Vacation located at 5035 Chaparral CourtCITY OF BOULDER CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM MEETING DATE: June 2, 2003 (Agenda Item Preparation Date: May 16, 2003) AGENDA TITLE: Introduction, first reading and consideration of a motion to order published by title only an ordinance authorizing and directing the City Manager to execute a deed of vacation, vacating approximately seven inches of a public access sidewalk easement ]ocated at 5035 Chaparral Court. Applicant: Greg and Wendy Volan, property owners REQUESTING DEPARTMENT: Planning Department Peter Pollock, Planning Director Robert O Cole, Director of Land Use Review Robert Myers, Case Manager FISCAL IMPACT: None PURPOSE: Consistent with state law, only the City Council may, by ordinance, vacate the community's interest in rights-of-way and public access easements. The City Council is asked to consider vacating seven inches of a public access sidewalk easement located at 5035 Chaparral Court. s:\plan\co-items~nemos~RA5035Chaparral.vac.CCl.doc AGENDA ITEM # Paee 1 BACKGROUND: After the commercial building at 5035 Chaparral Court was constructed in 1996, it was found to encroach by approximately seven inches into the pedestrian access easement that had been granted to the city in 1995. An existing landscaped pathway along the north and west sides of the building was built when the building was completed, providing access to city open space south of the property. The pedestrian path provides public access from Chaparral Court south to city open space and Eaton Park at the end of Nautilus Court. The building encroachment was recently discovered by the applicant. The encroachment now clouds the title to the property and has made it difficult to sell. The applicant is proposing this vacation in order to remove the encroachment. ANALYSIS: The existing building and the existing pedestrian path, existing since 1996, will not change. This small change in the width of the 15-foot access easement will remove the existing encroachment. This will clear up a technical problem with the title to the property that is creating a hardship for the property owner. The easement width will be reduced from 15 feet to approximately 14 feet 5 inches (14.4 feet) at the northeast corner of the building. The proposed vacation approved by staff is the minimum amount necessary to remove the encroachment. The area to be vacated includes only those inches of the easement now "under" the building. City Council adopted the following guidelines for the vacation of public-rights-of-way and public access easements in Section 8-6-9, B.R.C., 1981. It is presumed that easements or rights-of-way were originally acquired or dedicated for a valid purpose. Applicants seeking to vacate saidportions ofproperties bear the burden to show that the change is not contrary to the public interest. This proposed vacation will remove approximately 7 inches on the south side of the easement in order to remove an existing building encroachment into the easement. The existing sidewalk within the easement and the existing building will remain unchanged. This change will eliminate the small encroachment. The existing sidewalk and 15-foot easement will not be negatively impacted by this minor change. 2. All agencies and departments having a conceivable interest in the easement or right- of-way must indicate that no need exists, either at the present or conceivable in the future, to retain the property as an easement or right-of-way, either for its original purpose or for some public purpose. RA5035Chaparral.vaaCC1 AGENDA ITEM # Pase 2 City staff, Qwest, Comcast and Xcel Energy have reviewed the proposed vacation and indicated that they have no present or future interest in this 7-inch portion of the access easement proposed for vacation. 3. The applicant must demonstrate, consistent with the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan and the city's Land Use Regulations, either: a) that failure to vacate an existing right-of-way ar easement on the property would cause substantial hardship to the use of the property consistent with the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan and the city's Land Use Regulations; or The owners will be able to remove an existing encroachment, thereby clearing title to the proparty. Without the vacation, the encroachment now clouds the title to the property. b) that the vacation of the easement or right-of-way would actually provide a greater public benefit than retaining the property in its present status. NEIGHBORHOOD COMMENT: Public notice of the vacation was sent to all property owners within 600 feet of the proposed vacation. Staff has received no inquires concerning the requested vacations. In addition to the mailed public notice, City Council agendas are published in the News From City Hall section of the Sunday Camera newspaper prior to any Council action. PLANNING BOARD: This item was referred to the Planning Board at its meeting on May 29, 2003 in conformance with Section 79 of the City of Boulder Charter. Approved By: Frank W. Bruno City Manager RA5035Chaparral.vac.CC1 AGENDA ITEM # Pase 3 ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A: Vicinity Map Attachment B: Vacation Location Map Attachment C: Building and Path Attachment D: Area to be Vacated Attachment E: Vacation Ordinance and Deed of Vacation VICINITY MAP ATTACHMENT A ~ ~\ ` ~ S r ;_, e~ ~ ~~ i ~ c.-u ~ ~~ 1 ~ ,;~ ~,a ~' '+ ~ iI ~ ~k ~!~ ~ ~r~ I ~ . ~ r ~Ti ~ ~ ;..1 ~"' ~~7 rv ~~ 7 ~ ~.~ . ~~~I ~, 4n~+- - _ _ ~ ~ •\::.: ~~ E~i 7 I.~~~~~~u ~ ~ ~ C~ ~ _ ~ ; ~~ LEGEND ¢ ~uildingFootpnnts ~Ivn Rnads N:\rtcrial Nl ligh~vny Street Conredinc< '~ tiun'cy Polygnns ::._f I.akes O (Tcneahip Parecls O Cin~ I.i`ni~s ~ ~ ~ ~~ti ~ ~ ~,~ ~ N 3~ ~ MapLink Ciry of Boulder GIS 9he mfam+mon depined on ~his map is pmrNcJ u grnphinl rmmmnnon only. ~m~ c~y ~t xwiae~ ~o.~a~ ~~.~,R,~a. e yrrsseJ nr impLnl, ~u m ~he ucvnry ~anJ/or cnmple~eness nl ~he mimm~non neJ h.re nt ry LEGAI. DESCRIPTION {provided by CommonweaRh Land Title Insurance Company) LOT 4, TRACT E, FIRST REPLNT, THE PLAT OF WHICH IS RECORDED IN PLAN FILE P-13, F-1, N0. 27, COUNTY OF BOU~~ER, STATE OF COLORADO VACATION LOCATION 0 0 O ~ ~ LOT 5 ` I , IV89'52'00"W 104.11' ~, 15' ESMT (FI ~C. N0. 1554114) ~s. A,VEL WALK , . ~ ~ ~. .. 73.3' -- .: TWO STORY CEMENT •`' ~ COMMERCIAL BUIL~ING o ~,..: 0 oI o ~. ~; ~.. U ~.O ~U a 0 !~~ ~ w. ~ e ATTACHMENT B FND MS REBAR NO CAP (DISTURBE~) }\ ~s `~ ~Q ~ c. ~ ,~r ~~/r. ~~j f \\TJ . ~ ~ I ~ I ~ ~I I il ~ 5~ ~ ~ I .i I ~ '~---~- n.o' ° • ~ N ~' I p ~ ~Y' s2.a' y ~ ~ BRItK I LOT 4 .5'rHl. PARKINGI _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ ~ I ~ 25' EASEMENT (REC. N0. 22b8251) I . ~ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ` - ` _ _ ~ .. ~ 12' EASEMENT (PLAT) ~~OPti V~ ~ FP~P ~GO~ ~ \ 1~~~'~ ,. I ~. ~ . o = o a ~ ~ a I ti ~ 0 I ~ I ~ w I ~ ~ ~ ~ p ~: N _---•{ ' ^. a ~ IIe '~ w ~ LOT 3 ~ I •~• W ~ • N I I.iI ~ •' a~ r i - vr~io~ k°s Reena ~ N89'52~~~~~W ~ FJ7.~~ UTILITY POLE W/ PLASTIC CAP ~sp ~ata2 Notes: 1-COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE COMMITMENT N0. K132648 WAS ENTi.ELY RELIED UPON FOR EASEMENTS OF RECORD NOT SHOWN BY THE PLAT. 2~-AN IMPROVFMENT SURVE'( PLAT IS RECOMMENDED TO DEPICT MORE PRECISELY THE LOCATIONS OF THE IMPROVEldENTS SHOWN FIEREON. ' 3-THE BUILDING EXTENDS IIJTO THE NORTHERLY EASEMENT AS SHOWNjHc'~~.cON. `,i,~i~~~~~~~3~.~~ , 4-THE WESTERLY BUILDING LINE IS MORE OR LESS ON THE EASEMENS',L~E. ',~~;~1, `t,. ~a~~,r~ r•r, ~ ' ? 1 'i. 1;1 f ° ~ n.'. .. \ , .. ' +;.,~ ~ Ja:?,.. ~~:':*'. ,.... ,,.__, .. --- www.Flotsu~v.com 5035 CHAPARRAL COUR7 _ _"~F`~~Y•~~f-~~~. - _ ~- ;~~~~ .n-.~:=:-. _> - h =.p>. ~ _ . . - - ~_ ~~ i -'... +~~ _. ' ' ~ = ~ ~ .~ ' . - . y ~ ~ . _ _ '"~r ~ ~_Y~ ~ ~_ . ~ _ - ` " `""~ - ' - - - - - . __ _ ~ e_ -~-, ~ '' ' _ YF~ - _ . . ~ . - ''-~:' - . . ' " { ' -wr. . _-. ~~~:'. - - . _ _ - _ ___ _ - __--z-~. ,~. s.'~ ~.c. -- ' ' ~-.a _ - " c~-"--~-- - ~ _- .- - _ _ . ~ .~~.y,..,._•.. - _~ `.. ~ ~" ~ . . . ,.. Z i - . ~ _- ~vfi _ ~ i ~ . ' - - . .. ~ _ . . ~ ~ _. . ; _ _ ' ' w~ - ~ ~~ ~.AI`:°•-_~ • _ _' ~ _ - - ~ ~ ~~'F~ ~ =~:Ca' _ r -; _ "'. • s i `~, ; • ,~ _ _ ~ = a t _ S a `~~ ~ ~ ~ - ~_, . i ._ , ~-. 3y.r. . ' - ~ • ' ~ .` .~~ "" ~ 4~ ~ ~~ 15' EASEMENT ~ - ~ ~ y_ --~,~ ~, ~ ~ - . ~ *r- .n~ ~ ;~ ~ ~. ~~~ ~ _~~~~ ~. . . ~ ~ -- , _ LINE OF BUILDING LINE OF EASEMENT ATTACHMENT D to be Vacated ~ 0 ~ 0 0 N ~ ~ ~ Z ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ` TWO STORY CEMEN7 COMMEftCIAL BUtLDING EXHIBIT EXISTING BUILDING ENCROACHM=NT INTO ACCESS EASEMENT LOCATED IN LOT 4, TRACT E, FIRST REPLAT, COUNTY OF BOULDER, STATE OF COLORADO. SHEE7 1 OF 1 SCALE: 1 "=10' ~«q ~'.. „ . ~ i iqi Ir `~i: ~~1-'1~~.~'.i . , . ~j~ 41 ~~ .n ~i 1`? ~ O 'f' ~1-\`1'•. ' '~ A •,',F~~• _ ~} ~ _ _~^ ~~( ~ ~~ifj~ .'•~~~11 ~ 1 vi ~` ~~ U V~ / •}~ \ ~ - -....~ri. t C~oJ`dradq~P;l~~S.,~16~Oj'i ~~{` b No. 03-41,736e2i J l(ilgrJ$~~~A "1~-~r ~U LAT' OR IMPROVEIAENT SURVEY PLAY'~J/Jlp. ~1115'~ OT INTEN~ED FOR PURPOSES OF TRANSFER'~N7' UBDIO1510N5 OF LANO. 1H15 EXHIBIT IS MTENDED TO DEPICT TIE RCCOMPANYINC PARCEL i6~ ESMT OESCRIP110N5. RECORD INFORMAlION SHOWN MEflEON IS BASED ~P~AT~ ON TITLE DOCUMENTS PROVi~ED BY CLIENT. Flu,tirons NW COR, Sz~rveying, Inc. LOT 4 SBOULOERP CO 80J03 PNONE.• (JOJ) 443-7001 , FAR: (J03) 443-9BJ0 www.0afsurv.com I `_ 15' ESMT (FILM 2082 ~ REC. N0. 1554114) , I ATTACHMENT E ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A DEED OF VACATION, VACATING A PORTION OF A PUBLIC ACCESS EASEMENT IN LOT 4,TRACT E, FIRST REPLAT, CITY OF BOULDER, STATE OF COLORADO AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN RELATION THERETO. WHEREAS, Greg and Wendy Volan, the owners of the property located at 5035 Chaparral Court, have requested that the City of Boulder vacate approximately seven inches of a public access sidewalk easement located on the northern portion of the property, as described in Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, the City Council is of the opinion that the requested vacation is in the public interest as said easement is no longer necessary for the public use. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOULDER,COLORADO,THAT: Section 1. The City Manager is hereby authorized to execute the deed of vacation for said access easement; and Section 2. This ordinance is necessary to protect the public health, safety, and welfare of the residents of the city, and covers matters of local concern; and Section 4. The council deems it appropriate that this ordinance be published by title only and orders that copies of this ordinance be made available in the office of the city clerk for public inspection and acquisition. INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READING, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED BY TITLE ONLY this 2nd day of June, 2003. Mayor Attest: Director of Finance & Record Ex-officio City Clerk READ ON SECOND READING, PASSED, ADOPTED, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED BY TITL~ ONLY this day of , 2003. Mayor Attest: Director of Finance & Record Ex-officio City Clerk EXHIBIT: A. Deed of Vacation: Public Access Easement Exhibit A DEED OF VACATION (Public Access Easement) The City of Boulder, Colorado does hereby vacate and release to adjacent property owners, in the manner prescribed by Section 43-2-302 C.R.S., a small portion of a public access easement located at 5035 Chaparral Court, Lot 4, Tract E, First Replat, City of Boulder, State of Colorado mare particularly described in the attached Exhibit "A", The above vacation and release of said public access easement shall extend only to the access easement specifically vacated. The within vacation is not to be construed as vacating any other rights-of-way or easements or cross-easements lying within the description of the vacated access easement as set forth on the attached Exhibit "A". Executed this day of , 2003, by the City Manager after having received authorization therefor from the City Council, pursuant to Ordinance # adopted by the City Council of the City of Boulder, Colorado. CITY OF BOULDER, COLORADO BY: Frank W. Bruno City Manager ATTEST: Director of Finance & Record Ex-officio City Clerk Exhibit "A" Sheet 1 of 2 VACATED EASEMENT DESCRIPTION: A PORTION OF LOT 4, TRACT E, FII2ST REPLAT, THE PLAT OF WHICH IS RECORDED li\ THE PLA:~ FII.,E P-13, F-1, NO. 27, COUNTY OF BOULDER, STATE OF COLORADO, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMVIENCL~'G AT THE NORTH~VEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 4; THENCE SOUTH 00° 17'00" EAST, ALONG THE `VESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 4, A DISTANCE OF 1~.10 FEET; THENCE Iv'ORTH 89°43'00" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 16 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST BUII.DING CORNER, SAID CORNER ALSO BEING THE POL~;T OF BEGINNL\TG; THEIv'CE Iv'ORTH 89°40'29" EAST, ALONG THE NORTH WALL OF SAID Bi ]II.DING, A DISTANCE OF 73.30 FEbT TO THE NORTHEAST BUII.DLNG CORNER; THENCE SOUTH 00° 19'31" EAST, ALONG THE EAST WALL OF SAID BUII,DING, A DISTANCE OF 0.60 FEET, TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF A 15 FOOT EASEMENT (RECEPTION NO. 1554114); THENCE NORTH 89°53'00" WEST, ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE OF EASEMENT, A DISTANCE OF 73.30 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; CONTAINING 22.06 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. B. ~~o. ~Q REGi"y:%, ~~• ~~. ..~ SrF~''•. ~Gp'"a"~,,F'~1C: ~~< "1;.'~~. r •' .• . , ,~~`~.. c, o ~ `~ , _ _ ~~~ ~~ff~, +~s_ ., ~~ `° ~ \'L D~ ~fUyL01~ do'. ~..°~~' `LC a~ P.L.S.~bJ,`~••. .••'b~`r ~'~'SI Job No. 03-41,736e ''7~,.. C LAN~ ~~.~ ~t O ~ O O N ~ m ~ Z NW COR, LOT 4 POINT OF COMMENCEMENT i `_ 15' ESMT (FILM 2082 I REC. N0. 1554114) ~ ~ S00'19' 31 "E 0.60' PoRnoN oF EASEMEN7 TO BE VACATED p ~ O ~+) ~ M r~j ' M r~r W ~ ~ N~ O O~ N ~ 1 ~ ~i ~ ~ ~ ~ Z~ Z TWO STORY CEMENT COMMERCIAL 6UILDING t \ ~ S00'17'00"E 15.10' POINT OF BEGINNING w ~ ~ 16' ESMT ~ ~ (PLAT) m ~ z EXHIBIT VACATION OF EASEMENT LOCATEG IN LOT 4, TRACT E, FIRS7 REPLAT, COUNTY OF BOULDER, STATE OF COLORADO. SHEET 2 OF 2 ~~~ / _ - SCALE: 1 "=10' ,~~oQPp6• •R^ ~sl~: '<<, c`,'; ,~~~, ~;' ~~ i y~o"'' ~ F .' ~, . `l:v\\~i ~:ii ~~ "._~~'\~t7 e. }c~pp,i~pn uarp.i','~ ~doaj?`.Id:~•,~16406,F54~qLi No. 03-41,736ei ~, - -~ ;. ~~? I.. : i+~1 t1 ; r.: "'v~„~.,nr,~rrSU~~''~ ~ iH15 IS NOT A'LAND SVpVEY PLAT' OR IMPPOVEMENT SURVEY PLAY AND iN15 E%HIBIT IS NOT INTENDE~ f'OR PURPOSES OF iflANSFER OF T7LE OR SUBDMSIONS OF LAN~. 1HI5 E%HIBIT IS INTENOED TO DEPICT iHE ACCOA1PANtlNG PARCEL OESCqIPl10N5. RECOR~ INiORMAlION SHOWN HEREON IS 9RSED ON 11AE OOCUMENTS PFON~ED BY CLIENT. Flattirons Surveying, I~n,c. 5717 ARAPAHOE ROAO BOULDEF, CO 80JOJ PHONE: (JOJ) 447-7001 FAX; (70J) 44J-98J0 www.Ilafsvrecom