Minutes - Transportation - 3/8/2004CITY OF BOULDER, COLORADO BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS MEETING SUMMARY FORM NAME OF BOARD/COMMISSION: Transportation Advisory Board DATE OF MEETING: Mar 8, 2004 NAME/TELEPHON~ OF PERSON PREPARING SUMMARY: Robm Madel, 303-441-4073 NAMES OF MEMBERS, COUNCIL, STAFF AND INVITED GUESTS PRESENT: BOARD MEMBERS -TAB: John Tayer, Jtm Rettew, Bran[ L~ebmann, Krista Holland, B~ll Roettker STAFF - Tracy Wmfree, Mike Sweeney, B~ll Cowern, Teresa Spears, Joe Paulson, Bill Fox (Consultant), Steve Stola, Commander Greg Testa, Sgt Fred Gerhardt and Robm Madel, secretary WHA'I' TYPE OF MEETING [REGULAR~ Agenda Item 1- Call to Order The meehn~ was called to order at 6 03 p m .____ Agenda Item 2- Meeting Minutes from Jan.12, 2003. Jim Rettew mationed to accept the minutes as written. Krista Holland seconded the motion. The vote was 5-0 in favor of the mot~m~. Ageuda Item 3- General Public Participat~on Robert Sharp, 5995 Marshall Dr., Marshall, sa~d he thmks it ~s ~mportant to say that it ~s a shppery slope for how much a boaid or the council iepresents the wmmuuity and how much [hey take a father knows best role He urged the boa~d to hy thetr best to reflect what the ma~outy wants W~th the Arapahoe TNP he asked the board to look at lnstoucal Boulder and to preserve tlie rural landscape of 1vaYone comdors ILstoric Boulder has been idenhfymg htstonc corndors and Arapalioe Rd is one of tliem He asked the TAB to consider that m decidmg what ro do The followmg peoplc spoke about the Missmg S~dewalks Issue: Isado~ e Million, 704 Brooklawn, Boidder, sa~d that wl~en tliey bouglit the~r house rt was m the county and they voted agamst having s~dewalks He questioned the scormg that was given to his street on several ~ssues He d~scussed how Brooklawn wou13 score on the prionties l~s[ He sa~d there is zero reason to put a s~dewalk on lus street and most people who ltve there dodt need it Charles Clark, 3518 Kirkwood PL., Boulder, sa~d there ts only one block of Kalm~a that doesn't have a stdewalk and there is no way to walk m the street eas~ly He d~scussed wlty a s~dewalk ~s needed there so badly and said his wife will not walk west on Kalmia because rt~s so hazardous Also, rt doesn't make sense to put a s~dewalk on botli sides of the road Fred Luiszer, 2510 Taft Dr. #210, I3oulder, sa~d that they need to have tlie sidewalk fimshed m front of tl~e~r condo and discussed why He said he ~s willmg to take p~ctuies or video or whatever rt takes to get one bu~lt there Gener:J Public Particip~tion was closed. Agenda Item 4- Public hearmg and TAB consideraGon ot' a recommendation on the South Broadway Safety Pro~ect. B~ll Cowern presented the pio~ect to the TAB He emphasized that this is a safety pro~ect aud the numbei one prmrity m the TMP is to mlke the network safei Cowern rev~ewed acc~dent stahstics at Broadway and Grmnell, reviewed the budget available fo~ the pro~ect, the sources of fimdmg and the schedule attaclied to the fundmg The federal grant money has to be spent by 2005 at the ]atest Cowern reviewed die publ~c process smce the previous TAB meetmg Cowem presented the TAB wrth Uuee options (mcluding the staff recommendation) that aie cons~dered acceptable to the Colorado DepaRment of Transpodahon (CDOT) Cowern said that all the recommendations have pros and cons The current staff recommendatiov ~s to mstall medians on Bioadway at Darley and Gnnnell, monrtor the traffic ~mpacts of these impiovements m the surroundmg neighborhood by conductmg an "after" study 6 to 12 months after the completion of the ~mpiovements Staff would forward [he results of th~s study along wrth any additional staff recommendatrons for nuhgat~on to TAB for cons~derahon TAB Queshons TAB Quest~ons mcluded changmg the light timmg at Greenbn.ir, the ~mpacts on Gillaspie, the mfluence on side sheet of drversions m naffic flow patterns, level of service on Broadway and what the alternatives would do to that and the nature of the accidents on Broadway at the mtersechons of Darley and Grmnell Transportal~on Adv~sory /3oard Summary Minutes March 8, 2004 Yage ! Pubhc Comment Marilvn Decalo, 4465 Grinnelt,l3oulder, suppoited the staff recommendahon but said ~t will create ~ssues for the rest of the ne~ghborhood and hoped that the ne~ghborl~ood could come together to work on those issues. Martin Newmark, 3250 Darley, Boulder, said he is agamst a signal on Darley because rt would mcrease traffic by 66°/o and speedmg is already such a big p~ oblem Jun Garv, 1074 Albion, Boulder, sa~d he does not support tlie staff recommendation but mstead supports a s~gnal at Darley David Robinson, 4497 Grmnell Ave, Boulder, says he can Lve with a median on Darley and is opposed to a signal on Grmnell Judv Robmson, 4479 Grtnnell Ave., Boulder, said she supports medians but favors tlie signal at Darley and recommended takmg any money lefr over and usmg it to fix the b~ke path that ends at Gr~nnell Don BovIe,1012 Albion, Boulder, said he favors a signal at Darley and gethng r~d of the signal at Hanover Brad Seeal, 4315 Grinnell, I3oulder, said lie supports the staff recommendahon and said that the problem stems from too mucl~ school-related traFfic due to Boulder's open school emollment pohcy Ann Marie Ladd, 4475 Grmnell, Boulder, sa~d she supports the staff recommendahon and says that Darley ~s better s~tuated for a s~gnal if need be Hollv Tulm, 1035 Toedtli Dr., Boulder, said ]ie doesn't support the staff recommendahon and mstead supports a signal at botli mtersechons Judv Brnch, 4415 Grinnell Ave., Bonlder, suggested that the c~ty should do somethmg about parkmg on the north s~de of Fairview and recommended not allowmg a left turn on Grmnell durmg school hours. Long term she ~s mterested m a mega-light at Broadway and Greenbriar and said sl~e does not support a Lght al Gnnnell Erris MeCulloueh, Boulder, sa~d that tUere sl~ould be a four-way stop at ToedtL and Darley and said that tl~e mtersection of Hanover and ToedtL ~s a dangerous mteisection She doesn't support the med~an recommendahou Sunchana Puc~c, 4270 Grinnell, Botdder, asked tl~e TAB to postpove maktng a decis~on and require the staff to get a med~atoi to resolve ~ssues for the whole neighborhood She asked for mcremental ~mprovements and said that only one ophon won't make [he problems go away Jim Luallen,1265 Gdlaspie Dr., Boidder, said that the concerns of the neighborhood outweigh the mobtLty concerns of CDOT and sa~d that tlie median opt~on will 6ave tUe worst possible outcome Sandv Scull, 3755 Darley Ave., Boulder, said that there are v~s~b~hty problems wrth nght turns on Broadway and sazd she favors a stgnal at Dadey and possibly closmg off Toedtlt at Darley Lvnn Sperrv, 4260 Grmnell, Boulder, sa~d that she doesn't support medians and feels that Darley is better su~ted for a signal diav Grmnell Ahce Havne, 3905 Darley Ave., Boidder, favors a signal at Darley and Gnnnell and sa~d she doesdt favor medians Uecause they w~ll pusli traffic to already congested mtersect~ons Name Redacted, Grinnell, Boulder, sa~d that people lrvmg m the ne~ghborhood are more ~mportant than traffic ou Broadway and safety should be the number one pnonty Ketth Hanson, 3930 Darley Ave., Boulder, said that tl~e staff recommendation ~s a great ~dea and otherwise a signal at both Darley and Gimnell is fav Ken Bedel, 4410 Ludlow, Boulder, satd that traffic on Ludlow w~ll mcrease with medians and recommended mstallmg a sem~-dive~ter on Ludlow ~f a med~an ~s mstalled on Gnnnell Andrew M~rrinaton, 4480 Grinnell, Boulder, says he supports the staff recommendaGon and thmks a signal at Gnnnell ~s a bad idea. Lmda Feather, 4435 Grmnell Ave., Aoulder, said she supports the staff recommendation and thinks a signal at Gnnnell would terror~ze the street Jeea Camnbell, 4395 Grinnell Ave., Boulder, supports a s~gnal at Darley because it will dishibute traffic fauly and asked the staff to look mto mstallmg an acceleratton lane on Broadway and elimmatmg right turns out of Knox Ct Ann Endicott, 3710 Darley, Boulder, asked about the turn~ng s~hiahon from Broadway onto Dadey with med~ans mstalled Randv Wieeand, 3650 Darley Ave., Boulder, sa~d that the cunent study ~s flawed and said that the current trafflc ]aws need to be enforced if tlie police were there the revenue would be s~gmficant Med~ans would be very mconveruent Er~c Voeelsbera, 1345A Bear Mountain Dr., Boulder, does not support medians because it will cause haffic on Toedtli to mcrease and cross a heavily used b~ke path Sa~d he supports a signal at Darley and Grmnell even though CDOT doesn't o~ else he supports the origmal staff proposal of a signal at Grmnell Transpwlahon Admsory Bonrrl Swnmary Mntutes Mnrch 8, 2004 Page 2 Alex Medler, 1070 Edinboro llr., Boulder, said that with med~ans trathc ww be drvertetl [o other neighborhoods and the acc~dents will be vehicle to toddler and U~e neigliborhood irutigat~on program won't work because there is no fundmg Gena Simason-Ly 4090 Darley, Boulder, asked how the no left turns w~ll ~mpact the fire department ~nd sa~d that otl~er m~Ggahon measuies need to be taken If the medians are mstalled there will be nowhere for the res~dents m that area to go Glen Murrav, 4365 Grinnell Ave., Boulder, said he ~s m favor of a signal at Darley but not at Grmnell and would l~ke to see changes at the school addressed Robert Sl~arn, 5995 Marshall Dr., Boulder, said that the staff needs to get the facts stra~ght, address everyone's queshons and summauze everyone's suggestwns He sa~d the overall reasonmg was faulty and the staff made no effort to look at whether accelerahon lanes would work Also tliere are no s~gns to help people make hirns at the mtersect~on TAB Qucstions TAB quest~ons covered construct~on of a road from the scl~ool to Greenbnar, ~mpacts of traffic md~gat~on, [he use of federal dollars for iruGgatron efforts, speed enforcement along Broadway, expenence wdh movmg traffic s~gnals once they are mstalled, the acc~dent history on the bike path, mstallation of a four w~y s[op at Dailey and Toedtli and mstallahon of a s~gual at both mtersectrons TAB Discussion The TAB members acknowledged their support for the staff proposal wrth certam condthons for staff evaluahon attaclied S~guals at both mtersechons are not an opkon because CDOT would not approve it Installahon of medians at both locahons would provide a soluUon immed~ately and would be easier to mod~fy at a later dRte ~f that ophon were chosen m the future John Taver moved that the TAB approve the staff recommendat~on wrth the followmg addrt~on~l elements for staff evah~ation: ConstrucUng a d~vcrsion on Ladlow Limiting parking on Knox Ct. Constructing a road from Southern Hdls to Greenb~ iar Analyzing pedestri~n cross~ng opportumhes an Braadw~y Improving bikc path crossmg on Toedtl~ Pe~ forming an NTMP-likc analys~s fur traf~c mit~gat~on Making ~mprovements to the mtersechon of Hanover and'foedth Lengthening the traftic s~gn~l cycle at Greenbriar Evaluatmg traSfic mitigation m front oi New V~sta High School L~miting rigt~t turn lanes }rom Bro~dway onto Darley And other miscellaneous clements that c~hzens forward to staff. Bdl Roettker sewnded the motion. The votc was 4-1 m favor o1 the mot~on. Krista fIolland voted ~gainst the motion. Agenda Item 5- Pubhc hearmg and TAB consideration oT a recommendahon on the Arapahoe Avenue Transportat~on Network Plan. This ttem was tabled unGl the April 2004 meetmg Transporlahou Advrsory Board Summary Minu(es March 8, 2004 Page 3 Agenda Item 6- Staff briefing and TA}3 input on the s~dewalk m~ssing Imks pr~orit~zat~on methodolagy. Noreen Walsh presented die topic and discussed the weigUhng scheme created to pnor~t~ze the list of missmg sidewalks The program pays fot construct~on of tlie s~dewalks The current budget is $75K whtch is splrt between pedestnan crossmgs and s~dewalk ]mks TAB Queshons TAB quest~ons covered an explanahon of the legend and how pro~ects got on the list to begm with J~m Rettew mot~oned to suspend the rules and allow the meeting ta go past 10 p.m. Kris[a Holland seconded the mohon. The vote was 5-0 in favor ot tlie motion. Public Pa~ ticipation B~II Troianovich, 3501 Kirkwood PI., Boulder, sa~d that a s~dewalk is not needed on both s~des of his street The ne~ghbors want the rural look that they've liad for 37 yeats Michacl Wmseck, 2260 Linden Ave., Boulder, sa~d that he doesn't want sidewalks m his neighborhood on Lmden between 215' St and 26°i St He sa~d it ~s not needed and he wants to try to preserve h~s mce ne~ghborhood Ehzabeth 131ack, 4340 N.131h St., Boulder, said she doesn't want s~dewalks m her ne~ghborhood and walkmg m the m~ddle of the sheet ~s okay She recommended focusmg ~mprovements on neighborhoods N~at are moie grateful Nancv Allen 3508 I{irkwood Pl., Boulder, sa~d she supports a sidewalk on one side of Kalmia because u~s a busy area and the s~dewalk ts needed Ahson Richards, 470 Univers~ty Ave., Boulder, sa~d that the methodology looks good bu[ she ~s confused about when pio~ects have a CEAP or not and how the final dec~s~on ~s made about pio~ects Walsh descnbed the process where CEAP's are requned Howard Krasnoff, 1990 Kalmiu, Boulder, queshoned whether one sidewalk would be enough along Kalrtua and said he is coi~ce~ued that hees would be removed and eiosion would occur fiom removmg a berm to conshuct a s~dewalk He also doesn't want to liave to shovel snow Mardvn B~ ieht, 2050 Kalmia, Boidder, said that she woidd l~ke to not have s~dewalks on her street EL~abeth Coker, 2215 Linden Ave., Boulder, asked the staff to look a[ the population dens~ty of the ue~ghborhoods and spend mouey on somethm~ that will benefit mo~e people TAB Discuss~on 1'l~e discusswn covered how the pro~ects would be decided if there ~s support from only one resident, rankmg of the uhl~ty of the pro~ect compared to vehicular traffic, on-street parkmg and safety as raukmg factors and how partial publ~c support will be handled Bill Roettker iecommended mcludmg a descnphon of the process so the pnULc w~ll undeistand that dec~sions aren`t final Agenda Item 7 - Mutters From Staff: • Tracy Wmfree annomiced a letter of award given to the TMP web-based pro~ect • Tracy Wmfiee amiounced a public heanng for the US 36 EIS The process is contmumg to nanow down options W mfree said [hat the coal~hon ~s keepmg an eye on Colorado Tollmg Enterpr~se to see what thev recommendnUmis are and how that w~ll ~mpact the MIS Tliere are poteuual conflicts between CDOT and RTD that the staff ~s also keepmg an eye on There are no dates set for fuhire pubhc heanngs • Tracv Wmfree gave au upd~te on tl~e c~ty counc~l reheat The TAB recerved a lot of kudos for the~r work on the TMP The council d~rected the city manager to assemble a task force to help dec~de how to ~mplement the Commumty Achon Plan Wmfree discussed the status of [lte NortUwest Comdor EIS Wmfree sa~d there is a lot of disagreement about what to do • Robin Madel remmded Bill Roettker about attendmg the new board member orientahon Matters From the Board: • ]im Rettew asked wUen the 17'~' St B~kelane Pto~act would be presented to the TAB agam Wmfree said that Hie pubLc heanng hasn't bcen set yet • Jim Rettew sa~d that he would Lke the TAB to start rev~ewmg a~rport issues Wmfree said that the airport is a busmess and achv~ty center and not a transpoi4ahon center and it ~s not cutrently withm the TAB's charter The airport h~s rts own mastei plan and the vast ma~ority of comments have to do wrth noise and operahons. . Knsta Holland asked if people check theu city emails Robm Madel sa~d that slie would send out a request about ema~ls _ Transportahon Adv~sory Board Swnmary Murutes March 8, 2004 Page 4 8- Discussion of Futnre Agenda and The next regular meetmg will be on Apnl 12, 2004 Agenda Item 9 - Adjournment John Taver made a motion to adjourn. Jim Ret[ew seconded the motion. 'I'he vote was 5-0 in favor of thc motion. Tlie meetmg was ad~oumed at 11 ] 0 p m Date, Timc, and Locution of Next Meeting: ^ Apul 12, 2004, 6 00 p m Transportation Advisory Board regular meetmg, Mumcipal Buildmg Counc~l Mmutes a~roved on-, ~ //~~ ~ By Transpoilahon Adv~sory Board Surronary Mtnutes March 8, 2004 Puge S