5 - Consideration of a recommendation on the Arapahoe Avenue Transportation Network Plan C I T Y O F B O U L D E R TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY BOARD AGENDA ITEM MEETING DATE: March 8, 2004 AGENDA TITLE: Public hearing and consideration of a recommendation to City Council on the East Arapahoe Transportation Network Plan PRESENTER/S: Michael Gardner-Sweeney, Transportation Planning and Operations Coordinator Bob Whitson, Transportation Planner Stephany Westhusin, Transportation Project Management Coordinator PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to allow TAB to: Review the East Arapahoe Transportation Network Plan, Hear a presentation from staff on the East Arapahoe TNP’s content and the process in which it was developed, Hear public comment on the East Arapahoe TNP, and Provide a recommendation on the East Arapahoe TNP BACKGROUND: The East Arapahoe Transportation Network Plan (East Arapahoe TNP) is a map-based multi- modal transportation plan that defines the desired future transportation system in the East rd Arapahoe Corridor from 33 Street east to Westview Drive. The corridor area extends approximately 1/3 of a mile to the north and approximately 1/3 of a mile to the south of Arapahoe Avenue. The west end of the corridor overlaps with the eastern edge of the Boulder Valley Regional Center Transportation Connections Plan area. The planned transportation connections are consistent across this plan area boundary. The East Arapahoe TNP document is centered on a detailed map-based network plan and includes goals, objectives, policies, design parameters, and implementation guidelines, including an Action Plan. The detailed Action Plan attached to the East Arapahoe TNP defines specific steps for implementation and will be updated periodically by Transportation staff. This approach to planning the future transportation system needs in the Arapahoe corridor is modeled after the th North 28 Street Transportation Network Plan, approved by City Council on December 11, 2001, and the BVRC Transportation Connections Plan, approved by City Council on October 15, 2002. East Arapahoe Transportation Network Plan 1 AGENDA ITEM#_____ Page____ Transportation Advisory Board Memorandum DESCRIPTION OF COMPONENTS OF THE PLAN: A COMPREHENSIVE MAP is included as Figure 1 for the entire area. It is supported by Figure 2 which provides a key to the super block division and delineates the TNP boundary. Figures 3 through 7 show a more detailed view of each “super block” within the area. These maps detail the existing and proposed transportation network facilities for the East Arapahoe TNP area for all modes of travel. Transit, pedestrian, bicycle, and roadway connections are all illustrated. The map and/or the associated text in the TNP document specify the intended flexibility when making the recommended connections. Goals and objectives of the East Arapahoe TNP are geared toward implementation and detail the ultimate target of the Plan as well as the capital improvements, policies, development review guidance and planning activities that will be necessary. The goals and objectives are included on pages 2 and 3 of the East Arapahoe TNP. Policies to support the East Arapahoe TNP are included in Section 4 of the document. These policies specify the importance of making the recommended connections, detail the specific flexibility intended when making a specific connection and require the coordination with other plans and programs in Boulder, including the Boulder Valley Transportation Master Plan, the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan, the Greenways Program and Master Plan, and the Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks Program. (See pages 5 through 9) Design parameters to support the East Arapahoe TNP have been included in Section 5 of the document (page 10). They address minimum transportation facility cross-sections, and acknowledge special considerations when pathways are on Open Space and Mountain Parks property. Implementation of the Transportation Network Plan is discussed in more detail in Section 6 of the document (pages 11 through 13) with topics including development or redevelopment triggers, near- term projects the city is undertaking in the TNP area, the Action Plan (included with the document as Attachment A and containing a detailed “To Do” list to aid in Plan implementation), and the Plan Amendment Process. PLAN DEVELOPMENT AND REVIEW PROCESS: The East Arapahoe TNP was developed with the help of a Task Force created to review staff’s proposal for multi-modal improvements in the Arapahoe Avenue corridor. The ATNP Task Force includes business owners, property owners, and residents of the area; a representative from the Boulder Bicycle Commuters, Boulder Community Hospital, the Jewish Center, CU, Boulder County, RTD, the Boulder Valley School District, and CDOT. The Task Force has 23 members, and is supported by a project team consisting of consultants and city staff. Four Task Force meetings have been held to date. The first two meetings of the Task Force also included review of the BVRC Transportation Connections Plan which has since been adopted by City Council. The East Arapahoe TNP map has been reviewed in detail by Transportation, Planning, Development Review, and Open Space and Mountain Parks staffs. Staff provided an East Arapahoe Transportation Network Plan 2 AGENDA ITEM#_____ Page____ Transportation Advisory Board Memorandum informational update to the Transportation Advisory Board on February 10, 2003. On August 11, 2003, staff presented the East Arapahoe Transportation Network Plan to the Transportation Advisory Board to get TAB’s comments and requested a recommendation to City Council. That meeting included a public hearing, after which TAB voted unanimously to recommend Council adoption of the East Arapahoe TNP. After the August 11, 2003 TAB meeting, but before the TNP was presented to Planning Board, staff became aware of a request by property owners in the corridor to have more input into the plan development process. At this point, staff suspended the formal review process to allow property owners to have more input. An Open House was held on December10, 2003 at the new hospital facility in the corridor to give residents, business owners, and property owners a chance to review and comment on the TNP map. Over 20 people were in attendance, and numerous comments were received. Staff made the following revisions to the TNP maps and document based on those comments: thrd In two locations between 55 Street and 63 Street, new secondary roadways had been illustrated with alternative alignments A and B. In both cases, property owners requested the removal of alignment Alternative B which tended to bisect the properties, leaving only alignment Alternative A which paralleled the railroad tracks. The alignment of an east-west multi-use pathway through the Ball property was realigned to accommodate an approved development plan, and a corresponding note was added to the map. th The new secondary roadway connection between 48 Ct. and Commerce St. through the Ball property was relocated to the north edge of their property, parallel to the railroad tracks. A note was added to the map indicating that where a proposed new secondary roadway is to be located parallel and adjacent to a new multi-use pathway (such as along the south side of the railroad tracks in a few locations), then a sidewalk would not be required to be constructed between the roadway and the multi-use pathway. The text of the East Arapahoe TNP was modified to indicate that in the case of new secondary roadways, the property owner would only need to dedicate the Right-Of-Way for the curb to curb width of the roadway, and that planting strips and sidewalks could remain in easements. This was in response to property owners concerns about land dedication for public roadways and the impact it would have on development potential. The alignment of a portion of a new multi-use path on the north side of Arapahoe Ave. across from the golf course was modified to reflect property owner’s concerns, current development plans in the area, and current plans for floodway improvements. A series of follow-up meetings were held with individual property owners or their East Arapahoe Transportation Network Plan 3 AGENDA ITEM#_____ Page____ Transportation Advisory Board Memorandum representatives in January and February of 2004 to allow staff to detail the modifications that were made to the plan following the December Open House. , TAB’s original comments from the August 112003 meeting were also incorporated into this revised version of the East Arapahoe TNP, including: A new policy statement in Section 4 of the document detailing recommended coordination with RTD and the Railroad. th A new bike route was added to 48 Ct. between Arapahoe and Eisenhower Dr. The formal review process of the East Arapahoe TNP will include the following steps: On March 8, 2004, staff will present the document to TAB for public hearing and consideration of a recommendation to City Council on the East Arapahoe TNP. In March or April, 2004, staff will present the document to Planning Board for public hearing and consideration of a recommendation to City Council on the East Arapahoe TNP. In April or May, 2004, staff will present the document to City Council for public hearing, review and consideration for adoption. ANALYSIS: TAB should consider these key, flexible improvements detailed in the East Arapahoe TNP: Alternatives are laid out for transit, bike, pedestrian and vehicular connections between the major development areas, residential areas, employment areas, and along the Arapahoe Avenue corridor. Coordination with CU’s east campus redevelopment provides additional roadway, bike/pedestrian and transit access through the site, in accordance with the CU Master Plan Transit “Super Stops” along Arapahoe Avenue are placed in accordance with the Transportation Master Plan. Pathway connections in the Plan that cross Open Space property have been developed with the help of the Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks Department. Policies to support the plan: Redevelopment must connect to the surrounding transportation network. o The actual location of each connection is flexible based on parcel size. o Consolidation, coordination and sharing of driveways along arterial roadways o should be achieved upon redevelopment. Right-of-way dedication and acquisition shall occur as needed. o A minimum of one pedestrian link (in addition to the public sidewalk) between o buildings should be provided. Coordination among other policies and plans shall occur. o East Arapahoe Transportation Network Plan 4 AGENDA ITEM#_____ Page____ Transportation Advisory Board Memorandum There is no pending public review process except for that held in front of TAB, Planning Board, and Council. This East Arapahoe TNP, once adopted by City Council, will have immediate utility for developers, Development Review staff and Transportation staff. The fiscal implications of this Plan to the city will be detailed and refined as part of future updates to the Transportation Master Plan and the development of future Capital Improvement Programs which may reflect the recommendations of the East Arapahoe TNP. This, and all Transportation Connections/Network Plans, shall serve as implementation tools for the Transportation Master Plan. Transportation Division staff will be charged with periodic updates to the Action Plan component of the East Arapahoe TNP as necessary. TAB ACTION REQUESTED: Staff is requesting a public hearing and consideration of a recommendation to City Council on the East Arapahoe Transportation Network Plan. ATTACHMENTS: Draft East Arapahoe Transportation Network Plan, March 8, 2004. TAB Summary Minutes – August 11, 2003 East Arapahoe Transportation Network Plan 5 AGENDA ITEM#_____ Page____ Transportation Advisory Board Memorandum CITY OF BOULDER, COLORADO BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS MEETING SUMMARY FORM NAME OF BOARD/COMMISSION: Transportation Advisory Board DATE OF MEETING: Aug. 11, 2003 NAME/TELEPHONE OF PERSON PREPARING SUMMARY: Robin Madel, 303-441-4073 NAMES OF MEMBERS, COUNCIL, STAFF AND INVITED GUESTS PRESENT: BOARD MEMBERS –TAB: John Tayer, Jim Rettew, Brant Liebmann, Krista Holland, Bill Roettker STAFF – Mike Sweeney, Bob Whitson, Bill Fox (Fox Higgins), John Huyler (consultant), Marni Ratzel, Bill Cowern, Teresa Spears, Steve Stolz, Chris Jones, Randall Rutsch, Robin Madel, secretary WHAT TYPE OF MEETING [REGULAR] Agenda Item 1 – Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:03 p.m. Agenda Item 2 – Meeting Minutes from July 14, 2003. The minutes were approved as amended. Krista Holland pointed out that Landon Hilliard’s name was misspelled. Krista Holland motioned to approve the minutes as amended. Jim Rettew seconded the motion. The vote was 5-0 in favor of the motion. Agenda Item 3 – General Citizen Participation th Michele Bishop, 1705 Arapahoe Ave., Boulder , said she thinks the 17 St. project public meeting summaries are pretty good and she asked the TAB to consider all the opinions represented carefully. Most of the neighbors are interested in lessening the negative traffic impacts and are opposed to anything that increases traffic impacts in the th St. is at the threshold to qualify for receiving traffic mitigation neighborhood. The neighborhood at Grove and 17 devices. The proposed modifications – widening the intersections and removing parking - would require removing trees and landscaping and Bishop asked if any of the affected property owners have been contacted. Marty Crigler, 2137 Grove St., Boulder , is in the Goss-Grove neighborhood association and said she has been th St. Crigler said that some progress has been made and the staff proposal for working for years to quiet traffic on 17 thth the 17 St. project is counter to that progress. Crigler said she would like a pedestrian crossing at 17 and Grove. Parking removal would greatly impact the neighborhood which is already high density. She and the neighborhood worked so hard to get the neighborhood parking program in place and they don’t want it removed. James Feeney, Martin Acres, Boulder , said that he has been reviewing the city of Boulder code about sidewalks. The plan that the staff has for sidewalk replacement is inconsistent with the memo that the staff sent out last February. Feeney said that transportation will no longer install driveway ramps. He said he is not clear about the actions of the city council with respect to the sidewalk issue. Feeney said that he found out in the previous week that he would not get a new driveway ramp and this was the first time that he had heard that news. He is asking to have the decision reviewed. He looked at the code specifics. Feeney said he doesn’t like not having a curb ramp and there is enough width to get a one inch to one foot slope as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act. Discussion Stephany Westhusin was there to discuss the staff’s preferred driveway scenario. Westhusin said that in the memo the staff sent out, the procedure was outlined that a sidewalk of less than six feet in width with a rollover curb would be replaced with a rollover curb. This is a more pedestrian-friendly alternative. The property owner is permitted to hire their own contractor and install a driveway ramp at their own cost. Westhusin pointed out that only people with cracked sidewalks are eligible to get a new driveway in the first place. General Citizen Participation was closed. Agenda Item 4 – Public hearing and TAB recommendation on the Arapahoe Transportation Network Plan. Bob Whitson, Bill Fox and John Huyler discussed the project. Bob Whitson provided a brief background of the project. John Huyler discussed the public process involved in bringing the project to completion. Bob Whitson discussed the map with respect to proposed streets, bike underpasses, wetland concerns, open space issues especially around the railroad tracks and the definition of a transit super stop. Bill Fox discussed the policies section and the ability to amend the plan. Citizen Participation There was none. Citizen Participation was closed. The TAB members provided their input on the plan including potential lane reduction along Arapahoe. John Tayer said that he thinks it is a great, progressive step and the public process and documentation are very important. Jim Rettew motioned approval of the Arapahoe Transportation Network Plan. Transportation Advisory Board Summary Minutes August 11, 2003 1 Page Krista Holland seconded the motion. The vote was 5-0 in favor of the motion. Agenda Item 5 – Matters From Staff: th Marni Ratzel, Bill Cowern and Teresa Spears discussed the 17 St. project. Spears discussed the public process that the staff conducted. The staff has been evaluating three issues that came out of the public meetings: safety, parking issues and cost of improvements. Cowern discussed the three issues from a th non-bike perspective. Cowern discussed proposed changes at the curve of University Ave. into 17 St. and proposed traffic mitigation devices. The transportation staff has been working closely with the fire department and the police department to receive their support on proposed devices. Ratzel discussed the proposed bike improvements. Ratzel provided case studies for similar areas in the city that the staff has dealt with. The TAB asked questions and provided feedback on the issues. The TAB asked for specific information to be brought back when the issue is presented for a public hearing at the November 2003 TAB meeting. discussed the draft of the TMP Update. TAB members made specific comments about Randall Rutsch the document. The board member comments were generally positive although one board member suggested an alternative layout of the document. The TMP update will be presented for a public hearing at the September 2003 TAB meeting. Randall Rutsch briefly discussed the TIP projects which will be presented for a public hearing at the September 2003 TAB meeting. The staff had not yet received the submittal criteria but will make any necessary adjustments to the submittals when those are received on Aug. 22, 2003. thth Mike Sweeney discussed the 28-30 St. Plan that the Planning Department is working on. The item was supposed to be presented as a Matter from Staff but is being substantially revised based on input from the city council. The staff chose to present the item in a more complete form once the changes have been made. Mike Sweeney gave an update on the Transit Village. He said that the staff is proceeding with the project and will bring a substantive update to the TAB at the October 2003 meeting. Sweeney said that the property owner of the site under consideration has expressed an interest in an area that is located near the City Municipal Services Center. But that area is also slated as a site for future expansion of the Valmont Park site. The staff is working out the details with the property owner. gave an update about the Ecopass program. A compromise has been reached between the Mike Sweeney RTD staff and the stakeholders group. The neighborhood pass price will increase by 14% in 2004-5. The business pass price will increase by 13% in 2004-5. There will be some service level changes in Boulder. With increased transit service, the pass is more expensive. The areas impacted by this are along Broadway south of downtown and east of downtown north of Grove St. RTD will collect data at the fare box for two years and then will reevaluate the program. The RTD board will vote on the staff recommendation on Aug. 19, 2003. Robin Madel asked the board about changing the procedure for producing meeting minutes. The new procedure will consist of typing expanded summary minutes and posting tapes of the meetings on the Web site. The board agreed that this would be an appropriate procedure. Matters From the Board: John Tayer asked the board about the minutes from the board retreat. Krista Holland provided some input about the notes. The four board members that attended the retreat said that the minutes were accurate and all the board members agreed to abide by the minutes. asked the TAB members to choose boards and commissions within the city that the members John Tayer could do some outreach. The following is what each member decided: Holland – YOAB, WRAB; Rettew – DMC, PB; Roettker – UGID, CHAT; Liebmann – OSAB, BURA; Tayer – EAB, PRAB. Krista Holland asked about the bike awareness signage and the status of including it on the To-Do list. th Krista Holland expressed concern that the board had not addressed the 9 St. resident comments about bringing NTMP changes to their neighborhood. Mike Sweeney said that staff had already responded to the residents but the residents are asking the TAB to intervene on the issue. The board has already given an answer to the issue of proceeding with the NTMP program without funding. Sweeney said that the residents understand but don’t agree with the responses they have received from the staff and board members. Bill Roetkker asked to have a briefing from the planning staff about the Gunbarrel Community Center Plan that will be coming before the Planning Board and City Council in the fall. Transportation Advisory Board Summary Minutes August 11, 2003 2 Page Bill Roetkker said that Westcor has been meeting with civic groups about Crossroads redevelopment. Roettker said he thinks it would be useful to provide transit usage information around the corridor to the developer. Bill Roetkker said that, as a member of the Boulder County Regional Transit Committee, he was invited to a reception on Aug. 14, 2003 to celebrate the start of the US 36 Major Investment Study Environmental Impact Statement. Agenda Item 6 – Discussion of Future Meeting Agenda The Sept. 8, 2003 meeting will include public hearings regarding the TMP, TIP project submittals and the BVRC Connections Plan. Agenda Item 7 – Adjournment Jim Rettew motioned to adjourn the meeting. Krista Holland seconded the motion. The vote was 5-0 in favor of the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 9:48 p.m. Date, Time, and Location of Next Meeting: Sept, 8, 2003, 6:00 p.m. Transportation Advisory Board regular meeting, Municipal Building Council Chambers. Minutes approved on ______________ By __________________ Transportation Advisory Board Summary Minutes August 11, 2003 3 Page