2 - Minutes, 4/12/04
Transportation Advisory Board
April 12, 2004
Robin Madel, 303-441-4073
Jim Rettew, Brant Liebmann, Krista Nordback, Bill Roettker, Lynn Guissinger
Tracy Winfree, Mike Sweeney, Randall Rutsch, Melody Agruso, Andrea Robbins, Robin Madel,
Agenda Item 1 – Call to Order.
The meeting was called to order at 6:02 p.m.
Agenda Item 2 – Swearing in of new board member and nomination of officers.
Lynn Guissinger was sworn in before the board.
Krista Nordback nominated Jim Rettew for the board chair.
Brant Liebmann seconded the nomination.
The nominations were closed. There was no discussion.
The vote was 5-0 in favor of the nomination.
Krista Nordback nominated Bill Roettker for the board vice-chair.
Brant Liebmann seconded the nomination.
The nominations were closed. There was no discussion.
The vote was 5-0 in favor of the nomination.
Bill Roettker nominated Robin Madel for the board secretary.
Lynn Guissinger seconded the nomination.
The nominations were closed. There was no discussion.
The vote was 5-0 in favor of the nomination.
Agenda Item 3 – Meeting Minutes from Jan. 12, 2003.
Krista Nordback motioned to accept the minutes as written.
Bill Roettker seconded the motion.
The vote was 4-0 in favor of the motion. Lynn Guissinger abstained because she is a new member.
Agenda Item 4 – General Public Participation.
There was none.
General Public Participation was closed.
Agenda Item 5 - Staff briefing and TAB input on the proposed Year 2005-2010 Transportation Capital
Improvement Program (CIP) – Part I.
Mike Sweeney introduced the topic and said that the issue would be brought to the TAB for further discussion in
May and for a formal recommendation in June. Melody Agruso and Sweeney fielded questions about budget
specifics including the planned incremental reductions in the budget, Greenways funding, DRCOG TIP funding,
the transportation development fund, and concerns about staff reductions.
Agenda Item 6 – Staff briefing and TAB input on a resolution in favor of RTD’s FasTracks program.
Randall Rutsch had a handout and gave a PowerPoint presentation that provided an overview of FasTracks.
Rutsch said that Boulder is trying to influence the FasTracks process in a way that is positive for Boulder. TAB
questions covered responsibility for the cost of maintenance after construction, sunsetting of the tax, and
strengthening the wording of the resolution. The TAB suggested strengthening the wording surrounding RTD’s
support of the Ecopass program.
Agenda Item 7 – Non Agenda Items.
Matters From Staff:
Randall Rutsch discussed the Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Task Force. The group will decide
what the city is doing and how it will fund those activities. The second meeting of the group will take
place on April 23 at 7:45 p.m. The board asked if TAB representation was necessary on the task force
and the staff said that at this time it is not.
Transportation Advisory Board
Summary Minutes
April 12, 2004
Andrea Robbins discussed a new Transportation Maintenance Organization called Boulder East
Community Transportation Options which Robbins said is critical to implementing the Travel Demand
Management portion of the TMP. Robbins reviewed the accomplishments made by the TMO in its two
months of existence.
announced an event to promote the newly expanded real-time transit schedule
Andrea Robbins
information system called NextBus. The promotion will occur in conjunction with Earth day. Bus
riders will have a chance at winning a pocket P.C.
Matters From the Board:
The board members discussed what committees they participate in. Krista Nordback is the TAB
Greenways Advisory Committee member. Jim Rettew is the TAB representative for the Downtown
Management Commission, which he said appears to be inactive. Jim Rettew asked if he is supposed to
join the Council Transportation Goal Committee. Tracy Winfree said the new Council Goal Committee
is just getting off the ground and she will check on the status of TAB member invitations to participate.
The board discussed logistics of the TAB retreat. Jim Rettew offered to hold the meeting at his house.
The board suggested some possible dates for the retreat.
reminded the new board members that the New Board Member Orientation is on April 27
Robin Madel
from 4-6 p.m.
Brant Liebmann said that he would not be able to attend the June TAB meeting and asked to have it
rescheduled. Possible dates were discussed.
Jim Rettew announced the Volunteer-a-thon that will be conducted at the Channel 8 studio on April 22
from 6-10 p.m.
Agenda Item 8 – Discussion of Future Agenda and Schedule.
The next regular meeting will be on May 10, 2004. The June meeting will be conducted on Tuesday, June 22 at
the regular time of 6 p.m. and in the regular location of the Council Chambers.
Agenda Item 9 – Adjournment.
Krista Norback motioned to adjourn the meeting.
Bill Roettker seconded the motion.
The vote was 5-0 in favor of the motion.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:13 p.m.
Date, Time, and Location of Next Meeting:
May 10, 2004, 6:00 p.m. Transportation Advisory Board regular meeting, Municipal Building Council
June 17, 2004, 6:00 p.m. Transportation Advisory Board retreat.
June 22, 2004, 6:00 p.m. Transportation Advisory Board regular meeting, Municipal Building Council
Minutes approved on ______________
By _________________
Transportation Advisory Board
Summary Minutes
April 12, 2004