Balint. 760 9`" St.., Bouldeq is supportive of the process but does not see in it a methodology for public
notification and said that there is no guarantee that the city will find out if all the residents are in favor of the
.iohn Vanni, 805 Brooklawn Dr., Bouldeq does not support a sidewalk on his street.
Don D'Amico, 901 Brooklawn Dr., Boulder, dces not support a sidewalk on his sveet.
Heidi Kessler.1947 Oak Ave., Boulder, supports a sidewalk on one side of her s4eet only.
Marv Street, 790 Lincoln Ave., Boulder, does not support a sidewalk on her side of the street.
Russell Hunteq 1701 Orchard Ave., Boulder, dces not support a sidewalk on his street.
Chris Smith,1690 Orchard Ave., Boulder, does not support a sidewalk on his street.
Pamela Chandler,1929 Oak Ave., Boulder, supports a sidewalk on one side of her sveet only.
Public participation was closed.
TAB Questions
TAB Questions covered agreements between the city and neighborhoods, the fate of ma[ure landscaping in the
program, safety and environmental impacu of the program, and the methodology for public notification.
Krista Holland motioned to approve the staff recommendation for the prioritization methodology
with the following recommendations:
1. Chan e the definition of "safet " to include one or more edestrian accidents in two ears.
Transportatian Advisory Board
Summary Minutes
May 10. 2004 =
Page 1
2. If any pedestrian accidents occur at a location, the location is to be reconsidered for higher
Bill Roettker seconded the motion.
The vote was 5-0 in favor of the motion.
Agenda Item 5- Non Agenda Items.
Matters From Staff:
• Melodv Agruso and Mike Sweenev ga've an update on the budget. Agruso discussed influences on
revenues and reviewed the projects. TAB questions covered spuific projects.
• Mike Sweenev discussed [he Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Task Force. The staff produced a
Weekly Information Packet item on the ropic. The staff recommends not including any item on the
November 2004 ballot.
• The TAB discussed the Greenways information provided to the board members. Krista Holland asked
for any comments on the information to be provided to her by the May 19, 2004 Greenways Advisory
Committee meeting.
• Tracv Winfree discussed the US 36 Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and assceiated issues.
Winfree discussed the options being considered in the EIS and what is being wnsidered for the
Northwest Corridor.
• Tracv Winfree notified the staff that the TMP had won "Plan of the Year" by the Institute of
Transportation Engineers.
Matters From the Board:
• Tracv Winfree discussed the reveat and said that Molly Tayer would be contacting the board members
individually ro create an agenda. Bill Roettker said that he would like to discuss giving transportation
issues a larger focus in upcoming city projec[s.
• Bill Roettker reminded the TAB members that FasTracks petitions are being distributed and he urged
everyone ro sign them.
• Jim Rettew asked Tracy Winfree to check in with the council Vansportation goal group at their next
meetin ro determine what his involvement should be with the rou .
Agenda Item 6- Discussion of Future Agenda and Schedule.
The next regular meeting will be on June 14, 2004. The 17`" St. agenda item has been delayed because it has
taken the staff longer than anticipated to assemble a full packet of material surrounding the project The board
re uested an advanced co of the item before it is distributed to the TAB.
Agenda Item 7 - Adjournment.
Krista Holland motioned to adjourn the meeting.
Bill Roettker seconded the motion.
The vote was 5-0 in favor of the motion.
The meeting was adjoumed at 930 p.m.
Date, Time, and Location of Next Meeting:
• June 14, 2004, 6:00 p.m. Transportation Advisory Board regular meeting, Municipal Building Council
• June 17, 2004, 6:00 .m. Trans ortation Advisor Board retreat.
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Minutes approveyl-~n
Transportation Advisory Board
Summary Minutes
May ]0, 2004
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