5 - Staff briefing on changes to Driveway and Curb Ramp Design to achieve better compliance with ADA C I T Y OF B O U L D E R TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY BOARD NON-AGENDA ITEM MEETING DATE: May 10, 2004 AGENDA TITLE: Staff briefing on changes to Driveway and Curb Ramp Design to achieve better compliance with ADA guidelines. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The City of Boulder Public Works Department has revised its driveway cut and curb ramp designs in order to improve mobility and access for the disabled community and to better meet the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) guidelines. These design changes have been incorporated into the Design and Construction Standards manual which directs public and private development construction. These designs will also be followed when performing work in conjunction with Capital Improvement Program and specifically with the Sidewalk Repair Program. This memorandum provides information on the design changes that will be implemented and the approach that will be taken with regard to work being done in conjunction with the annual Sidewalk Repair Program. Fiscal Impacts: Budgetary: The cost to complete Sidewalk Repair Program work will increase. Since the annual appropriation is expected to remain the same, this will impact the size of the area that will be completed each year. Staff Time: Additional staff time will be needed in order to work through the individual situations that may arise. For example, because of the new designs, an estimated 30 additional property owners will need to be worked with individually to resolve the driveway and curb ramp issues adjacent to their property. Other Impacts: Community: The revised driveway and curb ramp design is intended to improve mobility and access for disabled persons, particularly those using wheelchairs. A driveway cut is typically the preferred type of design by many homeowners and residents rather than the rollover curb driveway design that will be implemented. Many property owners will be impacted by the revised driveway cut design. Background: The Public Works Transportation Division has been evaluating its compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) concerning sidewalks and curb ramps. In PAGE________ 1 addition, changes to industry standards have been made, including Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) specifications. The City of Boulder Public-Works Transportation staff has reviewed its design standards and also researched the current and proposed ADA guidelines. The ADA Guidelines recommend no more than a 2% cross slope when traveling on sidewalks and that the vertical slope be no greater than 1:12. City of Boulder standards previously met the 1:12 vertical slope criteria. Adjustments to city standards are being made to meet the 2% cross slope criteria and to ensure better compliance with ADA guidelines. As of April 1, 2004, the revised designs for driveways and curb ramps have been included in the Design and Construction Standards for public and private construction projects. The Transportation Division will follow these designs when constructing its Attachment A transportation capital projects. See for a copy of the standards. In addition, the Sidewalk Repair Program performs sidewalk repair work in a specific area of Boulder each year. The 2004 program is expected to complete repairs in the Martin Acres neighborhood and possibly the University Heights Avenue neighborhood. Transportation staff will follow these practices regarding driveway cuts and curb ramps while implementing the Sidewalk Repair Program. Driveway cuts No Existing Driveway Repair sidewalk and keep the rollover curb design for the driveway. Cut (Rollover Curb) - Sidewalk Damaged in Driveway Existing Driveway Cut Replace driveway cut with roll-over curb/attached sidewalk. Property owner will – Sidewalk Damaged in only be charged based on replacement of damaged sidewalk (50/50 split - $450 Driveway max.) and the city will pay for the remainder to install new rollover curb driveway. OR If driveway cut is desired to be maintained, we have our contractor replace the non-ADA compliant drive with an ADA compliant drive. Property owner may need to grant easement. Property owner will only be charged based on replacement of damaged sidewalk (50/50 split - $450 max.) and the city will pay for the driveway restoration. Existing Drive Cut – No Leave as is. Sidewalk Damaged Curb ramps at Intersections No existing ramps – No R-O-W Install curb ramp Type 1 (see Attachment B – “CDOT M-608-1 sheet or landscape issues 2”). No existing ramps – with R-O- Install curb ramp Type 2 (see CDOT M-608-1 sheet 3). W issues OR Obtain easement. Install curb ramp Type 1. No existing ramps – with Install curb ramp Type 2 (see CDOT M-608-1 sheet 3). landscape issues OR Resolve landscape issues with property owner. Install curb ramp Type 1. PAGE________ 2 If you have any further questions, please contact Stephany Westhusin at ext. 4274 or via email at westhusins@ci.boulder.co.us. Attachments: Attachment A – Standards PAGE________ 3