Minutes - Transportation - 4/12/2004CITY OF BOULDER, COLORADO
NAME OF BOARD/COMMISSION: Transportahon Adv~sory Board
DATE OF MEETING: Apnl 12, 2004
BOARD MEMBERS -TAB: Jim Rettew, Brant Ltebmann, Knsta Nordback, B~ll Roettker, Lynn Guissmger
STAFF - Tracy W mfiee, Mike Sweeney, Randall Rutsch, Melody Agiusq Andrea Robbms, Robm Madel,
Agenda Item 1- Call to Order.
The meetmg was called to order at 6 02 p m
Agenda Item 2- Swearmg m of new board mem6er and nominat~on of officers.
Lyun Gu~ssmger was sworn m befoie the board
Krista Nordback nommated J~m Rettew for the board chair.
Brant L~ebmann secm~ded the nommahon.
The nominations were closed. There was no d~scuss~on.
The vote was 5-0 m favor of the nominnGon.
Kr~sta Nordback nominated 13iI1 Roettker for tl~e board vice-cha~r.
Brant Licbmann seconded the nommation.
The nmwn~twns were closed.l'here was no d~scussion.
The vote was 5-0 in favor of the nomina[ion.
I3d1 Rocttker nominated Robm Mndel for the board secretary.
Lvnn Guissmeer seconded the nominat~on.
The nommahans were closed. There was no d~scuss~on.
Tl~e vote wTS 5-0 in tavor of thc nominahon.
Agenda Item 3- Meehng Mmutes from Jan. 12, 2003.
Kr~s[n Nordback motioned to accept the mmutes as wr~[ten.
Bill Rocttker seconded the mot~on.
The vote was 4-0 in favor of the motion. Lynn Guissin~er abstamed because she is a new membcr.
Agenda Item 4- General Public Participation.
There was none
General Pubhc Panc~ipation was closed.
Agenda Item 5- Staft brieflng and TAB mput on the proposed Year 2005-2010 Transportat~on Capital
Improvement Program (CIP) - Part I.
M~ke Sweeuev mtroduced the top~c and said tha[ tlie ~ssue would be btotight to die TAB for further discussion m
May and foi a formal recommendation m June Melody A rg uso and Sweeney fielded queshons about budget
specifics mcludmg tlie planned mcremental ieducYions ui the budget, Greenways fundmg, DRCOG TIP fimdmg,
the transportat~ot~ development fund, and concems about staffreduchons
Agenda Item 6- St~ff bricting and TAB input on a resolut~on m favor of RTD's FasTracks program.
R2ndall Rutsch had a handout and gave a PowerPomt p~esentahon that prov~ded an overnew of FasTracks
Rutsch sa~d 8iat Boulder ~s [rymg to mfluence the FasTracks process m a way that ~s posrtrve for Boulder TAB
queshons covered responsibihty for the cost of mamtenance after construcC~on, sunsethng of the tax, and
shengthenmg die wordmg of the resolut~on The TAB suggested strengtliemng tlie wordmg surroundmg RTD's
support of the Ecopass program
Agenda Item 7- lYon Agend~ Items.
Matters From Staff:
• Randall Rutsch discussed the Transportat~on Master Plan (T'MP) Task Force The group will dec~de
wha[ the crty is domg and Uow it will fund those actrvit~es The second meeUng of the group will take
place on April 23 at 7 45 p m The boaid asked if TAB representation was necessary on the task force
and the staff said that at th~s tnne ~t ~s not
Tiansporlaaott Adwso~y Boai~l
Summary Mrnute.s
Apr~l !2, 2004
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• Andrea Robbms d~scussed a new Transportahon Mamtenance Orgamzatwn called Boulder East
Conunumty Transportahon Ophons which Robbms sa~d ~s cuhcal to ~mplemenhng Hie Travel Demand
Management port~on of the TMP Robbms reviewed the accomphshments made by the TMO m rts two
montl~s of extstence
• Andrea Robbms announced an event to promote the newly expanded real-t~me transit schedule
mformat~on system called NextBus The promohon will occur m con~unchon with Eartl~ day. Bus
nders w~ll have a chance at wmumg a pocket P.C
Matters F~ om the Board:
• The board members dtscussed what comm~ttees they part~cipate m Knsta Nordback ~s the TAB
Gieenways Advisoiy Committee member hm Rettew ~s the TAB representahve Far the Downtown
Management Commiss~on, wluch he said appears to be mactive Jim Rettew asked if he ~s supposed to
~om the Conncil Transportation Goal Comm~ttee. Tracy Wmfree said the new Council Goal Comm~ttee
~s ~ust gethng off tlie ground and she will check on the status of 1'AB member mvitahons to panc~ipate.
• The board d~scussed logist~cs of the TAB retreat Lm Rettew offered to hold the meetmg at his l~ouse
The board suggested some possible dates for thc retreat
• Robm Madel iemmded the new board members tliat the New Board Member Onentahon is on April 27
from 4-6 p m
• Brant Liebmann said that he would not be able to attend the June TAB meetmg and asked to have it
rescheduled Poss~ble dates were d~scussed
• hm Rettew announced the Voluntee~-a-tl~on that w~ll be conducted at the Channel S studio on Apn122
from 6-10 p m
Agenda Item 8- D~scussion of Future Agenda and Schcdule.
The next iegular meettng will be on M1y 1Q 2004 The June meetmg will be cotiducted on Tuesday, June 22 at
the re~ular time of 6 p m and m Nie regular location of the Council CUambers
Agenda Item 9 - Ad~ournment.
Kr~sta Norback mohoned to adjourn the mcehng.
Bill Roettker seconded the mohon.
The vote was 5-0 m favor of tl~e mot~on.
The meetmg was ad~oumed at 8 13 p m
Date, T~me, and Locadon of Next Meeting:
• May 10, 2004, 6 00 p m Transportat~on Advisory Board regular meetmg, Mumcipal Butldmg Counc~l
• June 17, 2004, 6 00 p m Transportahon Adviso~y Board retreat
• Juue 22, 2004, 6 00 p m Transportation Adv~sory Board regular meetmg, Mun~cipal Buildmg Council
Mmutes ~pproved.ea:l , `~~%`~
Transportahon Advesory Board
Summary Minutes
~Iprd 12, 2004
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